Review: Logitech ChillStream Actively Cooled Gamepad
Posted by Donster on: 2008-01-24 15:51:12 535
Article by: Nathan Glentworth @ TweakNews
Every gamer has experienced it. You are playing a marathon session of your favorite game, the playing is intense and you concentration is at a level makes your tongue stick out the side of your mouth like a toddler. Every level change or your player death has you wiping your hands anxiously on your pants whenever the possibility comes up. Admit it, it gets tiring doesn't it. Wiping once or twice a minute so you can at least keep your desperate grasp on your controller so you can hand you opponents ass to him on a silver platter.
Thankfully, there might be a solution to your sweaty palms. For a while, Logitech has had their ventilated computer gamepad controller on the market and we got our hands on a sample to see if it does the job it is intended to do, or is it more of a gimmick.
Read The Review Here
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