Peacebreakers Announced - Screens & Movie
Posted by Donster on: 2006-08-28 14:21:26 735
Thanks Blue's News
JoWooD Productions announces Peacebreakers, an upcoming episodic mercenary-themed episodic action game from L'Art due to premiere in July 2007. The first screenshots and the GC movie from the game are also available, here's word:
PEACEBREAKERS is an ironic mercenary/military action game, with its own, unique features, storyline and style. Set in the very near future, you step in the shoes of a freaked out mercenary team, whose members each have their own abilities, equipment and a screw loose.
Delivered in episodic format, PEACEBREAKERS takes the "Episodic Content" seriously; adapting the concept seen in various TV series by focusing on a strong, crazy story-line, interesting and funny characters. Features include crazy vehicle modifications, fun and competitive mini games, TV-style into videos and cut-scenes and extensive multiplayer modes.
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