(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/sdoe_tutorial)

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SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 1
By Scott Verge

OK. Well, I probably just scared a couple people away. But that’s ok. If your not up to it then sorry it's just not going to be your cup of tea. Better you give up early than blow-up at your wife because she bugged ya to do something right after you did a test and the bombers refused to bomb. Just a friendly warning. There is an upside, however. You might someday be known as a mission GOD, which is cool and when the game does what you told it to do it’s VERY rewarding. Believe me, even my girlfriend knows, and she doesn’t even care. I just have to tell someone when it all goes right!

Next week: Advanced Techniques.

Click HERE to download Scott's Airfield Map Diagrams and Fuel Loadouts document.

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(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/sdoe_tutorial)