Command: Modern Operations – Fail Safe Released

command-modern-operations-fail-safeFail Safe is the newest DLC for Command: Modern Operations. Set in 1965 – one of most fraught periods of the Cold War – Fail Safe features period accurate weapons and vehicles that will guarantee an authentic wargaming experience.

Guided missiles, early supersonic fighters like the F-104 Starfighter and MiG-19 Farmer, and naval vessels like the Soviet Sverdlov-class cruiser are just a small sample of the military platforms available in Fail Safe.

A 10% launch discount is up now on Steam and the Matrix store.

Watch the Command: Modern Operations – Fail Safe launch trailer HERE.

From an opening scramble to recover a downed aircraft, ASW activities off the coast of Newfoundland, and the final battles of World War 3 where atomic weapons are finally unleashed – 12 missions will run you through the gamut.

Fail Safe is the pinnacle of 1960′s Cold War air and sea wargaming. The closest you can get to seeing what would have happened if Western and Soviet naval and airpower had fought the war that truly would have ended all wars.