Campaign Series: Middle East 1948 – 1985

campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Matrix Games announced today the release of Update 3.00.01 for Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985. It brings a host of new features, enhancements, and fixes, ensuring an even deeper and more immersive tactical wargaming experience.

What is new?

  • Revamped 3D Map Graphics: the game’s visuals have been improved for better readability and an overall enhanced look, making it easier to analyze the battlefield at a glance.
  • A completely new Main Menu Interface: the front-end UI has been redesigned to streamline navigation, making it easier than ever to jump into your favorite scenarios.
  • Expanded Order of Battle: Iran and Iraq is now fully integrated into the Order of Battle editor.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This version requires uninstalling the previous version before installing the current one. Be sure to complete your ongoing games. Going forward, before installing any new updates, please ensure that all game modifications are disabled using the JSGME tool, if you had previously enabled any of them.

    You can download the Remastered Update from the store page or by navigating to the File Downloads section under My Page and downloading it from there

    View the changelog HERE.

    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 is a turn-based tactical wargame covering conflicts in the Middle East from 1948 to 1985. It portrays battles across a wide range of historical and hypothetical conflicts, from the First Arab-Israeli War to the Invasion of Lebanon in 1982, as well as border clashes, civil wars, and Cold War-era proxy battles.

    Each scenario is played on historically accurate maps, created using period topographic data, set on a 250-meter hex-grid with seven view modes. Scenarios include meeting engagements, trench defenses, armored breakthroughs, battles of attrition, and mobile defenses. The game features platoon-level formations, with select squad-level units for detailed tactical engagements.

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Matrix Games announced today the release of Update 2.31 for Campaign Series: Middle East. The update comes with numerous bug fixes and graphical improvements. This update even incorporates several optional mods that you can activate to further tailor your experience. The full changelog is available HERE. You can download the update HERE.

    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 is a turn-based, tactical wargame that focuses on conflicts in the Middle East. The series portrays battles spanning from 1948 to 1982. Each scenario is played on a unique, historical map with seven view modes. Scenario maps are based on topographic maps of from the period created on a hex grid; hexes are 250 metres across.

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Matrix Games has announced that Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 has been updated to version 2.0! Version 2.0 is massive. It contains over 50 implementations and new features added, a completely revised UI, new graphics and visuals, new terrains, improvements on an already challenging AI, and a lot more!

    To celebrate this important achievement, Campaign Series: Middle East is on sale for a week! 50% discount from today to January 25th!

    Waste no time and join the fight!

    Important information for the installation! This update is completely free but in order to play with the new version, please make sure to uninstall the old version of the game. You can find the Uninstall option in the game’s Start menu folder.

    Check the whole changelog here.

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Today, for our “Community Content” format, we wanted to highlight the extraordinary work made by Crossroads (who is actually one of the developers) for Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985!

    The devs of Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 always did their best to let their game be as modders-friendly as possible, in order to let the community always have fun playing and creating new contents, and this is why they created this amazing guide to help everyone, from newcomers to veterans, learn and further their knowledge regarding the modding world.

    You can also find a list of a bunch of mods for the game itself, hurry up and check it out!

    So go on and enjoy this thread, and if you have any question don’t hesitate and ask! The devs will do their best to answer as soon as possible!

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Many of you who grew up with boardgames might recognize Alan R. Arvold from the many situations he created for Avalon Hill’s PanzerBlitz, Panzer Leader and Arab-Israeli Wars games, as were made present like in Avalon Hill’s AH General, Wargamer, and other magazines. Later, as tabletop boardgames were replaced with computer wargaming, Alan performed the paramount task of preserving all these games in Talonsoft’s Campaign Series game titles.

    Alan’s been continuing to preserve some genuine wargaming history in electronic format, now with Campaign Series: Middle East!

    Here you are:

    Alan R. Arvold’s Ode To Arab Israeli Wars Scenario Pack

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Middle East! Once a place of advanced civilizations, now is a land plagued by dozens of cruel conflicts. Technology has made possible for small armies to deliver devastating blows to unprepared enemies and, as a consequence, new military canons have been introduced, innovating the entire warfare.

    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 is a turn-based, tactical wargame that focuses on conflicts in the Middle East and today it has received its first major update!

    Version 1.02 is now available and it brings a lot of improvements and incredible additions! The graphics have been overhaul improved (in both 3D and 2D mode), several new scenarios have been introduced, the Ode to Arab-Israeli Wars scenario mod has been included, and more!

    The changelog is very long, so be sure to check it here!

    Download the update and get into action now!

    Get more information on Campaign Series: Middle East 1948 – 1985 from its official product page.

    campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

    The Balfour Declaration, November 2nd 1917

    Never a wargame has depicted in such fine detail one the most controversial parts of contemporary history. The proclamation of the Israeli state in 1948 and the US recognizing the state in that exact same day, opens up over four decades of conflicts, key battles, struggles and hostilities. This was also the time of landmark progression and evolution of tactics and weapons systems, where the weapons of NATO and the WARSAW PACT were tested on the battlefields.

    The Middle East is on fire!

    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948 – 1985 has been released and this great wargame is ready to bring to life many of the tactical and technological innovations developed for the first time in the Cold War era!

    Ten historical conflicts are covered in 3 Linked Campaigns and 65 scenarios (along with over a thousand of unique platoons available), this title describes the struggle for ascendancy in the Middle East with depth and with a military precision rarely achieved in a videogame!

    Face off in an ancient conflict fought with modern weapons!

    Get more information on Campaign Series: Middle East 1948 – 1985 from its official product page.