This thing needs SPACE. Really you need about 6 feet by 4 feet plus clearance to get around the unit. My office has been.. ah, jammed up.. for a few days with this unit.
And really you need a spare PC and monitor. Once you've hooked up all the cords and gizmos and invested the dollars, you aren't gonna wanna disconnect every time you need to do some word processing or hit the internet. If you can work it out to place your PC between your desk and the chair, you may be able to get away with keeping a dual rig setup, but in my office this will require a dedicated system and a wedge to get me past the chair and to my desk.. =)
Note that the control board that sends signals to the solenoids that control air flow reads digital signals. If you have an analog joystick you would have to purchase another to use with the RocknRide simulator.
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However, RocknRide also includes support for a serial interface. Whats that? In short, it means that programmers can DIRECTLY support the chair in software! In other words, the chair can become like a force feedback device, jumping or shaking when your aircraft is hit and moving when your aircraft moves. At the moment RocknRide is conversing with a number of developers regarding support, and they have already designed adapters for Playstation and Nintendo and are working on one for the Mac.
This is one cool piece of hardware. I can't imagine any simulation fan who wouldn't want one. If more developers program support into their sims, it would be even better!
Maybe Santa will have a "little" extra surprise for you this year! I'll tell my delivery friend to go easy on ya! Or maybe I'll work em over one more time so as to soften him up a little... ;-D
RocknRide Site