New update also brings French coastal fleet tech tree

Gaijin Entertainment announces that the online military shooter War Thunder will receive the “Dance of Dragons” update in September. It will bring two iconic Chinese-made fighters – the J-10 and JF-17. Closed beta testing of the French coastal fleet will also begin. War Thunder is going to receive dozens of other naval, ground and air military vehicles as well, i.e.the Pakistani Al-Khalid-I tank developed in China.

Watch the “Dance of Dragons” update Trailer HERE.

The JF-17 is a fighter developed in China for the Pakistan Air Force. It has been in service with this country since 2007 and has repeatedly participated in military operations. The aircraft’s power plant is a Russian turbojet twin-circuit RD-93 engine, the same as on the MiG-29. JF-17 features a modern radar system as well as radar and missile approach warning systems closely integrated with the aircraft’s countermeasures.

The J-10A is a Chinese 4+ generation fighter, developed in the late 90s and utilizing all the advanced technologies of its time. It is produced and used in China today. The powerful AL-31FN turbofan engine is capable of very quickly accelerating the aircraft to speeds of around Mach 2 at high altitudes, and the large-area tail allows for excellent controllability, which is especially important at high speeds. The pilot will be able to place an impressive arsenal on 11 external weapon hardpoints, including the maneuverable PL-5E close-range air-to-air missiles, new to War Thunder.

The tech tree of the French coastal navy begins with nimble light artillery and torpedo boats, such as the VTB-8, VTB-9, and VTB-11. Fans of military history will be interested to look at the Vedette-type 40K, which changed three flags – France, Britain and Germany – and in each case was equipped with different weapons and equipment. Another intriguing boat is the Arras sub-chaser disguised as a merchant ship, or as the French often called this class, “Aviso”. This relatively slow boat with artillery armament is almost like a mini destroyer!

More information on the “Dance of Dragons” update content will be published on the official website of the game in the coming weeks.

You can read more about War Thunder on the games official website.

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enlistedPlayers can join massive WW2 battles for free

Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment announce that online military shooter Enlisted is now available for free on Steam. The game supports on Steam Deck and features full cross-play with all platforms on which Enlisted is available: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, as well as the Gaijin.Net service for PC.

Watch the official launch trailer HERE.

Enlisted reproduces all the key theaters of World War II ranging from the snowy outskirts of Moscow to the hot Pacific islands, from the beaches of Normandy to the deserts of Tunisia. Up to a hundred soldiers, along with armored vehicles and aircraft, simultaneously participate in massive Enlisted battles. The player controls a squad of infantrymen, or the crew of a military vehicle, switching between individual fighters at their discretion. Locations, gear, weapons and equipment are carefully recreated based on historical evidence.

The Steam version of Enlisted includes all the content created for the game in recent years – hundreds of models of weapons, vehicles and gear that were used by a variety of countries participating in World War II. Major updates for Enlisted are released several times a year: for example, in June, the Battle of Rzhev, rocket artillery strikes, new models of weapons and equipment, as well as significant graphical improvements were added to the game.

To mark the release of Enlisted on the new platform, two new packs with unique weapons have gone on sale: a Squad of Paratroopers with a Type Hei machine gun (equipped with an protective shield) and a Squad of Premium Engineers with a powerful Winchester G30R semi-automatic rifle.

You can read more about the game’s content on the official Enlisted website.

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New update brings a new missile class, dozens of vehicles and damage model upgrades

Gaijin Entertainment announces the release of the “Seek & Destroy” update for the online military shooter War Thunder. The update brings dozens of new military vehicles, including the British battlecruiser Queen Mary, the French VLT-2 torpedo boat, the German F-4F KWS LV (ICE) fighter jet and the Kuwaiti Desert Warrior infantry fighting vehicle. The central theme of “Seek & Destroy” is FOX-3 missiles, but there are numerous other updates, i.e. new models of modern aircraft pilots, detailed helicopter cockpits, improved damage mechanics for modern armored vehicles and much more.

Watch the Seek & Destroy Update Trailer HERE.

The damage model for modern tanks and anti-aircraft systems in War Thunder has become even more accurate. Now enemy shells can damage modules such as the autoloader, fire control system, driver controls and electronic equipment, immediately affecting relevant vehicle capabilities. Luckily, the crew can fix it all on site using the tools at hand to get the modules working again. In addition, a direct hit from shells or a near explosion of a bomb can now lead to damage to the chassis of wheeled vehicles with an animation of one or more wheels being torn off.

The game now features detailed cockpits for a dozen and a half helicopters. Models of crews of German armored vehicles from the WW2 era, tank crews of Soviet equipment of the post-war period and pilots of modern combat aviation such as A-10 attack aircraft, as well as fighters of the F-14, F-16, F-15, J-11, MiG-29, Su-27 and Yak-141 have also been updated for all gaming nations.

VLT-2 is a rare French torpedo boat that saw limited use at the end of World War II. In War Thunder, it has become the first representative of the French coastal fleet, which will be added to the game in one of the next major updates. Those who purchase the VLT-2 pack will be the first to have access to the CBT for the entire tech tree. The boat is armed with two 40-mm Bofors cannons and two quick-firing 20-mm Oerlikon autocannons, plus 550-mm torpedoes in two torpedo tubes will send even the largest ships to the bottom if successfully hit.

You can learn more about the new vehicles and other update content on the official War Thunder website.

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enlistedNew update brings visual updates, new weapons, gear and maps

Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of a major update “Rzhev” for the online military shooter Enlisted. It brings significantly improved graphics, new missions dedicated to the famous Battle of Rzhev, as well as new squads, weapons, and military vehicles.

The Battle of Rzhev is a series of operations in 1942-1943, during which the Red Army eliminated the Rzhev-Vyazma ledge, from which German troops threatened Moscow. Eyewitnesses recalled this battle as a crazy meat grinder, and in terms of the significance and fierceness of the battles it was comparable to Stalingrad. Players in Enlisted will visit several iconic points of Rzhev, i.e. the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, the city hall, the central market, the shopping area and steep cliffs to the left bank of the Volga river. On the approaches to the city, battles will take place in industrial zones with a grain elevator and in the ruins of the suburban village of Teterino, of which mostly only the outlines of houses remain.

The Rzhev update features dozens of brand new or improved weapons and military vehicles – for example, the American T20 rifle, the Japanese KE-7 machine gun, the Soviet KV-2 tank (1940) with a powerful 152-mm howitzer and the German 8.8 cm Flak 37 Sfl. tank destroyer that can shoot down aircraft and tear armored vehicles to shreds with equal ease. Squads of radio operators can now call in rocket artillery strikes – the first to receive this opportunity are the 26th Guards Signal Battalion of the USSR and the 332nd Infantry Regiment of Germany.

Finally, Enlisted has improved the operation of Global Illumination technology on PC and PlayStation 5, which has made the game much more beautiful without sacrificing performance. The propagation of light has become even more realistic, and the game is visually richer: the developers have added specular lighting, increased its display distance, and also added detailed reflections.

Watch the Rzhev Update trailer HERE.

You can read more about the contents of the Rzhev update on the official Enlisted website.

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In honor of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944, one of the most pivotal moments in World War II, World of Tanks is introducing a series of commemorative in-game events. These include a brand-new PvE mode called Operation Overlord, a themed Battle Pass Season, a special historical livestream directly from LCT 7074, the only known surviving Landing Craft Tank in the U.K. that participated in D-Day, and more.

From June 6, tankers can play a brand-new solo PvE mode inspired by Operation Overlord, which offers the chance to experience the combat of the Normandy landings. Participants will command the iconic M4A3E8 Sherman tank with the primary objective of breaching through the fortified enemy defenses. By destroying coastal bunkers that protect anti-aircraft batteries, players will activate extra AI-powered support from Allied forces recon planes and battleship artillery that will inflict colossal damage on targets.

Tankers will also face additional challenges, as the map is filled with deadly mines. To secure successful advancement, commanders will have a secret weapon on their side: the Sherman Crab—a specially designed mine-detecting tank that saw active service during WWII. During the historical landings, the Sherman Crab helped troops safely navigate the battlefield by deliberately detonating land mines, and it will be critical on the path to victory in the game mode.

In a special D-Day Battle Pass Season running from June until September, players will progress through three Chapters, unlocking three new Tier VI Premium tanks with Normandy-inspired 3D styles and three unique crew members. The Season offers extensive rewards that include bonds, credits, Premium Account, equipment, and other in-game goodies.

Tankers will also find a special interactive D-Day Events Map to help them learn about the events surrounding the anniversary. By progressing through a sequence of themed missions, players will get special Tokens that they can exchange for Premium vehicles, unique customizations, and days of Premium Account.

Click here for all the details on these special events.

The World of Tanks team has prepared a surprise, as it will be live-streaming on the official Twitch channel——on June 8 at 17:00 UTC+1 / 18:00 CEST from the LCT 7074, the only known surviving Landing Craft Tank in the U.K. that participated in D-Day.

And that’s not all, as a special D-Day collection will be available in the World of Tanks official licensed stores: and It features a range of commemorative products, including apparel (T-shirts and hoodies), mugs and tumblers, mousepads, puzzles, and Zippo lighters.

For more information on World of Tanks, visit the games official website.

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Air battles in War Thunder will reach a new level

Gaijin Entertainment announces that the online military shooter War Thunder will receive the “Seek & Destroy” major content update in June. It will bring medium-range air-to-air missiles with active radar guidance (also known as FOX-3), Belgium and the Netherlands aviation, the Canadian version of the Leopard 2 MBT and dozens of other ground, sea and air military vehicles.

FOX-3 missiles operate autonomously and do not require constant “illumination” of the target, though when launching from longer ranges, it’s most optimal to track a target in TWS (Track-While-Scan) mode to provide radio correction. The Radiation Warning Receiver (RWR), however, will warn the target of the approaching missile and give the pilot time to take evasive action. The first medium-range missiles with ARH seekers in War Thunder will be the French MICA, Chinese PL-12, American AIM-120, Russian R-77, Japanese AAM-4, Israeli Derby and South African R-Darter.

One of the carriers of the new class of missiles will be the Su-27SM, the most advanced version of the Su-27 fighter currently in the game. In addition, it will receive TV guided KAB-500Kr and a completely new, destructive one and a half ton KAB-1500Kr, the largest caliber of Russian bombs of this type in the game, as well as Kh-29TD guided missiles. All this is in addition to the already extensive arsenal of the basic Su-27.

Belgian and Dutch aviation will debut in the game as a Benelux branch in the tech tree of neighboring France, increasing the variety of options for players who choose that country. The line starts with the old Gladiator Mk I, which entered combat duty back in the late 30s, and ends with the modern F-16AM Block 15 MLU! There will also be a place here for the French Mirage 5BA, developed for the needs of the Belgian Air Force, as well as the Fokker G.1A, a Dutch-designed aircraft.

New ground-based equipment includes a Canadian modification of the Leopard 2A4 main battle tank with additional composite armor modules, an advanced thermal imager and the ability to install anti-cumulative screens and a masking net, while fans of naval battles will probably be interested in trying the Kondor II – a minesweeper of the GDR fleet, armed with three twin 25 mm autocannons and a FASTA 4M2 launcher with Strela-2M anti-aircraft missiles.

Watch the ‘Seek & Destroy’ Update Trailer HERE.

You can read more about new vehicles and other content of the “Seek & Destroy” update on the official website of the game.

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The prestigious battleship Wisconsin enters the high seas

Wargaming, the publisher and developer of the world’s leading naval battle MMO World of Warships, is setting the scene for the construction of the historic American battleship Wisconsin in the Dockyard, a real naval ship museum. Alongside this new shipbuilding process comes a special Event Pass with two 20-level progression lines to commemorate the Japanese Golden Week holidays, and the revival of the fan-favourite Asymmetric Battles!

Leading April’s content update comes American Tier X battleship Wisconsin in the Dockyard. Equipped with nine precise 406mm main battery guns in three turrets, and both high speed and concealment on her side, she’s the perfect vessel for fast-paced gameplay. To mitigate damage risks from the ship’s weaker armour Wisconsin comes prepared with speciality combat instructions that decrease consumable preparation and reload time, along with the main battery gun reload time.

To unlock Wisconsin, players must complete 30 phases of the shipbuilding process, 28 of which can be completed via Dockyard combat missions. Along the way, players will also be rewarded with another American battleship, West Virginia 1944.

To help continue support for the restoration of the turret of the real USS Wisconsin, a naval ship museum visible in Norfolk, Virginia, several in-game bundles will also be available to purchase, with 100% of the proceeds donated to The Nauticus Foundation, and World of Warships is proudly sponsoring as well the entry tickets for all veterans and service members visiting Nauticus during the April month.

Watch the Update 13.3: Wisconsin at the Dockyard trailer HERE.

Celebrate the Japanese Golden Week holidays

To commemorate the Golden Week holidays coming to Japan at the beginning of May a brand-new Event Pass drops its anchor in Warships’ waters, offering new rewards for players to unlock and enjoy. Set across two 20-level progression lines, players can discover a wealth of rewards including such as signal Containers and Golden tokens.

Across the two progression lines, rewards include two different Commanders, Andrei Teodorescu from Romania with six skill points and Ashikaga Teru from Japan, a permanent bonus package for Tier VII ships, and four different camouflages. As part of additional festivities, players can get hands-on with a brand-new camouflage for the duration of this update, which features a special destruction animation.

Asymmetric Battles rise again from the depths

For fans of player-versus-everyone gameplay, the revival of Asymmetric Battles delivers even more intense naval battles. From 11 April until 16 May, players can get back in on the action as they take on an armada of 12 bots. With the same ruleset as previous Asymmetric Battles, players can select from Tier VI-X ships of any type, assembling fleets of five in the pursuit of naval domination.

April’s update also continues Early Access to Commonwealth cruisers, before becoming researchable in the Tech Tree in update 13.4. This update also welcomes three new Brawls from 22 April until 29 April, available in a nine-against-nine format for Tier X destroyers, cruisers and battleships.

You can find the full patch notes HERE.

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New update brings the most up to date Chinese IFV and dozens of other military vehicles

Gaijin Entertainment announces the release of the “Alpha Strike” major content update for the online military action game War Thunder. It brings dozens of new military vehicles, including the European Alpha Jet attack aircraft, the “Frankenstein” M60 120S tank, the most up to date Chinese infantry fighting vehicle – the ZBD-04A, the American F-20A Tigershark fighter jet, the Hungarian aviation subtree, as well as the North Holland map and other content and improvements.

The Alpha Jet is a compact two-seat attack and trainer jet created by European designers in the 1970s for the local Air Forces. It was exported to a couple of dozen countries, is still in service with France and is actively used by the Nigerian Air Force in missions against Boko Haram. Two SNECMA Turbomeca Larzac engines accelerate the aircraft to speeds of over 1000 km/h, and a ballistic computer allows precise strikes with unguided missiles and bombs.

The M60 120S tank is a prototype that combines the Abrams tank turret and the M60 hull. This is a mixture of the past and the present: outdated homogeneous hull armor is combined here with composite materials and advanced turret electronics, as well as a powerful modern 120 mm cannon and a heavy machine gun that can cope with any opponent.

The Chinese BMP ZBD-04A uses a combat module equipped with a 100-mm cannon-launcher and a coaxial 30-mm autocannon. The latter got very effective APFSDS rounds, and the commander and gunner received modern thermal imagers that help to see the enemy at dusk and in bad weather.

Watch the “Alpha Strike” update trailer HERE.

You can read more about these and other new features in the update on the official website of the game.

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New update will bring signature British helicopter & dozens of other vehicles

Gaijin Entertainment announces that the online military action game War Thunder will receive a new major update, Alpha Strike, in March. It will bring the Hungarian aviation tech subtree and dozens of other new vehicles, including the French four-barreled anti-aircraft gun VTT DCA, the British multirole helicopter Wessex HU.5, the Japanese battleship Mutsu and the wheeled tank destroyer Centauro RGO that serves in the personal guard of the Sultan of Oman.

Watch the War Thunder Alpha Strike update trailer HERE.

The Hungarian Air Force was equipped mainly with German-made equipment during WW2 and used Soviet equipment after 1945, which is also reflected in the composition of the Hungarian subtree in War Thunder. The top aircraft here is the Swedish-made JAS39C multi-role fighter, which entered service in the early 2000s.

The VTT DCA is an anti-aircraft gun with four 12.7 mm machine guns on a light tracked armored personnel carrier platform that can fire direct fire along the direction of travel. Such a vehicle can not only cope with aircraft, but also with light tanks and armored vehicles, and on ‘thicker’ targets can, at a minimum, knock down a track or damage a gun.

The Wessex HU.5 is one of the UK’s most famous helicopters. It was in service for more than 42 years and performed amphibious and anti-submarine missions, participated in rescue operations, served as a special forces “bird” and even transported members of the British royal family. This is a large vehicle that can take a good arsenal of weapons into battle, including two AS.11 and AS.12 guided missiles at a time.

More information on the Alpha Strike update is available on the official War Thunder website.

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Gaijin Entertainment announces that the new major content update “Air Superiority” for the online military action game War Thunder will be released in mid-December. The game will bring the famous twin-engine fighters Su-27 and F-15, the most modern tanks T-90M and M1A2 SEP V2 TUSK II, as well as dozens of other new ground, naval and air military vehicles.

Watch the ‘Air Superiority’ Update Trailer HERE.

The American F-15 fighter, nicknamed Eagle, is one of the most famous aircraft of the late 20th century. In 1979, early versions successfully fought aerial duels with Soviet-made jets in the Lebanon War, and in the early nineties, the F-15 played a critical role in gaining air superiority in the first Iraq War. The F-15 is currently in service in the United States, Japan, Israel (all three of these countries will receive local versions of the aircraft in War Thunder) and Saudi Arabia, while modernization and production of new aircraft continues.

The Su-27 (NATO designation: Flanker) was created in the USSR as a complement to the lighter and cheaper MiG-29 and entered combat duty in the mid-eighties. The Su-27s took part in various local conflicts – for example, in the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea they shot down three enemy aircraft without suffering losses. The original Su-27 is in service with 11 countries, and China uses a local version of the aircraft called the Shenyang J-11 (which will also appear in War Thunder).

M1A2 SEP V2 TUSK II is the latest version of the Abrams main battle tank with additional armor for urban combat and modern electronics. A remote-controlled module with a large-caliber machine gun with its own sighting system has been added to the turret, and the turret and the hull sides are covered by modules of the new ARAT II dynamic protection.

The T-90M is the most advanced representative of the T-90 family with a new welded turret with a built-in modular Relict ERA, a new fire control system and a safer ammunition rack location. The tank commander received a new panoramic sight, and a thermal imager has been added to the sights of both the commander and the gunner.

Among the new warships, the light cruiser USS Roanoke stands out. Its twelve rapid-fire 152 mm guns are capable of hitting both naval targets and aircraft! The ship also has a massive 88mm thick internal armored deck, making it quite durable by light cruiser standards.

You can read more about the new features of the “Air Superiority” update on the official website of the game.

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