Combat Flight Sim

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) will launch today via Steam Early Access at (6pm GMT/12:00 PM Eastern USA). Check out what veteran programmer Ed Scio at Sim155 had to say about today’s release:

Well, this is early access launch day so I thought it’d be good to explain what to expect over the coming days, weeks and months. I have to admit its been a scramble to get ready for the launch though without a deadline I’d probably never get around to releasing CAP2. I’m looking forward to getting feedback, both good and bad. Bear in mind this is an Early Access title. For instance, the main strategic feature of CAP2, the dynamic campaign, is approximately 75% complete. There are lots of minor items on my release list which won’t make the 6pm (UK) release build so expect a stream of updates over the next few days. All elements will likely evolve with your feedback.

After the initial flurry of updates this week, we’ll run a general beta build for those of you who want to try new features/bug fixes as soon as they are available. Based on feedback we’ll then transition them to the main build. There may be several beta builds per week so only subscribe to those if you are OK with that. I’ll be primarily using this blog to keep you up to date with development.

Here are our main areas of upcoming development:

  • Dynamic Campaign. We’ll be improving the dynamic campaign by adding more targets, enemy capabilities such as mine laying, offensive capabilities such as integrating Tomahawk strikes into a mission package.
  • VR. Its been difficult to hold off starting on this, especially with all the recent buzz around the official launches but we managed to show some restraint. We’ve got the Rift kit, Vive is on the way so we should start on this next week. We’ll create a VR build which anyone can opt into. Initial builds will be a simple implementation followed by UI upgrades.
  • Multiplayer. As described in previous posts.
  • Rendering. Expect to see graphical improvements such as SSAO, DOF, self shadowing terrain, shadow casting vegetation.
  • Carrier. We’ll create a fully populated deck and also have animated lifts, defenses and radars.
  • Aircraft. Expect graphical updates to the AV8B cockpit together with increased control functionality.
  • In Flight refueling. We have the animated refuel probe in game already, just waiting for drogue logic/physics implemented.
  • Scenery. A high priority feature to be added is OSM (Open Street Map) data for accurate road and building generation.
  • 3D Models. In addition to generated OSM scenery models we’ll be adding custom models not adequately described in OSM,
  • Map Areas. We plan to add Yuma and well known training areas such as the ‘Mach Loop’ and the ‘Jedi Transition’.
  • Satellite Imagery. We’ll begin sourcing satellite imagery to apply to the terrain.
  • 32/64 bit build. We have both builds running now though as they are functionally identical only the 32bit is published. We’ll make the 64bit build available together with larger terrain cache sizes.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced today the pricing of its exciting new air combat simulator, Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2). Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II.

As launch is fast approaching we thought we had better let you know how much CAP2 will cost. The Early Access price will be $29.99. Its worth noting that Steam converts the price for different regions based on factors other than exchange rate – so for example the UK price will be £22.99 and the Euro price €27.99, both are slightly more than the current exchange rate. Some regions will be less.

Remember – the last competition before launch is closing today, just head over to the hub and hit follow for your chance to win a free copy.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) will launch into Steam Early Access on 6th June 2016 (6pm GMT). Price will be confirmed in the coming days.

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

flying-tigers-shadows-over-china-logoDon’t look back, someone might be gaining on you! Today’s Steam update adds improved dogfight AI and two new fighters, the Allied P-43A-1 “Lancer” (with Chinese ROCAF and USAAF skins) and, perhaps unexpectedly, a Japanese Messerschmitt! (Germany supplied Japan with a number of evaluation Bf 109Es for comparison trials by the Japanese Army Air Force – the Allies, expecting to encounter those Bf 109Es in combat, assigned code name “Mike” to the Messerschmitts).

Update rundown:

  • Increased cool-down duration of arcade maneuvers to make them less spammy [in multiplayer and elsewhere].
  • Improved dogfight AI; AVENGING ACE and SURVIVAL modes now more challenging (not necessarily more difficult).
  • Better display support, the game now runs on three monitors with HUD elements in the center screen.
  • Began implementing skillshot/reward badge effects in dogfight modes, coming to multiplayer soon (in development, apologies for the rough polish).
  • Added a setting to toggle the hold (auto-camera) of OBSERVE TARGET function (that’s the F key on default setting M+K or K).
  • Invert X-Axis for the panoramic camera view now possible.
  • Fixed numerous crashes in the “EAST OF MARTABAN” campaign mission.
  • P-43A-1 “Lancer” and Bf 109 “Mike” fighters with multiple skins implemented.
  • Lots of [minor] GUI enhancements.

About Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China:

Currently in Steam Early Access, Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China is an air-combat action game based on the historical events of America’s secret volunteer squadrons that flew against Japan in the China-Burma-India (CBI) Theatre of World War 2. Secretly recruited under President Roosevelt’s authority in 1941, the Flying Tigers were officially known as the “American Volunteer Group”.

Get more information about the game at the official Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd, developer of the flight and naval combat simulator Combat Air Patrol 2, has announced a chance for members of  Steam Community Hub to win a free copy of the game when released. So join the Combat Air Patrol 2 Steam Community and maybe you’ll  be one of the lucky winners!

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

digitalcombatsimulator-logoSource: Blue’s News

Digital Combat Simulator website now offers the DCS: SA342 Gazelle, a new helicopter for Digital Combat Simulator World, the a free-to-play combat game. Here’s a trailer showing the whirlybird in action.

The SA342 Gazelle is a light scout/attack and transport helicopter. It was introduced in 1968 as a result of cooperation between Aérospatiale and Westland Aircraft. Operated by 23 countries, the Gazelle has served in combat operations across the world including the 1991 Gulf War, 1982 Lebanon War, Syria, and other conflicts.

The Gazelle is powered by a single turbine engine that is connected to three glass-fiber reinforced plastic main rotor blades with a bearingless main rotor developed by Bölkow GmbH. It is also the first helicopter which features the famous Fenestron tail rotor.

The version featured in DCS is the anti-tank version that is armed with four HOT 3 anti-tank guided missiles. Later, free upgrades to this module will feature Gazelle versions armed with a GIAT machine gun, rocket pods, Mistral anti-aircraft missile, and sniper team in rear compartment.

Key Features of DCS: SA342 Gazelle:

  • Accurate and highly detailed six-degrees-freedom (6DOF) cockpit and external model
  • Mouse interactive cockpit with authentic systems modeling
  • Fully modeled weapon system including weapons sight and HOT 3
  • Exciting and challenging campaign
  • Interactive training missions
  • AFM (Advanced Flight Model) that simulates all flight phases and characteristics of the Gazelle
  • Inclusive flight manual
  • Gazelle skins covering many countries


Combat Flight Sim DCS World | Donster | |

flying-tigers-shadows-over-china-logoPagodas and amphibious action available in Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China (FTSOC) update “PAGODA NEXUS“, live on Steam now. Recap below with two fresh YouTube videos at the bottom.

As spring unfolds at last in all its glory, we’re happy to bring you a new FTSOC update that we’ve aptly dubbed “PAGODA NEXUS” to reflect the inclusion of pagodas, those mythical stone temples of Burma (of the Tibetan kind, I should add, for those of you with an interest in architectural history).

Pagodas attract lightning strikes because of their height, and many have a decorated metal finial at the top of the structure, referred to as a “demon-arrester” to catch lightning, in the heaviest of monsoons.

Here’s what you can expect will kick in after you rack up this little update:

  • Added pagoda structures, pillars and towers and temples and buildings, in campaign missions and on maps where historically appropriate. Check out the landmark Schwedagon Pagoda in the Rangoon map (Free Flight, Dogfight or Campaign Mission “RAID ON RANGOON” – the choice is yours!).
  • Updated specs for many aircraft, work in progress. We appreciate the forum feedback, keep it coming! Tuning the firepower and accuracy of the Hurricane Mk. IIB and the Spitfire Mk. V is a priority (both in single player and in multiplayer).
  • New aircraft: Japanese [b]J2M RAIDEN “THUNDERBOLT”[/b] fighter added, try it out over Rangoon in the middle of the night, the Schwedagon Pagoda can look quite impressive, if approached from the right angle.
  • New aircraft: American [b]SC-1 “SEAHAWK”[/b] finally added to the Paradise Island DLC (available in the Deluxe version too). In multiplayer, all players can fly against the Rufe and Seahawk and on Phi Phi Island, provided the host has the DLC installed or purchased the Deluxe version.
  • Improved vehicles: New tanks, trucks (type 94 6-wheeled), army cars (type 95), searchlight vehicles, ambulances, and Type 98 AA units that are manned by soldiers (hear the enemy scream in agony as you unleash .50 cal fire upon them!).
  • Minor addition: The RAF barrage ballons in the Kindergarten missions are now roped to the ground in an effort to make the scenery look a little more realistic.
  • We’ve made a lot of smaller GUI enhancements, too numerous to fit in a bulletpoint, but for example, the (currently active) difficulty level is now color-coded in the main menu and in-game pause screen, and the radar display has been enlarged to clarify ground units (jeeps, tanks, army cars, trains).

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China – Pagoda Nexus (Steam Update) 60 FPS Gameplay Video

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China – Amphibious Action 60 FPS Gameplay – A6M2-N Rufe vs SC-1 Seahawk Video

Get more information about the game at the official Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoGuns, missiles and bombs, oh my! Sim155 Ltd, developer of the flight and naval combat simulator Combat Air Patrol 2, has released a fantastic new trailer showcasing the weapons system of the AV8B Harrier II.

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

air-missions-hindBy Alex Connolly @ The Wargamer

The Drinking Glass. The Crocodile. The Flying Tank. Whatever you call this iconic Russian gunship, the Mi-24 HIND looms in the imagination as a brutal piece of Cold War engineering. As arresting as it grotesque, Moscow’s answer to the Huey went beyond its role as a robust troop carrier in becoming a bristling carnivore, stalking the Mujahideen during the ill-fated Soviet invasion.

I’m happy to say, bellowing from the rotor wash and feeling Bagram grit collect in my gum line, the chopper love seen in Heliborne continues with Air Missions: HIND. Unlike Jetcat Games’ multi-era celebration of Cold War rotorcraft, the armoured bully is the sole focus of 3DIVISION’s simucade project. On higher difficulty, Air Missions: HIND flies much closer to a Gaijin Entertainment level of control fidelity and feedback, sidling alongside the forgotten Apache Air Assault in laying an acceptable level of realism atop slightly more forgiving flight physics.

Read on…

flying-tigers-shadows-over-china-logoDeveloper Ace Maddox Games has announced the “Rocket Lightning Spin” Steam Update for its air-combat action game Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China. A new P-38L video and Hurricane Mk. IIB video are now available for your viewing pleasure!

Here’s the rundown for”Rocket Lightning Spin” Steam Update:

  • Improved flightstick support. For example, Saitek’s “dual device” X-55 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. system is now fully configurable.
  • “HVAR” rocket weapons system implemented via P-38L Lightning, try the new ROCKET LIGHTNING Single Player Challenge for some explosive fun (P-38L with rockets also available in FREE FLIGHT/DOGFIGHT modes).
  • Added “city light” rendering feature; take-off for a test-flight over Akyab or Rangoon in the middle of the night to sample a myriad of shiny, digital light-bulbs.
  • HUD/GUI updated so controls and hint messages are now more visual, dynamic icons for improved gamepad, keyboard and flight stick control instructions.
  • Adjusted the Campaign mode’s difficulty so that it (should) take more skill and less luck to complete missions (note: work in progress).
  • New aircraft: C-46A “Commando” replaces the DC-2 transport for FREE FLIGHT and “OVER THE HUMP” Campaign mission.
  • New aircraft: Upgraded the Hurricane Mk. II fighter so it looks a little sleeker, now comes with five selectable skins — including the famous England-China “Nightflyer”!
  • New aircraft: P-38L Lightning fighter aircraft added with HVAR weapons system for firing rockets. Four skins available including a ROCAF (Nationalist China) camouflage.

Get more information about the game at the official Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China website.