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SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 1
by Scott VergeSet their properties as CAP, North along the waterfront and then back over the land parallel to the shoreline. That should give them plenty of time to attack. Leave the duration alone and at the default width of 4 miles.
Save as simple4.mis and go back in and test.
I cant believe the 109's attacked the P-51's and Lanc's on the first try. The P51 that lasted and took out the flak was forced into the ground by the 109's attack. Then they turned their attention to the Lancs. I watched 3 of them get on the lead's tail and swoop in taking turns firing on him. It was beautiful, almost like watching a movie. They attacked the second Lanc but gave up the attack a short while later.
Download my sample: simple4.mis
Step 5
Well now we want to set up the P51's on CAP after taking out the Flak Panzer. That should help keep those bf-109's off the Lanc's tails until they get out of range.
Set them up at 3000 feet, 325 mph on CAP. Take them back over France and north parallel to the sea. For the main leg north I widened the waypoint to 6 miles. With any luck the surviving P51's will attack the 109's. We might add a third or fourth P51 after this to even-up the odds a bit better.
So set that up and save as simple5.mis
Well Im on a roll. The flak took out the first P-51 right away but the second one took it out and quickly turns his attention to the 109's right in front of him. The lead 109 and he locked horns and went head-on with guns blazing. They ended up colliding and undergoing mutual destruction. Thats only going to happen sometimes though. We shall add one or two more P-51's though to help a bit. Maybe take out a 109 and drop their numbers to three planes.
Download my sample: simple5.mis
Step 6
Ok we are on the home stretch. All we need to do now to have the basics of a good mission is a little tuning. Play with the numbers and timing. I would like to delay the bf-109's a bit to make it look more like they scrambled from Abbiville. Also let's drop one of them from the mission and add a P-51. This will make the fighter furball a 3-on-3 if one of the P-51's isnt lost to flak---if not, the Germans get the advantage of 3 on 2. Nothing wrong with that though. This is war, right?
So go back in and drop a 109, and move the first waypoint directly away from the battle a bit to delay the approach. Then move on to the P-51's and add one more.
Save that as simple6.mis and head in for some more testing.
Click HERE to download my simple6.mis.
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