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Battle of Britain
by Leonard "Viking1" Hjalmarson

Other additional features post patch include the ability to set maximum target range and maximum target damage. Setting a max range in miles tells your staff to plot raids against targets within the range indicated. So, if you set the range to 100 miles for LF2, your staff will only plot missions against targets within 100 miles (give or take) from the form-up airfields. This new feature is also connected with the new features mentioned above.

Set Bomber Targets

Setting the max target damage tells your staff to plot raids against targets within the damage range indicated. For example, if you set the max damage range at 65, your staff will review its recon photos and plots missions against targets with 65 or less points of damage. It will not plot a raid against a target with 66 or more points of damage.


Finally, an Order of Battle display has been added to the score SUMMARY tab. You may then select a specific command to highlight all airfields on the map attached to that command. This is one way of locating an HQ, though a tedious one since you have to page through a number of menu levels.

Click to continue


Order of Battle


It's been well over a year since I played a wargame and my world is dominated by simulations. I suspect that the future of wargames may be destined for the 3D RTS we are seeing now in the likes of Force 21, WarTorn and others. I can envision a real time 3D Battle of Britain in the Force 21 mold, perhaps even a Harpoon IV type of setting? It would add much to this game.

With the 1.02 patch gameplay is quite a bit better. Graphics are ho-hum okay. Sound and effects are quite good. The interface remains a bit weak but control ability is much improved over the original release. Sometimes the map filters do odd things. Additional features are need, like the ability to clone settings across Luftflotte, such as target range and damage percentage.

I had some fun with multiplayer, but I find I want to always play the Germans, as did my buddy. Historical military buffs will probably enjoy the game. Others might want to look over a shoulder before making the leap.

I tested on a PII 400. My friend ran a PII 266 and his system was a bit challenged. You can attempt this game with less than a PII system, but you will have to turn down graphics options. So it goes when the CPU is laden with the huge number of calculations taking place behind the scenes! (Click HERE for another shot of the action.)

Download the 1.02 patch by clicking HERE. For information on changes with the 1.01 and 1.02 patch, click HERE.

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Last Updated July 22nd, 1999

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