Manifesto: the Perfect Fast Jet Combat Sim or: The Project I Would Like to Bankroll if I Won The
or: Why Falcon3 Gold with 3D Accelerator Support, Modern
Networking and a New Flight Model would Sell a Million
Copies, Just Like That!!
Click the image for a larger shot..
In the following, all trademarks used or abused are the
property of their respective owners. The opinions expressed
here are those of the author alone and may or may not
relate to any lasting reality or lack thereof.
The original purpose in writing this was to specify
requirements for the perfect fast jet combat sim, or at
least my view thereof. The result is more likely a plea to
the sim development community to provide more of what we
enjoy and explain why some sims just leave sim fans
frustrated over wasted potential.
It was not my intent to be provocative with the
requirements or the transgressions beyond requirements that
have crept in here. However, given how much passion there
is in the hardcore flight sim community, it's clear
everyone will find something to take issue with in what
follows. If you have the stamina and can spend the time to
read the entire work, I ask only that you consider
incorporating an idea or two into your views on flight sim
technology. Drop me an email: I'd love to hear what
features you yearn for that aren't covered here.
Create a multiplayer simulation that draws the
participants in to the pilot's eye view of operational
tactical aviation squadron level experience.
Concentrate on the flying aspects and simulate the
training and operational flying that a squadron would
perform together. Emphasize two ship operation as the
fundamental building block for strike package set up.
Provide "peacetime" training, simulating single mission
style training analogous to the syllabus used in air force
training. Provide Red Flag style Mission Employment phase
experience as an advanced training tool.
Provide a "wartime" theatre level back drop for
squadron level operations in the context of a broader
scenario. Make the start conditions somewhat configurable
to give a variety to separate campaigns in the same theatre
(or provide more than one!) Provide a competitive edge to
the sim experience to encourage pilots to be bold but
reward real world tactics over virtual-immortality-born
Most Important Aspects of the Sim:
Beyond the broad strokes of the general objective there is
potentially a long list of simulated elements that could
make up the perfect sim: whenever you get sim pilots
talking about their toys, conversations like "if only we
had a sim that combined the flight model from A and the
graphics from B..." and so it goes on.
Your own list may vary, but the following is one view of
the top ten list of features that a sim trying to satisfy
the above objectives might provide. If you're still reading
this, then some of what follows will probably strike a
When you are allowed to say "this is the ideal" of course
all of the above are important so "priority list" is a bit
of a misnomer. Rather, the above really represents the
order in which the elements of a perfect sim must come
together. They sort of follow the order of events that
would take place if you were coming to a new sim of the
tactical aviation environment: you learn the ropes solo and
graduate to the main event: multiplayer campaign play!
In each case there is probably a break-even point beyond
which greater perfection would not add much to the overall
product. For example, modelling the avionics to the point
where a pilot must run four or five checklists of things
just to get the engine started (as in real life) is
interesting but probably overkill for all but the most
demanding sim fans. Nevertheless there are also thresholds
below which a perfect sim (or one approximating the
impossible ideal) cannot afford to fall.
Finding this balance while providing some of each of the
above is the essence of the perfect sim. Every sim nut has
their own idea for where this balance should be so the best
we can hope for is a developer that hits the mark for many
of us in most of the categories.
The sections that follow take the above elements and try to
describe a threshold that the perfect sim must cross,
together with some ideas on how to exceed the minimum and
really bring a smile to a sim pilot's face.
Airframe selection:
Strike fighters are the only way to go if a single aircraft
is all that is planned. This gives the choice of air to air
(A-A) as well as air to ground (A-G) for training and
campaign scenarios. Like the DoD, we value flexibility from
the airframe to maximise investment [footnote: that
investment in this case refers not only to dollar value but
also to the extensive quantities of time that simmers
invest to learn complicated new sim interfaces].
For preference, consider current generation western
equipment in or near service. This gives developers a
chance of getting good levels of information which is
likely to lead to accurate sims. [footnote: Thus, F-16C/D,
F-18C/D, F-15E are excellent candidates in service while
the F-18E/F, EFA or Rafale are probably the best choices
from the soon-to-fly category. F-22 advocates: call again
when the Air Force starts flying the "E" model; JAST
advocates: it's too far out there to think we'd get a good
"simulation" at this stage]
More flexibility again is offered if a sim supplies more
than one airframe to fly. This is probably in the above
threshold category though.
USNF series did this wrong where the Falcon3 series did it
right. Here we're talking about detailed simulation of more
than one plane that forces pilots to fly to the strengths
of each to extract the best performance. Now if the sim
also offers multiplayer adversarial campaign and mission
planning as well, we're approaching that perfection icon.
footnote: Think of the Mig-29 or Su-27 and their
derivatives as perfect foils for NATO strike fighters.
Su-27, Tornado and EF2000 have all proved that you don't
have to start with US equipment to be successful -- if
that's what is chosen simply take the list of US planes as
the adversary aircraft request list!]
Flight model:
This is one of the most subjectively judged and yet most
critical components in a good flight sim. The aim must be for
a feel that makes people believe they are flying a fast jet.
A lot has been written about the absolute accuracy of
various flight models but in truth the threshold value for
this category is quite low compared to some of the other
aspects of a good sim.
For example, consider Falcon3's flight "complex" and hi-fi
models. Both have some severe defects when you look at
realistic F-16 performance; start with sustained 9G turns
in complex and the odd model change between 250-300kts in
hi-fi for example. And yet, in their day Falcon3's flight
models were not only state of the art, but also more to the
point were touted by many fans as being the ones to beat.
Now the state of the art has moved on considerably and
expectations have raised the bar right along with the art.
Nevertheless the threshold value is well within reach with
current offerings. Su-27 offers probably the best high
fidelity flight model in a fast jet sim today. However,
EF2000 and Hornet3.0 both demonstrate that lesser fidelity
can result in a flight model good enough to provide the all
important suspension of disbelief.
Make no mistake, however, a sim that doesn't attempt to
flight model angle of attack performance in such a way as
to require pilots to think about and profit from efficient
use of energy management falls well below the threshold.
Another contentious category relates to the look of a
sim. Some say photo realistic or bust. For the ideal sim,
you'd be forced to agree but realistically, the aim for
developers today must be a little lower.
Su-27's detailed object model and sparse terrain detail has
many fans. Indeed this approach brings considerable
benefits in frame rate, especially on lower speed systems.
In fact, for the perfect sim, frame rate is probably the
most important criteria in the area of graphics.
Once you've flown a sim, with a flight model (one that
meets the threshold described above of course) that
delivers 25+ frames per second you will never want to fly
anything else again. The improved sense of fluidity and
control over more choppy presentations is extraordinary.
For the prefect sim then, high frame rate is a must. That
is not to say though that a little eye candy is not going
to be in the mix. Recent work on dedicated hardware
accelerators shows that graphics like those in Flight
Unlimited or EF2000 v2.0 are a realistic expectation. As a
result, the frame rate criteria and graphic detail levels
exemplified by EF2000 v2.0 must now be considered the
threshold for graphics.
The other aspect that still eludes us at present is the
true sense of speed that accompanies fast jet flight at low
altitude across country. Graphics are key to this sensation
since it is visual perception that must provide the clues
for sim pilots. Sound can help but there's no substitute
for sufficient ground detail to allow you to resolve
details that you can relate to scale as you fly by. Current
generation sims mostly offer what amounts to a lunar
landscape outside of modeled areas such as citys or
airports; there's just nothing to calibrate your sense of
scale to out there so how can you "feel" the speed?? This
would rank high on the desired list of graphic trompe
l'oeil that would grace the perfect sim.
Cockpits, Padlocks and Multiple Displays
Of course the other dimension of graphics and display work
is their presentation in the simulation. Here there are a
couple of key items that define the threshold: cockpit
views and padlocks.
For cockpit views, the Warbirds-style fixed viewing system
seems to have more fans than "virtual cockpit"
implementations where you can pan around the view field. I
suspect that if we had VR glasses that had high resolution
and very low latency (and current generation products fall
well short in both of these) then tying into a scrolling
virtual cockpit makes sense. Until that time, consider the
Warbirds-style viewing system the threshold.
The place where scrolling views come into their own with
today's display technology is in padlock views. The entry
level for this criterion is a padlock that can visually
track a target locked by the radar. The threshold goes
beyond this though and requires that padlock locks can
track targets in visual range, and this should include
enemy, wingmen and inbound missiles as well. The padlock
must also be independent of radar locks.
Depending on your personal tastes, the padlocks in Su-27
and EF2000 represent the state of the art today. SU-27 is
touted as more realistic, given limits on field of view,
and considerable mechanical intervention required to switch
between padlock targets). Arguably EF2000 provides more
unrealistic tools that at the same time provide virtual
pilots easier tools to manage situational awareness (SA) in
a furball.
For the perfect sim, some combination of properties is the
likely winner: the ability of EF2000's padlock to lock and
switch visual targets instantly; EF2000's ability to track
wingmen and missiles as well as bogeys; SU-27's more
realistic fields of view; helmet-mounted display style
overlay from EF2000 or SU-27. Without some padlock of this
flavour, the 2D nature of computer displays will continue
to limit your ability to keep SA high.
And while we're on the subject, there's another axis for
graphic improvement that has yet to be much explored in
sims. Back to Bagdad gave the lucky few a taste of what
it's like to use a sim with more than one monitor. Broken
down old mono monitors and Hercules cards were pretty
scarce there for a while. For the perfect sim, new tools
are on the horizon: win95 will support more than one
display in the next "Memphis" release. Besides that, many
3DFX owners are wondering what their state-of-the-art SVGA
cards are doing while all that eye candy is getting drawn
by the VooDoo boards. Additional hardware standards are
also in the wings for this feature.
For the perfect sim then, multiple display support would be
nice to have to allow such things as additional views on
hand or MFDs for quick glance access; dare one say
do-it-yourself virtual cockpits??
[footnote: for those that haven't seen a 1st generation
VooDoo board up close, it's a separate PCI card that you
plug in beside your SVGA card; the SVGA output has a short
cable that feeds back into the VooDoo board which in turn
has a normal output to the monitor. Now there's nothing to
stop you plugging one monitor into the SVGA card and a
separate monitor (if you had one) into the VooDoo board
instead to give you two displays. It's not clear why a sim
that continues to write to the SVGA card even after
starting to draw on the VooDoo frame buffer could not show
interesting things on both screens; since no one seems to
have done it yet though and it seems so obvious a thing to
try, perhaps there are limitations.]
This is an area that can make a tremendous difference
and also is perhaps the area that could be most difficult to
cover completely in a sim. Here a sim must cover sensors,
displays, controls of all sorts and also communications with
the rest of the simulated world.
Several sims have set the threshold for "hardcore"
simulation of sensors, mostly meaning radar and threat
displays. Falcon3's venerable hi-fi A-A radar mode started
it, Su-27, Back to Bagdad and Hornet3.0 have brought it
more up to date and EF2000 added a touch of the
AWACS/JSTARS magic to the mix.
In short then, radar support for separate target search,
track while scan and short range ACM type modes must now be
a given. Ground mapping radar to track both fixed and
moving targets are not unreasonable expectations. A
reasonable facsimile of synthetic aperture radar should
also be within reach of current sim technology.
Since AWACS and JSTARS (just) were both operational and
heavily used in Desert Storm, these too are reasonable
requests for the avionics threshold; combining these into
JTIDS display may be a bit of reach for accuracy given that
some of the requested airframes don't have this in the
field yet but anyone who has spent time with EF2000 will
tell you that JTIDS is a superb compensator for the natural
limitations inherent in sims on perception of the virtual
war around you.
As for threat warning systems, these are probably less of
concern since most sims seem to do these quite well.
Perhaps more than elsewhere, these present an opportunity
for the developer to tune the tools presented in the
cockpit to help mitigate simulation limitations. Common
touches such as detecting and tracking incoming rear
hemisphere IR missiles are hardly realistic but are welcome
aids to most sim fans, even the hardcore crowd (although
the real extremists would like to be able to toggle these
"cheats" off, no doubt).
For a stretch to the perfect sim in this category, a full
implementation of LANTIRN would be the new prize. Here this
would imply both the navigation and targeting pods
including HUD FLIR display and the ability to scan for and
designate targets on FLIR in MFDs. For bonus points
hands-off terrain following flight autopilot capability
would be a welcome addition, especially if combined with
the sense of speed enhancements previously listed. Throw in
simulated digital moving map capability and we're well on
the way to perfection.
Displays are also an area where sims are already exceeding
the threshold required in many cases. One area of
diminishing marginal return that is already starting to go
perhaps too far is support for fully active, mouse
clickable cockpit displays. These are both overkill and
barely realistic.
It would make much more sense if high resolution touch
screen capability were available perhaps so that sim pilots
could reach out and plug in new waypoints on that up front
controller panel but doing it with a mouse seems awkward
and positively interferes with suspension of disbelief.
Apart from which, most sim fans in the hardcore camp
already have highly programmable controllers that provide
far better HOTAS-based control capability than is to be had
driving a mouse around the screen. Mouse control for
driving the "captain's bars" cursor around an MFD seems
reasonble. Making the gear handle clickable on the cockpit
art seems like an overkill. Developers: please save your
effort for something else on the shopping list!
And speaking of controllers... It's surprising how many
sims are still written with the fundamental assumption that
the keyboard is the primary interface. Programmable
controllers are highly prevalent among sim buyers and yet
sims still come out with keyboard mappings that don't lend
themselves to the controller technology. For example: use
of the so-called "grey" keys for necessary functions (chaff
and flares come to mind); keys for range and antenna
control that are not easily mapped to knobs provided on
controllers for this very purpose; afterburner on digital
keystrokes instead of analog joystick axes; the list goes
on... The perfect sim could be a lot smarter about the way
it supports the current crop of programmable controllers
with its keyboard mappings.
Communications is another knotty problem where there's
still plenty of room for innovations. Several sims have
offered interesting ideas here.
Fleet Defender allowed rudimentary target sorting and
stores reporting interactions with wingman that are still
very rare. Sorting especially is fundamental to operational
A-A doctrine so it's puzzling why this so often gets left
out of sims that supposedly offer AI wingmen. [footnote:
"attack my target" doesn't cut the mustard since it usually
requires you to lock before you sort by handing off a
target to a wingie; real life doctrine calls for sorts in
search mode rather than when tracking is already
Falcon3 and USNF gave us wingmen worthy of Top Gun (the
movie): atmospheric if not exactly regulation. But both
also supplied the most common maneuver commands that you'd
want a wingman to execute, brackets and drags etc.
EF2000 introduced interesting chatter from the tower and
AWACS in addition to rather more regulation wingmen, albeit
in sterile recordings. EF2000 also offered an interesting
command menu system for talking to the rest of the world;
useful for A-A but almost lost in the afterthought for A-G
Hornet3.0 gave us an excellent gritty feel to radio comms
transmissions together with yet more interactions with air
traffic control, both of which are welcome.
Combine a little of each of the above to get the threshold
for communications. This too is probably a little ahead of
the state of the art for today's offerings but if you can't
arrange a BVR sort with an AI wingman before anyone locks
and launches, then poor communications had better be offset
with good multiplayer support so you can have natural
intelligence wingmen instead!
This is one area of sim products that has been greatly
variable in past offerings. It is nevertheless one of the
more important pieces of a sim package that could serve to
make or break an otherwise perfect sim. It is also often
ignored when talk of the perfect sim comes around: a grave
There are two forms of documentation that the perfect sim
would include: 1) reference material on aircraft systems
and operations; and 2) tutorial information on how to use
the systems to best implement the tactics that will bring
success in the simulated world.
Most every sim includes information of the reference
material type in the box: these are the manuals that ship
with the sims. The threshold in this category is a simple
explanation for operating or using each element of the sim
that is a visible part of the sim pilots view of the
virtual universe.
Some sims do this very well others do it very poorly. A
favourite example to illustrate where the threshold lies is
perhaps the ubiquitous threat warning display. At least one
sim presents such a system where different symbols are
placed on a display with a variety of accompanying sounds
to represent different types of threat and severity of
those threats. Simply explaining what each symbol
represents however does not tell a sim pilot how to read
the threat display and analyze which threats are greatest.
For this, examples of threat displays that show relative
threat severity given symbol placement and sound cues are
To say it another way: if you know what the individual
symbols are but can't interpret the picture presented by
the whole display and hence turn it into some useful action
that will preserve your virtual life, then the
documentation missed the threshold.
In fact, the threat warning display might as well be
replaced by a picture of Van Gogh "Sunflowers" for all the
good it does you if you can't interpret the picture it
paints in your cockpit.
[footnote: at the risk of going overboard on this example,
one of the worst and most frustrating examples of
documentation omissions relates to the threat warning
display in a particular sim (you'll know which one) for
which the manual offered advice to switch the threat
display to LOWALT mode to reprioritize threats for low
altitude. Not one iota of information was offered as to the
difference between regular and LOWALT modes; how does one
use this documentation tautology sensibly?? Are we to
guess?? No, the reference docs must tell the secret...]
The above is a single example but the principle should hold
true for all elements of sim reference documentation: if
it's in the sim and the developer expects a sim pilot to
use it or read something into it, then the docs better
explain what it is and how to make sense of its
implementation in the sim. This then is the threshold for
The second type of information is more tutorial in nature.
This is typified today by the after-market strategy guide.
For the perfect sim, this should also be in the original
box of course.
Tutorial material should go beyond the basic explanation of
what a modeled system is and how to interpret its
representation in the sim. Here the expectation is for
information that will help the virtual pilot perform better
and improve technique in using a sim's systems.
While no after market guide (or manual for that matter) has
yet reached perfection, there's one shining example in this
category that others which follow will be judged against:
the EF2000 strategy guide is an excellent example of
tutorial documentation [footnote: while there is no
affiliation with the authors of this book, a recommendation
is still in order. It should be noted that even non-EF2000
sim pilots might be well advised to seek this work out: it
has great material on BFM and energy management that are
well worth the price of admission. Also many a sim pilot
might improve their survivablity in sims by taking to heart
the advice on T&BJF (sic).]
A couple more points relate to documentation.
Having drawn a distinction between reference and tutorial
material, it's worth pointing out that most "hardcore" sim
pilots know what the basics of BFM are and something about
rudimentary energy management to boot. For this reason, the
threshold listed above does not necessarily include these
more tutorial elements. In point of fact, writers of
documentation for the perfect sim might not even need to
describe such things as pursuit curves at all; just tell us
what the flight envelopes are for the airframe modeled and
its adversary aircraft and we'll do the rest!
It's also worth a sentence or two to decry the disturbing
tendency of current products to push the reference material
into after-market guides. A sim is not complete without
docs to tell you how to operate it. If you must separate
out the documentation into another product that's fine but
please make sure the two are available at the same time. To
ship a sim without adequate documentation is like selling a
VCR without the programming instructions: you (or more
likely your local ten year old) can work out how to record
things but why should it be so hard??
Lastly, three cheers for innovation! GSC recently shipped
Hornet3.0 with a most interesting combination of
documentation materials. Their printed manual resembles
nothing so much as an authentic defence department 3-1
manual and the online video presentation materials
complement this nicely to form a well rounded reference
package. Such a presentation also adds to the qualitative
feel of the sim experience in no small part.
Mission Planner:
At the risk of specifying implementation, the mission
planner should operate as the interface to all flying that
takes place in the virtual world. Be it solo single mission
play, solo or multiplayer campaign play or even head to head
melee over modem or the internet, why have different
interfaces? After all, no airforce pilot makes it to the ramp
before going through a brief of the mission plan.
Given the ability to work with stored mission files, a good
mission editor can also provide a means for sim nuts all
over the world to torture each other with ever more devious
The key to making all of this work is to make the mission
planner flexible enough to allow pilots to customize but at
the same time provide sensible enough defaults for the
various scenarios that there is no actual need for pilots
to spend hours tweaking mission parameters before they can
get to fly. Once again, balance is the key.
Many sims provide interesting and challenging "canned"
missions. This demonstrates that most developers are easily
able to provide missions with sensible defaults that can be
flown without tweaking.
Some sims provide good mission editing capabilities that
allow sim pilots to tinker with mission plans, either by
modifying or creating from scratch.
The perfect sim should take sensible defaults and the
ability to customize in every case and marry the two.
If this is the way it should work, then the other part of
the equation is to specify where the threshold is in terms
of the parameters that should be present and thus tweakable
in a mission plan.
Here there is a long list but once again, if you start from
the premise of simulating squadron level operations the
list falls out from mimicking real life.
The air tasking order is the beginning of the mission plan.
For a training scenario or instant action, this is probably
a list of canned situations over a training range (say
Nellis or Fallon for example). For a campaign this is a
list of the available mission choices present at the given
stage of the virtual war. Multiplayer play in all its forms
is probably just a special case of these two. Interesting
stand alone missions could be generated either from scratch
or by taking and saving customized missions from the
training or campaign scenarios.
Once an initial setup is selected from the air tasking
order list, the mission moves through several planning
stages for a strike package, the fundamental planning unit.
[footnote: assume that strike package doesn't necessarily
imply A-G only; if you have full control of planes and
roles for them in the mission editor then setting up
fighter sweeps should be just as easy as scud hunts.]
Target imagery and area maps should be available to orient
the flight. [footnote: emphasis on the orient! A pretty 3D
picture of a target spinning may look good but it's hard to
figure out just what you'll see from your chosen approach
heading if all you have is the rotating picture without
compass bearing cues.]
An intelligence brief detailing likely threats, both A-A
and AAA/SAM should be included. [footnote: for the revenge
minded developer, doing a realistic implementation of the
spotty accuracy reportedly common in intelligence briefs
would promote a healthy and apparently realistic distrust
of intelligence types!]
Weather briefing might also be appropriate if the simulated
world caters for different conditions. This is probably
above the threshold although the degenerate simple case for
environmental conditions, night and day, should be
Available aircraft and aircrew as well as munitions and
other stores to be used on the target should be presented.
Here again override for default options is key. Multiplayer
sims that don't allow all human pilots in a strike package
to select their own role and loadout will miss the
Available support assets should also be listed (and/or
requestable); these would include AWACS/JSTARS, tanker,
electronic warfare and other supporting flights such as
escorts or wild weasels. In the perfect sim, you should be
able to assign yourself (and other human pilots) to roles
anywhere in the strike package, consistent with the
airframes modeled, of course.
Then there's the flight plan itself. Here the threshold is
missed by a surprising number of current sims. At it's most
basic you should be able to manipulate flight path, number
and placement of waypoints, as well as speed, altitude and
proposed activity (mostly for directing the AI pilots of
which more to come) for all waypoints.
If this is the threshold, there is plenty of head room for
the perfect sim to flourish in this area.
Fuel planning is a critical element of any real life flying
experience, whether you're in a Cessna 150 or a Strike
Eagle. Some attempts have been made in this area but most
are seeming afterthoughts (literaly in the case of the
innovative Falcon3 third party add-on FalCalc).
Timed waypoints, which is to say allowing coordination
between multiple flights on separate flight plans for
time-on-target would add a considerable touch of reality to
the planning process. This has been demonstrated to some
degree by mission planners like that in DI's Tornado sim.
But to date, there is no mission planner that can provide
the same facility for sims with multiplayer support where
many human sim pilots may be allocated in different
Mission editors in Tornado and Su-27 are the ones most
often held up as the cream of the crop to date in terms of
their capabilities for mission customization. The perfect
sim should build on the lead shown by these two and make
the mission planner at least as capable as these to meet
the threshold. Beyond that innovations such as fuel
management and timed waypoints will move the sim
considerably nearer perfection.
Artificial Intelligence:
If you accept that flying head to head on the network
gets old after a short while then the majority of time you
spend flying the perfect sim, either solo or multiplayer,
will be in scenarios that depend on computer controlled
Ideally the skill of these participants should be tunable
to allow you to find the right level for each situation.
Considering aerial threats only for a moment, the scale
runs from non-maneuvering bandit to instructor pilot and on
to enemy aces.
This allows you to progress from familiarizing yourself
with the new sim, though training against opponents good
enough to teach you something useful and on to difficult
and dangerous combat deployments.
No one enjoys getting shot down so fast you can't work out
how to get a lock, much less shoot back. On the other hand
lame AI can ruin the replay value of a game just as
These same principles of course need to be applicable to
all areas of the sim where the paricipants should be
"thinking;" everything from ground vehicles to pilots to
the opposing "general" at the strategic campaign level.
Since everyone flies at their own skill level and each is
different defining the threshold for this category is truly
impossible. Perhaps then the best way to express a
requirement for AI is to allow the difficulty presented by
AI elements of a sim to be configurable to allow for a
range of possibilities.
There is one thing though that has to be considered a must
when it comes to wingman intelligence. Although accidents
can and do happen in real life training and combat, a few
sims released lately seem to have forgotten even to train
computer wingmen in such basic techniques as how to fly.
You need only read the usenet newsgroup where posts
detailing the latest misadventures of "wingbeciles"(TM)
"LawnDarting" (TM) to know how frustrated sim pilots can be
when their computer bretheren can't even keep a plane above
the ground when flying to the next waypoint, much less
provide support in a furball. This doesn't seem like too
much to ask, especially for the perfect sim.
Otherwise known as mission replay with the data to prove
it, ACMI systems are still the exception rather than the
rule. [footnote: ACMI = Air Combat Maneuvering
Instrumentation which is the US Air Force's range telemetry
and tracking system which records real time data from
numerous aircraft in the air simultaneously, allowing the
debrief after the flight to include an in detail 3D
recreation of the flight. TACTS is the US Navy equivalent,
Tactical Air Combat Training System.]
This is a great shame since such tools provide an excellent
means to improve your flying, not to mention reliving the
more (in)glorious moments of your most recent mission.
The threshold in this category is simply the ability to
play back some or all of a mission that you have just
flown. Once again, the facility should be available to
record any flight, be it multiplayer or solo, campaign or
single missions. Beyond this there are plenty of fancy
features that can add a great deal to the basic package.
The perfect sim would have an ACMI system capable of saving
mission recordings of fragments thereof. It should also
allow file exchange of such recordings to allow pilots to
share their escapades.
For strict simulation accuracy, the system should allow for
wire frame display of the action, but given that this is
one area where simulation can exceed the limits real life
imposes, control of a full set of cockpit and external
views would be a plus.
The recent Hornet 3.0 release has an excellent mission
replay and save facility. It lacks fine control for use as
an ACMI tool however. Su-27 also has a good mission
recorder including a very nice feature allowing you to take
control of a mission at any point during the playback. It
too however was not really designed with ACMI diagnostic
use primarily in mind.
Honours for perhaps the best ACMI system presented in a sim
to date still probably go to the one in the Falcon3 series.
This system has the ability to control a replay almost
frame by frame coupled with extensive view control both
inside and outside the cockpit. A more realistic wire frame
mode is presented with the same kind of data cues the real
pilots would use. Perhaps the kicker is an external view
with a fixed camera that can be steered in 3D to any point
in the action; this provides unparalleled ability to pick
apart the flight and analyze what went well.
Take Su-27's .trk file flexibility in terms of exchange and
ability to jump into the cockpit, add the basic ACMI from
Falcon3 and marry it up to the other aspects of this sim
and you would be very close to perfection.
Much has been written about campaigns for simulations
recently. The main theme of discussion seems to relate to
dynamic implementations or lack thereof. This skirts a more
fundamental issue however.
The perfect sim cannot afford to appear without some form
of campaign engine. Which is to say, a sim supporting only
pre-canned missions loses a lot in replay value and misses
the basic threshold.
The basic requirement for a campaign engine is that it
should present a sequence of missions that progress
somewhat logically toward a more global initial objective.
Within the sequence the sim pilot should have the sensation
that their actions are affecting the outcome of the end
goal and that missions while unpredictable are connected by
a consistent thread.
The manner in which this is implemented is largely
academic. A full blown real time wargame engine has been
tried; EF2000 exemplifies some of the strengths of this
approach. Yet one of the most successful "dynamic
campaigns" was that in Falcon3. Implementation in this case
was only dynamic in comparatively few aspects but it did
follow some basic principles that differentiated it from
sims that provide only canned missions.
Both are "dynamic" enough to satisfy most sim pilots; once
again, suspension of disbelief is the key to it all -- do
you feel as though you are in the middle of an on-going
win-or-lose air campaign or are you following a sequence of
clinical set piece studies in tactical airpower
[footnote: The real key to this seems to be that some
amount of the state of the theatre of battle should carry
over from mission to mission. In missions, the set piece is
always the same at the opening. In a "dynamic" campaign,
the outcome of action from the last mission should be
visible in the setup for the next. Part of the state is
also bound up in resource management; fuel and weapon
supplies are never infinite in real life but often they
seem to be in sims.]
The perfect sim would probably have a full wargame
implementation to complement the sim engine itself. However
the threshold is probably nearer the semi-dynamic approach.
Whichever is chosen, the perfect sim should allow for both
solo and multiplayer play in the campaign setting. Also,
some level of control should be available for the initial
campaign set up and perhaps even for the objectives for the
campaign. Such configurability will add considerably to the
replay value of a single theatre campaign implementation.
One last plea for the perfect sim campaign engine: if we
assume high fidelity squadron level operations are the goal
then interaction with strategic assets such as AWACS and
aerial tankers must be an important part of the mix. Such
assets are a vital part of modern airpower and the perfect
sim would be incomplete without elements like an obligatory
stop at the "texaco" to top off the tanks.
Multiplayer Support:
If reports are to be believed about the near mythical
Falcon4, this sim from Microprose represents a delicious
turn-around for multiplayer flight sim devotees: in Falcon4,
solo play will be a special case of network multiplayer mode!
For the perfect sim multiplayer support is a must, even to
reach the threshold. However, as recent releases have
shown, there's multiplayer and then there's multiplayer.
Sims such as Fighter Duel present a single multiplayer
option: head to head (H2H) dogfighting. This is a lot of
fun but for many sim fans, the attraction for this mode of
play wears off quickly.
Of course it's also the easiest to implement so many sims
provide this "quick fix" multiplayer support. However, the
threshold for the perfect sim is somewhat higher.
[footnote: H2H multiplayer is relatively simple to
implement because in this mode, the only really interactive
elements of the simulated world are the players
aeroplanes.. As such, the amount of data that needs to be
passed between machines to keep them in sync is mostly
limited to positional and relative motion information. For
a full multiplayer interactive world, the challenge is much
harder because each machine's view of everything that might
change or move must be kept up to date, not just the player
plane data. ]
For the perfect sim, multiplayer support means being able
to fly the same kinds of mission scenarios that solo pilots
can. The bargain basement approach here is to allow single
set piece mission play.
Increments that allow mission planning and customization
add considerably to the replay value but the truly perfect
sim would allow multiplayer capabilities to be excercised
in all areas of the sim from single mission training right
through to fully fledged campaign play. As mentioned above,
providing this along with a fully simulated adversary
aircraft for team multiplayer adversarial campaigns must
surely be the ideal.
It's unlikely that we'll see a sim that meets even the
threshold in every category soon. However, several new sims
being previewed now show great promise in several of these
Sadly, as more than one professional points out, the
hardcore sim fans are not really the bulk of the market
that developers aim at. The market is somewhere between
this ideal and the average shoot-em-up. Still we can live
in hope that some of the developers who share our passion
might find a way to bring us a sim that pleases the
hardcore crowd without being unapproachable for the
majority of the market.
Oh and for the last word: it needs to be fun to play with
this perfect sim too. There's at least one product that was
hailed as a great simulation but rotten game. Most of the
"wannabes" in the so-called "hardcore" flight sim community
play with these sims because it's a fun thing to do. After
all, in the end it's just a game...
In no particular order, the following works have
influenced the way I think about tactical aviation and have
done much to fuel my passion for flight simultors.
"Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering" -- Robert L.
Naval Institute Press, ISBN 0-87021-059-9
The definitive unclassified work on BFM and ACM. A tough
read but worth the slog.
**"Storm Over Iraq: Air Power and the Gulf War" Richard P.
Smithsonian, ISBN 1-56098-723-5
A fascinating essay about the history and application of
air power. A fast read with some great insights into the
planning and execution of the air war. How to run a modern
integrated air campaign.
"Aerodynamics For Naval Aviators"
ASA-ANA, ISBN 1-56027-140-X
Everything the US Navy wants its pilots to know about why
and how aircraft fly. Academic stuff for those that really
want to know.
"The Ace Factor" Mike Spick
Naval Institute Press, ISBN 0-87021-002-5
Tales of the greatest fighter pilots across the ages and
what made them successful. If you don't know what
Situational Awareness is and just how important it can be,
you need to read this book.
"Modern Fighter Aircraft: Technology and Tactics" A.
Patrick Stevens Ltd., ISBN 1-85260-426-3
A comprehensive treatment of modern air combat delivered in
an approachable style although dense format.
"Stick and Rudder" Wolfgang Langewiesche
McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-036240-8
A classic on the art of flying. Guaranteed to improve your
landings in real Cessnas and virtual fast jets.
"Fulcrum" Alexander Zuyev with Malcolm McConnell
Warner, ISBN 0-446-36498-3
The story of a Mig29 pilot from enlistment through training
and on to defection to the west. Interesting look into
Russian tactical aviation.
"Tornado Down" Flt Lt. John Peters & Flt. Lt. John
Signet, ISBN 0-45-117472-0
First hand account of a Tornado crew shot down and captured
by Iraq shortly after Desert Storm commenced. The less
glamorous side of being in fast jets that will make you
appreciate those who do this for a living even more.
"On Yankee Station" Comdr. John B. Nichols & Barrett
Bantam Books, ISBN 0-553-27216-0
Interesting account of naval air power in Vietnam. How not
to run an air campaign.
"Warfighters : A Story of the USAF Weapons School & the
57th Wing" Rick Llinares & Chuck Lloyd Schiffer, ISBN
History and development of the Nellis air base and the
units that are based there. Lots of glossy pictures
supported by useful narrative. Includes syllabus
information for the weapons school and the various "Flag"
"Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing"
Tom Clancy
Berkeley Pub Group, ISBN 0425149579
The Clancy treatment for Air Combat Command's Composite Air
Wing. As someone recently suggested on the internet, the
CAW would make a terrific back story unit for a jet sim.
Works of fiction have also played a part. While there are
too many to mention all the titles, I have enjoyed and
recommend various tactical aviation specific novels by
(again in no special order):
Dale Brown
Keith Douglass
Timothy Rizzi
Barrett Tillman
Mike Dunn
Steven Coonts
William H. LaBarge
Richard Herman Jr.
Joe Weber
Michael Skinner
Julian Jay Savarin
I also thoroughly enjoy quarterly issues of the "World Air
Power Journal." Heavy on excellent pictures and cutaway
diagrams but with informative briefing information as well.
WAPJ is published by Aerospace Publishing in London, UK,
and is distributed by AIRtime Publishing Inc. in the US
(800 359 3003).
Lastly, the single greatest advancement of my understanding
of air combat was made in a single day. The people
responsible for this leap forward are Sky Warriors in
Atlanta, GA. With briefings and nearly two hours of stick
time in a T-34, they brought the material in Shaw's book to
life for me in a way that opened up a whole new dimension
for me. It's also the most physically tiring thing I've
ever done sitting down. Highly recommended! Visit
** This is the work that finally inspired me to sit down
and put this magnum opus into words.
Editor: In real life Mark manages a team focused on
application software performance optimization for 3rd party
server and workstation applications that run on Intel
Architecture. You can send him comments at Mark Doran or send a
letter to the