Hearts of Iron IV

hearts-of-iron-4-graveyard-of-empiresRewrite the history of a new front in history’s most destructive conflict in Graveyard of Empires, a new country pack for Hearts of Iron IV. This new add-on to Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame about World War II focuses on the nations of central and south Asia, each fighting for survival or independence amidst the fires of a global war.

New National Focus trees for four countries add new color and flavor to an alternate history sandbox, where the future is determined by your decisions in a region historically dominated by distant larger powers.

Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Official Release Trailer HERE.

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires is available now for the suggested retail price of $14.99/ £12.79/ €14.99 and is also available as a part of the Hearts of Iron IV Expansion Pass.

For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website, or via the games Steam page.

hearts-of-iron-4-graveyard-of-empiresGraveyard of Empires Opens Host of New Alternate Histories

Imperial ambitions collide in the challenging lands of Central and South Asia. The British Empire is secure in the Raj and Iraq, but has long held designs on influencing oil rich Iran and unconquerable Afghanistan – also targets of an aggressive Soviet foreign policy from the north. Rewrite the history of a region caught between bowing to a larger alliance and homegrown dreams of national strength. Can you defy the odds and possibly resurrect the glories of a far distant past?

Choose the fate of a nation seeking a new destiny or ancient prestige in Graveyard of Empires, a new country pack for Hearts of Iron IV. Follow the historical path of Afghanistan, India, Iran or Iraq or explore dramatic alternate histories with the rebirth of old empires.

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires includes new content for:

  • Iran: Iran is a potential great power, hemmed in by the pressure of the Soviet Union and the British Empire. A significant new Focus Tree allows the player to resist the imperial incursions that historically weakened Iran, as well as offering potential for a revived and modern Persian Empire in the heart of Asia.
  • India: The Raj is the jewel of the British Empire, rich and strategically vital. However, a growing independence movement threatens to disrupt the war effort and dissolve the empire. A large focus tree focused on the struggle of Indian Independence offers many alternate historical paths, including the revival of the East India Company as a corporate nation, as well as the possible freedom of the Princely States, restoration of the Mughal Empire and more.
  • Iraq: Take control of this British client state and try to chart your own path, embracing the calls for pan-arab nationalism and siding with the axis against the allies. Manage the many competing ethnic and religious factions in Iraq and develop the strategically important oil fields.
  • Afghanistan: The historic Graveyard of Empires, isolated from the wider war, offers many alternate paths. Continue the historical path of neutrality and isolation, or choose the road of rapid industrialization and building a new power in the mountains of Central Asia.
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires also includes new art, with more leader portraits, infantry models and unit models.

    Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires will be available on March 04, 2025 for the suggested retail price of $14.99/ £12.79/ €14.99 and is also available as a part of the Hearts of Iron IV Expansion Pass.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Story Trailer HERE.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website, or via the games Steam page.

    Götterdämmerung Adds New German Content, Research Options and more

    The dramatic and dangerous years around the Second World War can take new directions in Götterdämmerung, a new expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, available now on Steam. New focus trees for Germany take center stage alongside more alternate historical paths for other nations, opening the door for new player directed stories of wars that never happened.

    Götterdämmerung also adds new dimensions to scientific research to Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame about the coming of war in the 1930s. Appoint scientists to direct specialized research in advanced weapons or electronics, adding more productivity and destructive power to your war machine.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung Official Release Trailer HERE.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung include:

  • Larger German Focus Tree: Revised national focuses and alternate historical paths for one of the most played nations in Hearts of Iron IV. Revised political paths include new monarchist content, a restored democratic Germany and alternate fascist militarist paths. More character driven events add flavor to the war’s central player.
  • Revised Austrian Focus Tree: New alternate histories for Austria free of German control, as well as content for surrounding countries that were once part of the Habsburg Empire. There is also a revised historical path for AI controlled Austria.
  • Hungarian Focus Tree: Rebuild the nation, using technology to overcome manpower shortages. Reform the Austro-Hungarian Empire and forge a powerful, unified faction.
  • Belgian Focus Tree: Resist or welcome German supremacy. Draw on the natural wealth of the Congo and build potential for an African government-in-exile.
  • Special Projects: Pursue advanced research in special projects, assigning scientists to further your war effort. Special projects include nuclear physics, advanced aircraft, rocketry, advanced tanks and artillery, naval engineering and electronics.
  • Raids: Attack important enemy targets with carefully planned strikes. Enemy ports, industrial structures, research facilities and special resource collection areas are potential targets for bombing strikes, commando raids or paratroop attacks.
  • And more: Including changes to the map art to show new structures, AI improvements to planning attacks, and changes to the use and effectiveness of atomic warfare.
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung is now available for the suggested retail price of $24.99/£21.99/€24.99. Götterdämmerung is also available through the Hearts of Iron IV Expansion Pass 1, which includes other game content, including a country pack to be released next year, at a 20% discount for included items.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website, or via the games Steam page.

    Götterdämmerung Expansion Transforms German Strategy

    Thought crippled by the settlement of the last war, a strong Germany has returned as the axis of power in Central Europe. This strength only heightens the resentment for what is thought to have been a historic injustice. But history is not written in stone. What path will Germany take in your hands? Can you revitalize socialist resistance to the Fascist regime? Will German might take its shape under a revived monarchy? Brace yourself for the gathering storm and write a new history of the world’s most dangerous years in Götterdämmerung, a new expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, coming on November 14.

    This addition to Paradox Interactive’s popular strategic wargame focuses on the key player of the Second World War – the Germany Reich. Through new National Focus Trees, people can steer this great power through years of armed struggle against ideological foes. This expansion also revises special research projects – like rocketry and atomic weapons – and offers new combat options.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung official announcement trailer HERE.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung include:

  • Larger German Focus Tree:
  • Revised national focuses and alternate historical paths for one of the most played nations in Hearts of Iron IV. Revised political paths include new monarchist content, a restored democratic Germany and alternate fascist militarist paths. More character driven events add flavor to the war’s central player.

  • Revised Austrian Focus Tree:
  • New alternate histories for Austria free of German control, as well as content for surrounding countries that were once part of the Habsburg Empire. There is also a revised historical path for AI controlled Austria.

  • Hungarian Focus Tree:
  • Rebuild the nation, using technology to overcome manpower shortages. Reform the Austro-Hungarian Empire and forge a powerful, unified faction.

  • Belgian Focus Tree:
  • Resist or welcome German supremacy. Draw on the natural wealth of the Congo and build potential for an African government-in-exile.

  • Special Projects:
  • Build scientific facilities to pursue advanced research in special projects, assigning scientists to further your war effort. Special projects include nuclear physics, advanced aircraft, rocketry, advanced tanks and artillery, naval engineering and electronics.

  • Raids:
  • Attack important enemy targets with carefully planned strikes. Enemy ports, industrial structures, research facilities and special resource collection areas are potential targets for bombing strikes, commando raids or paratroop attacks.

  • And more:
  • Including, changes to the map art to show new structures, AI players better at planning attacks, changes to the use and effectiveness of atomic warfare, and deeper city combat.

    Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung will be available on 14 November 2024 for the suggested retail price of $24.99/£21.99/€24.99. Götterdämmerung is also available through the Hearts of Iron IV Expansion Pass 1, which includes other game content, including a country pack to be released next year, at a 20% discount for included items.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website, or via the games Steam page.

    The horrors of war seem an ocean away, but no major threat can be contained in a shrinking world. The influences of foreign ideologies and international pressure may force distant nations to take an active part in the global struggle against tyranny. Decide the fate of South America in Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance, available now.

    This content pack for Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame, players can write new histories of the major nations of South America in years around World War II. You can try to resist the pressure to join a costly conflict overseas, or take your chances with a major power bloc for help in pursuing your own goals.

    Watch the official release trailer HERE.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance include:

    National Focus Tree for Brazil: Challenged by a decade of internal strife and constitutional crises, Brazil can follow the historical path as a late but valuable member of the Allied cause. Alternately, seek continental hegemony under a new government with new priorities.
    National Focus Tree for Argentina: Rife with corruption, revolts and worker unrest, Argentina presents a difficult political challenge. Once you’ve settled the problems at home, you can contribute more on the world stage and help this nation reach its full potential.
    National Focus Tree for Chile: Chile is a vigorous republic with a radical tradition that must face domestic fascist parties, the embers of ethnic unrest and the imposing influence of the United States. Chart a course of equality and renewal, pick up the banner of uniting the continent under one flag.
    Paraguay and Uruguay: Minor content as well as several new releasable nations.
    New Art: New 3D unit sprites for the Brazilian army, as well as new unique 2D art for National Focus trees and units
    New Music: Six new songs, with two each for the major nations in the pack.
    New Voiceovers: Voiceovers in Brazilian Portuguese, Argentinian Spanish and Chilean Spanish.

    Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance is available for the suggested retail price of $14.99/£12.79/€14.99 on Steam.

    Trial of Allegiance Brings the World War to a New Hemisphere

    When a war goes global, no one is safe. The oceans and distance that once kept nations secure are now crossed by ships in days and ideology in minutes. The countries of South America have their internal problems, but face pressure to choose a side in the ongoing world war. Prepare a glorious new future for the continent in Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance, coming March 07.

    Trial of Allegiance is a new content pack for Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame about the climactic years around World War II. In this add-on, the major nations of South America take centre stage as they ensure stability at home in an unstable world. Follow the historical course of action or explore dramatic new alternate histories in three new National Focus Trees.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance Official Announcement Trailer HERE.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance include:

    National Focus Tree for Brazil: Challenged by a decade of internal strife and constitutional crises, Brazil can follow the historical path as a late but valuable member of the Allied cause. Alternately, seek continental hegemony under a new government with new priorities.
    National Focus Tree for Argentina: Rife with corruption, revolts and worker unrest, Argentina presents a difficult political challenge. Once you’ve settled the problems at home, you can contribute more on the world stage and help this nation reach its full potential.
    National Focus Tree for Chile: Chile is a vigorous republic with a radical tradition that must face domestic fascist parties, the embers of ethnic unrest and the imposing influence of the United States. Chart a course of equality and renewal, pick up the banner of uniting the continent under one flag.
    Paraguay and Uruguay: Minor content as well as several new releasable nations.
    New Art: New 3D unit sprites for the Brazilian army, as well as new unique 2D art for National Focus trees and units
    New Music: Six new songs, with two each for the major nations in the pack.
    New Voiceovers: Voiceovers in Brazilian Portuguese, Argentinian Spanish and Chilean Spanish.

    Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance will be available on 07 March 2024 for the suggested retail price of $14.99/£12.79/€14.99 on Steam.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website.

    Rewrite the Wartime History of Nordic Europe

    Hearts of Iron IV expands the range of new histories you can write in Arms Against Tyranny, a new addition to the best-selling grand strategy wargame from Paradox Interactive. The northernmost countries of Europe take center stage as they resist, unite against or collaborate with more powerful and aggressive neighbors. Sometimes, winter is your only ally.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny release trailer HERE.

    Relive the dramatic Finnish struggle against Soviet invasion, plot a neutral course powered by arms trading or explore alternate histories for Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Arms Against Tyranny also adds more decisions about the production of weapons, giving players newer tools to test their mastery of modern warfare.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny include:

    New Finnish National Focus Tree: Walk the diplomatic tightrope of a democratic nation trapped between threats, develop a capable defensive army, or pursue alternate historical paths of collaboration with the neighboring tyrants.
    New Swedish National Focus Tree: Resource rich and fiercely independent, Sweden can be the center of a unified Scandinavian resistance, or a game-changing ally in the ongoing battle of ideologies.
    New Danish and Norwegian Focus Trees: With the benefit of hindsight, can you prepare these small nations for the storm of war that is about to wash upon their shores?
    Military Industrial Organizations: Customize your armaments industry by encouraging national corporations to specialize in the types of weapons and technology you desire for your armed forces.
    International Arms Market: Become the quartermaster of the world by selling arms and equipment to the warring nations, receiving civilian factory capacity in return.
    And more: New unit art, 10 new songs, customization of Special Forces units and greater divisional specialization.

    Hearts of Iron VI: Arms Against Tyranny will be accompanied by a major free update available to all Hearts of Iron IV players. Arms Against Tyranny is available now via Steam for the suggested retail price of $19.99/£16.75/€19.99.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website.

    Tell Exciting New War Stories This October

    The wartime histories of Europe’s four northernmost nations make captivating reading. There are tales of resistance and collaboration. Some advocate for neutrality while others fight against the darkness. Heroes are everywhere as they stand with the oppressed, or take arms against an overwhelming enemy. On October 10, you can relive or rewrite these stories in Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny.

    When the world cannot help you, sometimes winter is your only ally.

    Arms Against Tyranny is a new expansion pack for Hearts of Iron IV, Paradox Interactive’s critically acclaimed and best-selling grand strategy wargame set in the years around World War II. In Arms Against Tyranny, players can explore deeper historical immersion when playing Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Finnish Winter War against the Soviet Union takes center stage as you try to mobilize a sparsely populated nation to defend the homeland against almost impossible odds.

    Watch the Pre-Order Trailer for Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny HERE.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny include:

    New Finnish National Focus Tree: Walk the diplomatic tightrope of a democratic nation trapped between threats, develop a capable defensive army, or pursue alternate historical paths of collaboration with the neighboring tyrants.
    New Swedish National Focus Tree: Resource rich and fiercely independent, Sweden can be the center of a unified Scandinavian resistance, or a game-changing ally in the ongoing battle of ideologies.
    New Danish and Norwegian Focus Trees: With the benefit of hindsight, can you prepare these small nations for the storm of war that is about to wash upon their shores?
    Military Industrial Organizations: Customize your armaments industry by encouraging national corporations to specialize in the types of weapons and technology you desire for your armed forces.
    International Arms Market: Become the quartermaster of the world by selling arms and equipment to the warring nations, receiving civilian factory capacity in return.
    And more: New unit art, 10 new songs, customization of Special Forces units and greater divisional specialization.

    If you pre-order Arms Against Tyranny, you will receive a special bonus music track, a new arrangement of Säkkijärven polkka, produced by Magnus Ringblom. This Karelian-Finnish folk song was famously used by Finnish troops to prevent the Soviet army from detonating radio-activated mines. Played on repeat from radio vans, the Säkkijärven polkka jammed the Soviet radio transmitters to such an extent that the Finnish army was able to clear the minefields. Ringblom’s new arrangement is a tribute to ingenuity of the Finns as they tried to repel a larger foe.

    The release of Arms Against Tyranny will be accompanied by a major free update to Hearts of Iron IV, available to all Hearts of Iron players. This update includes free changes to Finland’s historical National Focus tree.

    Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyanny will be available on 10 October 2023 for the suggested retail price of $19.99/£16.75/€19.99.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website.

    Arms Against Tyranny Focuses on Northern Europe and New Arms Developments

    In times of crisis, it is important to be nimble, especially when you are the weaker party. Pay attention to the swiftly changing winds of diplomacy, build an army that can take advantage of weather and terrain to outfox a superior foe, and find alternate paths to prosperity and security. Sometimes, Winter is your only ally. Even if you can’t retreat into the cold forests, there are tactics and techniques available to anyone who would take Arms Against Tyranny.

    Arms Against Tyranny is the latest immersion pack for Hearts of Iron IV, Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame about the years around World War II. In Arms Against Tyranny, players will encounter new alternate histories and National Focus Trees for the nations of Scandinavia and Finland, with a heavy emphasis on the Winter War and Finland’s struggle against Soviet invasion.

    This pack also includes new ways to develop your armament industries, and sell weapons designs to warring nations.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny include:

    New Finnish National Focus Tree: Walk the diplomatic tightrope of a democratic nation trapped between threats, develop a capable defensive army, or pursue alternate historical paths of collaboration with the neighboring tyrants.

    New Swedish National Focus Tree: Resource rich and fiercely independent, Sweden can be the center of a unified Scandinavian resistance, or a game-changing ally in the ongoing battle of ideologies.

    New Danish and Norwegian Focus Trees: With the benefit of hindsight, can you prepare these small nations for the storm of war that is about to wash upon their shores?

    Military Industrial Organizations: Customize your armaments industry by encouraging national corporations to specialize in the types of weapons and technology you desire for your armed forces.

    International Arms Market: Become the quartermaster of the world by selling arms and equipment to the warring nations, receiving civilian factory capacity in return.

    And more: New unit art, 10 new songs, customization of Special Forces units and greater divisional specialization.

    Hearts of Iron VI: Arms Against Tyranny will be accompanied by a major free update available to all Hearts of Iron IV players.

    Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny Official Announcement Trailer HERE.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website.

    hearts-of-iron-iv-by-blood-aloneBy Blood Alone Add-On Includes Plane Designer and New Alternate Histories

    Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame Hearts of Iron IV gets even grander and more strategic today with the release of By Blood Alone, a new expansion pack that adds new ways to explore the limits of your military genius and long-term planning.

    The centerpieces of By Blood Alone include the much requested aircraft designer, allowing you to build the fighters and bombers of your imagination, and three new national focus trees, carving out room for an even wider range of diverging alternate histories, whether you successfully repel European conquest as Ethiopia or foment a communist revolution in wartime Italy.

    Features of Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone include:

    • New Italian Focus Tree: Alternate histories of Fascist Italy, including a socialist revolution.
    • New Ethiopian Focus Tree: Defy the odds to defeat the Italian invader or resist the conqueror from abroad using unique Government in Exile abilities.
    • New Swiss Focus Tree: Surrounded by France, Germany and Italy, the mountain nation of Switzerland finds strength in its neutrality, balancing competing factions and overtures from the great powers.
    • New Peace Conference Options: Demilitarize zones of the map or entire nations, bid on the capital ships of defeated powers, or claim control of enemy resources or factories as reparations.
    • Aircraft Designer: Design and build your own planes, from nimble interceptors that prioritize speed to durable bombers crafted to unload tons of destruction from high above.
    • Unit Medals: A log of each division’s accomplishments lets you track their performance, and even allow you to award medals to those that have performed well.
    • Embargo Interaction: Embargo your enemies with a new diplomatic interaction, preventing them from trading with you if they have generated enough world tension.
    • New Unit Models: More than 20 new pieces of unit art for Italian, Ethiopian and Swiss armies.
    • New Plane Models: 67 new plane models.
    • 12 New Music Tracks

    As usual, the release of By Blood Alone will be accompanied by a major update to Hearts of Iron IV, available for free for everyone who owns the game.

    Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone is available now for a suggested retail price of $19.99/£15.49/€19.99.

    For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website.