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Airport 2000 Volume 2
by Bob "Groucho" Marks

Sloppy in Schipol (and Heathrow, and Miami, O’Hare, and…)
First of all, let me make a disclaimer---although this article appears on COMBATSIM.COM, no actual gunfire or employment of guided weapons is involved here. The following review is for a civilian flight simulator (civsim) product. Let there be little doubt, however: if you think that airports are far removed from things tactical, strategic, or otherwise violent, you haven’t got out much, have you?

Oh! That's just not right!

Sometimes, reviewing software is tough. Really. You in the back, secure the giggling. Hey, you, in the second row---do something about that snot bubble. Use a Kleenex instead of your sleeve next time.

As I was saying, reviewing software can be a chore, especially when you are asked to check-out something that you really want to like, based on what you’ve read about it in its corporate press release. Wow! An add-on to Microsoft Flight Sim 2000 that makes certain airports less like the silent, deserted, post-apocalyptic, Omega Man-esque way stations they are depicted as in the current build of MSFS2K? Cool!

Attack of the Forty-Dollar Installer
Careful what you ask for, sim geek. Microsoft’s Poster Shark for Stagnant Code has another remora: Wilco Publishing’s Airport 2000 has arrived, along with a supposed improvement, Volume 2.


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