Command: Modern Operations

command-modern-operationsCommand: Modern Operations has reached an outstanding milestone. The Open Beta for Build 1121.4 has introduced a major new feature: the Fog of War (FOW) for Tacview 3D view.

When God’s Eye view is disabled, the Tacview window will now display only own- and friendly-side units plus any detected contacts. Displayed contact shapes start from generic semi-opaque placeholders and then switch to more specific (and solid) shapes when/if they are sufficiently classified/identified. If God’s Eye is active, all units are shown as before. (Known current issue: Switching side or toggling God’s Eye status forces the Tacview window to close and re-open).

Check here the full changelog and instructions to download the beta update.

Important note for Steam users. You can apply this update manually on top of your Steam installation. This new beta will soon also be available on the Steam beta branch, and after it checks out also on the normal distribution branch.

command-modern-operationsMatrix Games has announced that Kushan Gaming has recently volunteered to curate the community scenario pack for Command: Modern Operations.

This release will work for both CMO and CMANO. More information available on this page.

You can download the pack from HERE.

For Steam users, a Steam Collection for the entire pack has been set up – Community Scenario Pack (Official).

Kudos to Kushan Gaming for this excellent job!

23 scenarios have been added so far:

  • Operation Eagle Guardian, 2019
  • Operación Gomorra, 2010
  • SandBox Nations #1
  • Plum Blossoms Do Not Fall Lightly, 2025
  • Mediterranean Fury 1 – The Road to Byzantium
  • Mediterranean Fury 2 – Syrian Surprise
  • Mediterranean Fury 5 – Serbia Right!
  • Black Sea, 2019
  • Battles of the 3rd WW, Tattletale, 1991
  • The V-Bombers
  • The Battle of Palmdale, 1956
  • Iwo Jima Goes to Mozambique, 2024
  • Operation Scarlet Lance, 1966
  • The Hustlers
  • Hat Yai Air Raid, 2019
  • The Great Arctic War – Arctic Cod Conflict, 2030
  • The Battle of Chiapas, 2020
  • WW3 D-Day Part 1
  • The Penang Affair, 1955
  • Close down Mukran, 1985
  • South of Crete, 1985
  • For The Honour Of The Republic, 1991
  • Incirlik, 2021

command-modern-operationsToday marks the release of Command: Modern Operations. C: MO  is an evolution of C: MANO, but it’s also a revolution on its own as it takes every single element and system of the original simulation to the next level. Everything from engine, database, maps, editing, accessibility, progression has been revamped and reshaped.

Watch the Command: Modern Operations release trailer HERE.

C: MO is a giant leap forward in the genre as it effectively takes what was a single self-contained experience and develops it into an open service with multiple opportunities for plug-ins, mods, scenario-editing and more. The integration with other software developed by external companies is a key pillar for the future development of this game as it effectively becomes a gigantic open simulation of global conflicts.

A totally new engine; more than half a TeraByte of high resolution maps covering every corner of our planet; a cyclopean database with more than 30.000 entries for every weapon, missile, ship, satellite, ground installation, submarine, plane, vehicle and ship that has taken the field from 1946 to present day in almost every Nation.

Command: Modern Operations is the premier military simulator for any possible engagement in a modern scenario, from counter-terrorism operations to nuclear tactical warfare.

Easier, deeper, greater and faster. A wide range of tools to manage the battlefield with a modern, crispier and improved graphics user-interface to give players full control of their forces and sensors. Knowledge is the key to win today’s battles.

Existing owners of Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations will receive a 50% discount to help them transition to Modern Operations. Also, all the previously owned official DLCs (a total of 15 products) will be available for free to all Modern Operations owners. Do you have any questions about what happens with the transition from CMANO to CMO? Read the full FAQ HERE.

Grab Command: Modern Operations now from the Matrix Games store or via Steam.

If you are eager to see the game in action, follow our double stream we are going to have on our official Twitch Channel.

The show starts on 6 pm GMT / 1 pm EST / 10 AM PST and continues on 12 PM GMT / 7 PM EST / 4 PM PST.

command-modern-operationsCommand: Modern Operations will be released in a few days, on November 14th, on the Matrix Games store and on Steam.

Have a look at the Gameplay Trailer HERE! Check out the great 2-hours long preview Kushan Gaming has done with CMO!

The already legendary game of modern cross-domain operations returns with an all-new UI, even more refined simulation mechanics and a host of new features and content. Command: Modern Operations allows you to simulate every military engagement from post World War II to the present day.

Find out more about Command: Modern Operations at the games official webpage.

command-modern-operationsCommand: Modern Operations will be the most advanced military-simulator available in the market, taking all the features from its CMANO predecessor and expanding them greatly, both in number and quality.

An indication of this massive leap forward is the over 300 pages Manual, that will constitute the best learning tool for every Commander willingly to rightly manipulate the battlefield.

If you are eager too what to expect in-game, your wait is over. The full Manual is now available as PDF, and – as promised – it covers everything you need to know about CMO!

From introducing the game to newcomers and beginners to detailing the new exalting features and mechanics dreamed by CMANO veterans, this Manual will blow your mind.

You can find the manual at this link (PDF), in the Download section of the Product Page and its Steam page.

IMPORTANT. Due to the great amount of content, the Manual that will be included in the box at release will be a shortened version (210 pages). The full (350 pages) E-Book Manual will be included in the installer or available in the Product Page.

command-modern-operationsYou heard it right. Command: Modern Operations has entered its final phases of internal testing and developers are ready to reveal the release date. The most comprehensive and realistic simulator on operational level ever created will be released on our store and on Steam on November 14th.

In few weeks you’ll have the chance to simulate every military engagement from post-World War II to the present day, thanks to his unmatched database covering Aircraft, ships, submarines, ground forces, installations, satellites and even strategic weapons from almost every nation in the world.

At release, you’ll find all the original Command official scenarios remastered from scratch and integrated, plus brand-new official and community scenarios to quench your wargaming appetite (more detail to follow).

Updated cold-war and modern-day databases with the latest in hardware and systems mean you’ll never run out of setups to try out. Seamlessly import and use your existing Command scenarios, saves, .inst files and more!

Stay tuned for further updates and get more information about the game from its official product page.

command-modern-operationsThe King is Back

You thought lightning strikes just once? Think again! Command: Modern Operations, the sequel to 2013’s Wargame of The Year “Command – Modern Air/Naval Operations” is coming soon.

The first release of Command rocked the foundations of modern PC wargaming, steamrolled its way into the Pentagon and won numerous “Wargame Of The Year” awards. Now, the restless rascals at WarfareSims are back at it with a vengeance! The already legendary game of modern cross-domain operations returns with an all-new UI, even more refined simulation mechanics and a host of new features and content to engross you into the challenges of warfare post-WW2 and in the 21st century. Are you ready? Are you up to it?

  • A dark UI for our dark times: Command’s user interface has been radically overhauled with a dark, sleek theme that emphasizes usability and style. In addition, Command can now be played either as a standard desktop windowed application or as a more traditional full-screen game.
  • Command in comfort: Hundreds of tweaks, changes and improvements on the user interface and gameplay experience directly based on player feedback. Minimaps? Check. Quickly load recent scenarios or saves? Yup. Real-time dynamic ORBATs of both friendly forces and known contacts? Yessir. Time-step sim execution to prevent “runaway sim”? Can do. Glorious victories or crushing defeats have never felt so easy to experience.
  • Treat your eyes while punishing your foes: Feast your vision on Command’s new smooth-flowing global map, complete with new high-resolution map layers that must be seen to be believed. More than half a terabyte’s worth of imagery & terrain information at your fingertips to exploit in combat or just wander around. Optionally link up with Tacview for real-time 3D visualization of the battlefield.
  • The war just got more ruthless: Don’t spend too long gawking at the pretty UI and maps, because the battlefield is even more alive and ready to crush you! Expanded ground ops let you take advantage of distinct terrain types (desert, forest, urban, swamps etc.) for mobility, weapon effects and visibility. Enhanced AI routines for dogfights and even more technical factors make your grip on air superiority more tenuous. The groundbreaking features of the “Chains Of War” campaign are now standard: Disrupt your enemy’s communications to isolate his units (but watch out for your own), perform scriptless amphibious, airdrop or pickup operations, watch as aircraft limber back shot almost to pieces and marvel at exotic new weaponry.
  • Jump quickly into battle, or build your own war: The new “Quick Battle Generator” lets you quickly get into the action without worrying about wider strategic or political complexities. Or use the scenario editor to put together your own dream battle just the way you want it. Enhanced scripting capabilities through the built-in Lua engine mean you can even create your own combat AIs. Think you can create your own WOPR/Joshua? Prove it!
  • Six years on and still the best: All the original Command official scenarios remastered from the ground up by professional scenario designer Rory Noonan (author of the “Silent Service” DLC), plus brand-new official and community scenarios to quench your mayhem appetite. Updated cold-war and modern-day databases with the latest in hardware and systems mean you’ll never run out of setups to try out. Seamlessly import and use your existing Command scenarios, saves, .inst files and more!

Watch the Command: Modern Operations Announcement Trailer HERE. Find out more about Command: Modern Operations at the games official website.