Command: Modern Operations

command-modern-operations-fail-safeFail Safe is the newest DLC for Command: Modern Operations. Set in 1965 – one of most fraught periods of the Cold War – Fail Safe features period accurate weapons and vehicles that will guarantee an authentic wargaming experience.

Guided missiles, early supersonic fighters like the F-104 Starfighter and MiG-19 Farmer, and naval vessels like the Soviet Sverdlov-class cruiser are just a small sample of the military platforms available in Fail Safe.

A 10% launch discount is up now on Steam and the Matrix store.

Watch the Command: Modern Operations – Fail Safe launch trailer HERE.

From an opening scramble to recover a downed aircraft, ASW activities off the coast of Newfoundland, and the final battles of World War 3 where atomic weapons are finally unleashed – 12 missions will run you through the gamut.

Fail Safe is the pinnacle of 1960′s Cold War air and sea wargaming. The closest you can get to seeing what would have happened if Western and Soviet naval and airpower had fought the war that truly would have ended all wars.

command-modern-operations-fail-safeMatrix Games has announced Fail Safe, the next DLC for Command: Modern Operations.

Fail Safe is set in 1965 – during one of the most fraught and perilous periods of the Cold War. A Yak-27 has just crashed on the Svalbard Islands after a daring reconnaissance mission over Greenland. As Soviet and NATO forces race to the downed aircraft, a tense standoff is about to escalate into an all out shooting war.

Fail Safe will see you command both old and new platforms. F-86 Sabers and F-104 Starfighters will take on Mig-15′s and 21′s. Old ships like the HMS Victorious, a carrier veteran of World War II, will take on the newest ships of the 1960′s like the Soviet November-class submarines and Sverdlov-class cruisers.

Old naval guns serve next to the newest anti air and anti ship missiles – every ship and air-frame in service will be needed.

The 12 mission campaign will see World War 3 fought out from the Arctic circle and the Atlantic to the Aleutians and the Pacific. Nowhere is safe from the Atom Bomb.

Fail Safe will be out on the Matrix Store and Steam February 25th.

command-modern-operationsMatrix Games today announced that update v1.07 for Command: Modern Operations is now live. In addition to a mountain of bugfixes, tweaks, and scenario updates – there are a few key new features to mention. First off is true altitude/pin-cushion view. Aerospace units can displayed at their true altitude on the map. This is by default off but can be turned on by going to “Game Options –> Map Display –> Draw units at true altitude”. This will hopefully help players visualize just where their aircraft are relative to one-another.

They have also revised the HTML-rendering backend using Microsoft’s new WebView2 rendering engine, added contrails and wakes to aircraft and submarines, and added new fuel flow rate restrictions in air-to-air refueling.

These features are covered in more detail in the changelog HERE, so give that a good read if any of these new options and game rules strike your fancy.

command-modern-operationsCommand Showcase: Ford Class is a DLC series of scenarios that will put you in command of the most significant weapons sensors and units in the modern era with new and hypothetical theaters of war.

Your Second challenge:

Russia, in an attempt to break international sanctions, has set up a trade agreement with Angola. Unfortunately, the situation has turned ugly with the death of the Angolan President, back and forth claims of Russian and/or US and/or European interference fused with a fractious domestic political situation boiling down to civil war. While many nations attempt to evacuate non-combatants, Russia has vowed to send ‘Peacekeepers’ and the US is adamant that its Embassy will remain open and US citizens will be protected.

Enter the USS Ford and her dispersed Strike Group, diverted from a scheduled visit to South America. Simultaneously, the Russians divert their newly refitted Battle Cruiser Admiral Nakhimov from a mission to the Mediterranean. Suddenly two of the most powerful ships on the planet are steaming at high speed towards a tinderbox situation.

What could possibly go wrong?


  • Playable by the US side only and focused on the USS Ford.
  • Configurable air wing for the USS Ford with 10, 14 or 20 F-35s and varying numbers of other aircraft to round out the wing.
  • Randomized starting positions for many elements.
  • P-8, RQ-180 and other high end surveillance aircraft.
  • High end SSNs on both sides.
  • Airborne insertion of US Marines to the US Embassy.
  • A NATO airlift not under the player’s control but needing protection.
  • A fast-moving and dynamic situation on the ground which will complicate the player’s ability to achieve tasks and missions.
  • An escalation mechanism where both Russia and Angola will gradually lose patience with player actions at different rates and for different reasons, and likely start shooting.

Command Showcase: Ford Class will be released on 6th March.

The Command Showcase: Ford Class DLC requires Command: Modern Operations to play.

command-modern-operations-falklandsFor the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War, Command Modern Operations is pleased to announce a new DLC that will bring you back to 1982. Command Falklands contains fifteen scenarios and two bonus missions that put you in charge of the most significant units during the war between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the Falkland Islands off the coast of South America.

Watch the Command Falklands announcement trailer HERE.

Take command of the Argentine forces or the British task force assembled in 48 hours to fight the Argentine invasion, manage units previously taken out of service in bonus scenarios such as the HMS Ark Royal, Buccaneer and Phantom Fighters long-range attack planes, and the aircraft carrier CVA-01.


  • 15 Scenarios plus 2 Bonus Scenarios including units not present or available during the war.
  • Scenarios designed by a retired Royal Navy officer and Falklands veteran, who served on HMS Plymouth
  • Management actual and previously taken out of service units
  • Air, surface and underwater combat
  • Guide your Forces to victory in a multi-sided campaign.

Are you ready to counter the invasion?

Find out more about Command: Modern Operations – Falklands at the games official webpage.

command-modern-operationsMatrix games announces the release of Command: Red Tide.

Red Tide, a new DLC from Command Modern Operations, recreates a “what if” conflict between NATO and Communist powers; a theoretical sequel of the “Northern Inferno 1975″. Tensions explode in the Norwegian Sea when a standoff takes place between a NATO Destroyer and a Soviet Submarine, which drew both Powers into a rapidly escalating war that draws in Neighbours and super powers alike.

Command vast air and naval forces as war rages across all areas of the World including the Pacific, North Atlantic, South China Sea to name a few. Take control of your forces either NATO or Soviet Union as the conflict demands that every resource you have is pressed into service.

Plan your naval strategy carefully, you will require the mutual support of the entire fleet if you are to ensure that your enemies are crushed decisively.
Dominating the battlespace will allow you to blind your enemy’s ability to communicate and coordinate.

Ensure the victory of your forces through thoughtful strategy and planning. Creative deployment will be needed to overcome deficiencies in your mix of modern and outdated forces.

Get more information from the DLC’s Product Page.

Watch the release trailer HERE.

command-modern-operationsA new DLC from Command Modern Operations, recreates a “what if” conflict between NATO and Communism powers, a follow on from ” Northern Inferno 1975″, twelve scenarios across all areas of the World including the Pacific, North Atlantic, South China Sea.

Tension Explode in the Norwegian Sea when a standoff takes place between NATO Destroyer and a Soviet Submarine, which drew both Powers into a rapidly escalating war that draws in Neighbours and super power alike.

Watch the Command: Red Tide Announcement Trailer HERE.

Get more information from the DLC’s Product Page.

command-modern-operationsKashmir Fire, the new DLC for Command Modern Operations is now available.

Fifteen hypothetical campaign scenarios recreate a near-future conflict between the world’s two most volatile nuclear nemeses: Pakistan and India. Kashmir, the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, is now the center of the scene.

Carriers, frigates, submarines; guide world’s most impressive militaries in a multi-sided campaign while trying to ensure the victory of your forces through thoughtful strategy and planning.

More information about Command: Kashmir Fire  and to purchase the new DLC can be found here.

command-mo-live-sahel-slugfestSahel Slugfest is the thirteenth DLC in the Command LIVE series.

As public opinion worldwide sets its sights to more popular geopolitical affairs, the situation in sub-Saharan Africa is getting hotter than ever.

Old and new “colonial” powerhouses are wrestling over oil reserves, significant business opportunities and for political dominance. In particular, China and France are showing a clear interest in Chad and Sudan, where the Sahel desert stretches across both countries.

Jump into a tense escalation of events that will get out of hand fast in Command LIVE Sahel Slugfest. Out now.

Watch the CMO: Command LIVE Sahel Slugfest – Video News Report here.

Sahel Slugfest releases alongside the massive 1.02 update for Command Modern Operations. It introduces a huge amount of fixes and new content, including many new types of aircraft, weapons, ships, submarines, loadouts, facilities and much more. You can read the full changelog here.

command-modern-operationsOn the 5th of April, 1986, terrorists detonated a bomb in a Berlin nightclub. The bomb killed 2 American soldiers and a Turkish woman and injured 229 others, 79 of whom were American.

In response, citing evidence that the government of Libya was responsible for the bombing, US president Ronald Reagan ordered airstrikes against Libya on the night of April 14/15, code-named OPERATION EL DORADO CANYON.

Kushan Gaming has something special in store for you, This Saturday, his CMO Twitch stream will be covering the Operation El Dorado, 1986 scenario, but instead of giving just 2 hours of gameplay, he will be playing in real-time, without time acceleration!

Kushan will be conducting the operations for almost 8-10 hours, covering the flight around France and Spain, the strike itself and then the path to Rota.

The show will be starting at 6 pm BST and will last until the scenario is complete. Remember to bring some coffee and good stories to tell: this will be a long ride!

Operation El Dorado Canyon, 1986 scenario has been designed by Kushan himself. He did a lot of research into the operation using multiple sources of information. The scenario recreates every aspect of the raid, including the USAF strike from the United Kingdom with its trip around France and Spain and along the north coast of Africa with multiple in-air refuellings. Also simulated is the very strict ROE the pilots had to operate under.

Find out more about Command: Modern Operations at the games official webpage.