Paradox Interactive Expands Publishing Business with Paradox Books
Posted on: 2013-03-29 14:28:24

New E-book Initiative Will Publish “A Year with Mojang: Behind the Scenes of Minecraft” and Other Books Later This Year

Paradox Interactive, the global PC strategy games publisher behind critically acclaimed games Crusader Kings II, War of the Roses and Magicka, today announced they are branching out to book publishing with a new e-book initiative called “Paradox Books”.

“We’ve spent more than a decade creating and telling compelling stories through our computer games, stories that have engaged and captivated people from all parts of the globe, and books are just another medium to get those stories out there and engage with our audience,” said Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive. “Add to that the fact that our company was founded on pen and paper role-playing games and books, and that we have several published authors amongst our ranks here at Paradox, so this felt like a very natural progression for us.”

Three books will be available under Paradox Books initially, and several more have been signed and will be distributed later in the year. The books will broach everything from biographical behind the scenes books to game strategy guides to fiction and novels. The inaugural round of books to be made available will include:

  • “The Communist Campaign in Karelia - A Hearts of Iron III Strategy Guide” - Narrative Strategy Guide
  • “A Year with Mojang: Behind the Scenes of Minecraft” - Behind the scenes, Biography
  • “Coriolis” - Hard-boiled Crime Noir

For more information please visit the Books by Paradox Webpage.

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