Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Preview
Posted by Donster on: 2011-07-06 16:35:28 365
Stalin for time.

By Quintin Smith @ Eurogamer

Every first-time player of über-gritty World War 2 multiplayer FPS Red Orchestra must undergo as rude an awakening as you're likely to find in gaming.

It works a little something like this: You pick a map with a sinister name that might be funny in a different light, like Krivoi Rog or Ogledow. You pick your side, either the Germans or the Russians, seeing as Red Orchestra exclusively covers the Eastern Front. When given a choice of class, you pick either the heavy machine gunner or the Assault class, with its punchy little sub-machine gun. You turn up your headphones. Here we go!

You spawn in a shelled and shattered cityscape where all is silence. Your survival instincts, having been blunted by years of ordinary FPS games, send you lurching off across the landscape like some 20th century rambler riding the ginger beer high of a lifetime. Perhaps in the distance you see a figure disappearing behind some crushed building or tumbledown spider web of wrought iron, and you let off a cacophonous clatter of bullets from your gun. Perhaps you don't.

All of a sudden your view will lurch upwards as if jerked by a wire, and you'll hear a single, distant gunshot.

"Hi!" you can almost hear the game saying in the booming echo. "Didn't see you there." And only then will you realise that you've been shot and killed.

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