AI War: Fleet Command Review
Posted by Donster on: 2009-07-28 19:08:04 1511
Arcen Games asks you, “Would you like to play a game?” Chris Beck gives you the answer.
Author: Christopher Beck @ The Wargamer
Ah, the rogue AI. With chilling names like Hal, Skynet, SHODAN and the less fear-inducing WOPR, super-intelligent, homicidal computers have become a staple in modern science fiction. Often these stories detail the insidious growth of the AI, which begins as a modest and unassuming processing routine, and soon spreads like a virus, snaking its electronic tendrils into all available information centers until its mastery over the human race is assured. Arcen Games, however, provides an interesting twist to this formula in the new game, AI War by supposing – what if the AI has already won? What if the AI, having pushed humanity to the very edge of the universe and the brink of extinction, now rests on its electronic laurels as unchallenged master of space? What if it is humanity that has to start as an insidious and meager force, slowly growing into a locust-swarm to recapture systems one wormhole at a time? How would humanity survive? As the player in AI War, it is up to you to answer these questions.
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