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iBeta's Realism Patch 3, Merlin's B-1B Cockpit.
by Bob "Groucho" Marks


Development may have entered a plateau stage compared to the frenzy of a couple of weeks ago, but that is not a sign of tapering interest. Those hexmasters at iBeta have discovered more answers to the mysteries of Falcon 4.0, and you can bet your g-suit that back-room developers all over the world are feverishly banging away at their keyboards to take advantage of what iBeta has uncovered. So brace yourselves, people, there is going to be an explosion of new cockpits, flight models, and skins for the Other Aircraft in the Falcon world.

At least, I hope so---Ill need fodder for Falcon 4 Plus Part 4. At the rate other sims are being developed, Ill have to write about the new Gunship! patch (which could be rough as my copy of Gunship is finding use as a shim for my desk).

So get on it, people!

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