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PII and the AGP: A New Generation

K6 As I've been seeking information on the release of Intel's latest chipset I've discovered that some gamers have no idea what it means. The Pentium II has been out for a while, so what difference does a new chipset make? If you don't know the answer to that question, go to:

AGP and the PII

AGP: What is it?

You may also want to consider a dual cpu board that will allow you to add a second cpu at a later date. Since Windows NT and WIN98 will merge into one operating system before much longer, the performance gain of multi-threading will soon be a consideration. In fact, Falcon 4 by Spectrum Holobyte has been written to take advantage of dual cpus, as is Fighter Duel 2.

The Celeron "A" is the most interesting CPU development in two years. What is it and what can it do for you? Go to The Celeron. For information on Celeron systems go to Celeron Upgrade.

Your Next CPU: P2 or K6??

Some of the most exciting news in technology this year is still going unnoticed by sim fans. The K6 by AMD, the company that made mediocre 386 and 486 knockoffs some years ago, is poised to take the head off the giant: Intel.

What will this mean for sim fans? If you are ready to upgrade or are about to buy your first PC compatible, take notice! With a state of the art chip operating at a speed equal or higher than a Pentium MMX chip of the same clock speed at 2/3 the price, the K6 is ready to roar! PLUS, the K6 can be overclocked. I now use an AMD system for reference all my reviews and I can say it is 110% compatible and a VERY nice system! For the review go to: AMD P233 Review

For info on the chip itself go to: AMD K6

For info on the next generation of AMD CPU go to K6-3d

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