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Wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Combatsim. My subscription
recently came up for renewal, and like everyone else coping with the current
economic recession, I took a moment to consider the cost versus the
benefits. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I enjoy
Combatsim's articles and other features.
…it's the content that convinced me to renew. Combatsim saves me the trouble of surfing several other websites. Your reviews are clear, unbiased, and mature. Your news updates are timely and topical. The links and other references are comprehensive and useful. Overall, Combatsim's point of view -- your editorial "voice" -- is professional, honest, and thought-provoking. It's a website I trust. Combatsim's content is well worth the price. I know how tough it is to keep a publication like this going, especially in this day and age. Congratulations…Keep up the good work, guys! DarkEye
The first site I go to in the morning is Combatsim. It's got the best articles and the best people. Doug and his vast staff put out one helluva good product. I have become friends with many of the folk at the forum. We share not only information about the games, but a lot of laughs too.
Quite frankly it's the only site on the net that I pay for, because it's the only site on the net that I think is worth it. Join Combatsim and join the fun. Mane Raptor
Well, I ain't lying when I say that for me buying a new sim is a two-part exercise: (1) paying for it, bringing it home and installing it, and (2) going straight to Combatsim to read up about all the add-ons, strategy tips and patches.
This is followed by reading the manual and actually playing the damn thing. Zhukov
Small price to pay for making great friends and keeping up with all the news and updates.
The only place I miss if I don't get on at least once a day.
I have been reading articles and posting on the forums here for two years now. The best articles on the latest games, add-ons, tips etc., can be found here! And most of all, you meet a lot of great people! I never miss a day of Combatsim.com!
I love this place and the people that reside here. I'm a member of other forums and quite frankly they just don't have the homely spirit that this place does. I know most of that is down to the members but it's the decor by Doug and Gail that helps.
I like the fact that any forum conflicts are nearly always sorted by the members with hardly a word from Doug. That says a lot about the maturity of the members here. This place always has regular reviews which are very informative and straight, that helps me a lot! There are plenty of good forums and nearly always a decent response within those forums, unless of course it's a reply from me ;) Rodger Bilko
Simply the finest group of human beings I have ever encountered; from Doug to Donster, with all the other maniacs in between ... fine, honorable, caring, funny, patient, deep thinking, committed, irritable, kind, funny, helpful, intelligent, goofy, heartwarming.
Combatsim.com sets the standard. Swervin Irvin
Combatsim.com was the first, and for a long time only, forum that I visited, and I credit my now vast knowledge of flightsims and computers to the great people who can be found here.
And, since it has become a pay site (and well worth the pittance it costs), I have found that my acne has cleared up, and my social life is improving, also! Li'lJugs
Before discovering Combatsim.com, I have been a member/regular at other sites, chat rooms, etc., but never did I stay anywhere longer than I have here. Through hard times and heart attacks, you guys were there for me and my wife. That sort of thing isn't taken lightly. And to think, such comraderie from people I have never even met face to face.
The latest that made me see how special the people here are was when I initiated "Operation Uplift". For those of you who are unaware of it, it was a campaign to obtain a computer for a friend of mine who had come down with terminal cancer and did not have the financial means to do so for himself. Local advertisements via radio and newspaper resulted in only one response; so much for "charity begins at home." You guys never even asked his name (which I withheld to protect his privacy and dignity) nor did anyone ever question my honesty. Thanks to all of you, from here and another similar oriented forum, who jumped in to help a complete stranger, my friend received a very nice PC that only now are mine are being upgraded to match. I was jealous for awhile (not really, I was tickled to death for him and STILL awed by your generosity). In very few places throughout my forty-five years have I seen so many come together to help another less fortunate. Even after the drive was over, I was still receiving emails offering contributions. You guys are, and always will be, the best. Another site similar to Combatsim was also very helpful, but it all started here. It wouldn't have happened without people like you, Doug, and his lovely wife Gail all of whom I hold completely responsible for irreversibly addicting me to this place hence corrupting me forever. In all sincerity, I can't think of a better group of people to call FRIENDS. Thank you!! Sincerest Regards, Mike "Pharaoh" Sherman