Combat Air Patrol 2

combat-air-patrol-2-logoMicroProse is proud to announce that it has secured a publishing partnership with Combat Air Patrol 2, the early access flight and surface combat simulator with a mission planner from Sim155.

For the occasion, a big patch has been released with a lot of improvements, together with a precise ROADMAP for the upcoming updates. Early access is available on the games Steam page.

Watch the MicroProse Announcement Trailer HERE.

Feel the power of flying the AV8B Harrier II. A flight and naval combat simulator with mission planner and fully dynamic open ended campaign. CAP2 is a middle ground simulator, you won’t need to read a 300 page manual to get off the ground, nor will you be carrying dozens of missiles when you fire it up.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has released some information on the new developments they are currently working on for their flight and naval combat simulator game Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2). Here’s the latest:

We are excited about December as we finally start to bring the missions to life!

Current work is focused on all aspects of aircraft AI. This will improve things such as:

  • Dogfights
  • AI aircraft mission integration (taxiing, AI flight member roles)
  • AI airbase traffic
  • AI aircraft weapon deployment (AA & AG)
  • AI awareness of aircraft state (fuel, weapon state, radar, RWR)
  • A2A refueling.

This means for example, in a training mission you might see a tanker takeoff while your flight taxis to the runway. You takeoff, form up and hit training area targets line astern, refuel and return to base. Another example, for the Mach Loop you may be in a flight of four aircraft transiting the loop where you may be lead or following the flight leader.

Live now:

We’ve dropped four patches over the past couple of months and the current version (v810.7) is now live across all branches (including VR).

Head on over to the Combat Air Patrol 2 Steam community hub for full details on the last four patches and to purchase CAP2. Find out more about CAP2 at the games official website.


combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) v810.4 update for the flight and naval combat simulator game is expected to be available in early October. This new update will contain a richer environment, with more buildings, lush vegetation, and a host of custom objects including power lines, lighthouses, water tanks, ATC towers, rigs etc. Lighting has been added to roads, runways, taxiways and buildings, illuminating villages and cities for superior immersion. The cockpit lighting in the AV8B Harrier II has also been updated, including night illumination.

Check out the new Combat Air Patrol 2 “Terrain Lights Promo” HERE.

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 via its Steam Community Hub and at the games official website.

Combat Air Patrol 2 Combat Flight Sim | Donster | |

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) v810 update has been released. v810 includes new satellite imagery, OpenStreetMap data, MCAS Yuma, Barry M Goldwater Range and the Mach Loop in Wales. A promo video featuring the new changes in the update is also available for viewing. UPDATE: Since the v810 release, v810.2 has been released, having fixed a number of small teething issues over the weekend.

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 via its Steam Community Hub and at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) v810 will be released before the end of June. v810 will include new satellite imagery, OpenStreetMap data, MCAS Yuma, Barry M Goldwater Range and the Mach Loop in Wales. You can preview the updates in the new promo video.

Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II. After initial flight and tactical training you will be pitched into an immersive scenario against aggressive ground, sea and air based enemies. Use your skill as a pilot and your tactical awareness to engage in dogfights, carry out ground attacks and command your fleet to ultimately ensure the safety of your comrades and the final capitulation of the enemy. Strategic decisions such as commanding your fleet on the tactical map and your performance in the air will affect the final outcome: Go ‘gung ho’ with a full out assault and the outcome will be in the balance or plan ahead and the end result will be your ultimate victory.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 via its Steam Community Hub and at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) V809.1 is currently live in the Steam client’s Beta and VR Beta channels. As well a couple of crash fixes, general bug squashing and copious minor improvements, the following are present in this build:

  • Steam launch options for 2D, OpenVR & Oculus.
  • New carrier with animated elevators, deck crane and deck tugs.
  • Air to Air refuelling – KC767 tanker with realistic hose physics. Check out the video here.

You can check out the full details over at the CAP2 Dev Blog.

Several new screenshots and videos have been added to the CAP2 website.

Further v809 updates will include populated target ranges, updated MFD & radar displays together with RCS (Radar Cross Section) logic. Cockpit updates are progressing well. Aside from modelling one of the major updates will be the mirror reflections. You’ll be able to specify varying levels of reflection fidelity plus we’re considering adding adjustable mirrors. Automatic support for Thrustmaster MFD Cougar panels is also on the way.

Combat Air Patrol 2 is available on Steam for $29.99.


combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) VR Beta 1 is available now in the Steam client’s ‘BETAS’ tab. Here’s the news release by Ed Scio at developer Sim155:

I’ve got to admit VR in CAP2 is now pretty damn cool! With the first implementation I was slightly skeptical of the experience, feeling nauseous etc but with ‘Cinema Mode’ implemented for non pilot views there’s no longer a bucket by my desk.

There’s a lot of minor updates/fixes to come for VR, including:

  • Allow MSAA rendering
  • UI currently not shown in pilot view (after pressing ‘ESC’)
  • Mission planner not shown in VR (enable 2D Mirror to view it if required)
  • Radio commands input method
  • Update VR during loading screens
  • Add an Oculus API option

Also, in VR obviously can’t see your keyboard for input so I’ll add a method for highlighting cockpit controls by looking at them then selecting via a new control input. This will let you manage MFD’s, flaps, water injection, counter measures, canopy latch, eject handle, upfront controls etc using the headset and one button. This method will also be implemented in non VR mode to work with gamepad right stick cockpit view.

Right, back to finishing v808 with a new carrier and in-flight refueling!

For more detail on previous updates check out the dev blog.

Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) will be updated to version v806. Its the most extensive update so far and will go live this week. One of the major features of v806 is radio comms. Radio exchanges and background chatter really improve simulation immersion. It also enables commands to aircraft within your section such as:

  • Formation control
  • Target assignment (A-A & A-G)
  • Report State
  • Navigation
  • Mission abort
  • Return to base
  • Recover/land on carrier
  • Emcon (Emissions Control)
  • Lights state

You also have RT to the carrier/fleet such as:

  • Request takeoff
  • Request land
  • Request position check
  • FAC assign fire mission to fleet

Target assignment is done by locking up an air target, surface target or locking a point with your Lantirn pod then commanding a wingman to attack your target.

Formation control is fun to use, you have standard mission formations such as combat spread, echelon etc. You also have the close formation ‘parade’ which is great for photo opportunities, not so great for sudden maneuvers!

Fleet FAC (Forward Air Controller) allows you create a fire mission for the fleet main guns, initiating a barrage at your Lantirn pod lock point.

Radio comms will continue to evolve throughout ‘Early Access’ with extra commands, associated AI logic and UI updates.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 via its Steam Community Hub. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced that Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) will launch today via Steam Early Access at (6pm GMT/12:00 PM Eastern USA). Check out what veteran programmer Ed Scio at Sim155 had to say about today’s release:

Well, this is early access launch day so I thought it’d be good to explain what to expect over the coming days, weeks and months. I have to admit its been a scramble to get ready for the launch though without a deadline I’d probably never get around to releasing CAP2. I’m looking forward to getting feedback, both good and bad. Bear in mind this is an Early Access title. For instance, the main strategic feature of CAP2, the dynamic campaign, is approximately 75% complete. There are lots of minor items on my release list which won’t make the 6pm (UK) release build so expect a stream of updates over the next few days. All elements will likely evolve with your feedback.

After the initial flurry of updates this week, we’ll run a general beta build for those of you who want to try new features/bug fixes as soon as they are available. Based on feedback we’ll then transition them to the main build. There may be several beta builds per week so only subscribe to those if you are OK with that. I’ll be primarily using this blog to keep you up to date with development.

Here are our main areas of upcoming development:

  • Dynamic Campaign. We’ll be improving the dynamic campaign by adding more targets, enemy capabilities such as mine laying, offensive capabilities such as integrating Tomahawk strikes into a mission package.
  • VR. Its been difficult to hold off starting on this, especially with all the recent buzz around the official launches but we managed to show some restraint. We’ve got the Rift kit, Vive is on the way so we should start on this next week. We’ll create a VR build which anyone can opt into. Initial builds will be a simple implementation followed by UI upgrades.
  • Multiplayer. As described in previous posts.
  • Rendering. Expect to see graphical improvements such as SSAO, DOF, self shadowing terrain, shadow casting vegetation.
  • Carrier. We’ll create a fully populated deck and also have animated lifts, defenses and radars.
  • Aircraft. Expect graphical updates to the AV8B cockpit together with increased control functionality.
  • In Flight refueling. We have the animated refuel probe in game already, just waiting for drogue logic/physics implemented.
  • Scenery. A high priority feature to be added is OSM (Open Street Map) data for accurate road and building generation.
  • 3D Models. In addition to generated OSM scenery models we’ll be adding custom models not adequately described in OSM,
  • Map Areas. We plan to add Yuma and well known training areas such as the ‘Mach Loop’ and the ‘Jedi Transition’.
  • Satellite Imagery. We’ll begin sourcing satellite imagery to apply to the terrain.
  • 32/64 bit build. We have both builds running now though as they are functionally identical only the 32bit is published. We’ll make the 64bit build available together with larger terrain cache sizes.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.

combat-air-patrol-2-logoSim155 Ltd. has announced today the pricing of its exciting new air combat simulator, Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2). Combat Air Patrol 2 (CAP2) is a flight and naval combat simulator game for PC (Steam/Windows) where you pilot the AV8B Harrier II.

As launch is fast approaching we thought we had better let you know how much CAP2 will cost. The Early Access price will be $29.99. Its worth noting that Steam converts the price for different regions based on factors other than exchange rate – so for example the UK price will be £22.99 and the Euro price €27.99, both are slightly more than the current exchange rate. Some regions will be less.

Remember – the last competition before launch is closing today, just head over to the hub and hit follow for your chance to win a free copy.

You can follow the development of Combat Air Patrol 2 on Facebook. Find out more about Combat Air Patrol 2 at the games official website.