WWII Prop Sims

By: Leon 'BadBoy' Smith
Date: August, 1998

There is a need for a good chart comparing coming WWII prop sims. Here is an updated attempt at creating one. Please note that these are pre-release simulations and features change in early stages of development. Some features may be added, others lost. And its impossible in a chart like this to cover every feature or even cover features that every developer would agree is important.

So, whats coming up? Aces Over the Pacific II, Aces: X Fighters, MS Combat Flight Simulator, Confirmed Kill, EAW, Fighter Legends (now called WWII Fighters), Fighter Duel 2.0, Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons, Flight Combat, Luftwaffe: Command, MiG Alley, Nations: Fighter Command, Stormbird, and Wings of Destiny.


Printed from COMBATSIM.COM (http://www.combatsim.com/review.php?id=218&page=1)