The Russians Are Coming: Flanker 2.0 in Review | ||||
Vertigo or lack of orientation is a very common symptom in flight sims. One of the way you can alleviate vertigo is to have some sort of indicator that links the pilot's eyes to the cockpit or HUD reference point. This is done in F2 by 2 methods: first, the "mini-HUD", and secondly by the cockpit visual cues implemented in the avionics and helmet reflections on the glass canopy. You can see in the accompanying pictures that we have both systems in view. Add to these the SSI provided cues which are some ingenious lift line and right/left indicators that were crafted by John "Crunch" Hillman. When combined together, you have the ability to even fly the plane without ever looking forward through the HUD. On top of all these, Mark "STINGER" Shepherd has produced a quality PADLOCK TRAINING narrated tutorial that can be integrated right into the training GUI. Mini-HUD and Lift Line So let's get acquainted with the "mini-HUD" and the concept of a "lift line." The mini-HUD is a smaller version of the main HUD's pitch, bank, speed and altitude indicators that follow wherever you slew your viewing perspective. It is also important to understand that the placement of this mini-HUD is always closest to the main forward HUD. SSI could have had a big ugly arrow pointing towards the HUD, but this method is a much more informative and immersive device. And what are lift lines and cockpit reflections used for? Your lift vector is an imaginary pole sticking out of the top of the canopy, and this is the lift vector that gives lift to the plane. By placing the enemy along the lift vector, and pulling him down along the lift line towards your main HUD, you are bringing him into a weapons solution for the kill. |
![]() Reflections including lift line. So to answer the question, these visual cues are just reference markers to aid the virtual pilot in knowing what position you're viewing with respect to the cockpit and forward HUD view. The reason why the one that is central to the top of the canopy is called the lift line is that it runs along the long axis of the plane's canopy, and it's along this line that you want to see your bogey during a turn fight. With a little practice, you will use your COCKPIT, PADLOCK and view slewing to gain the necessary SA to bring your weapons to bear on the enemy. This is a skill that separates the hunters from the hunted. Note too that if you have AWACs airborne, it can provide you with a picture of the aircraft around you. The F10 key function also does this, but is considered a cheat in competitions and can be disabled in the mission editor options menu. Flanker2 provides a rich combination of COCKPIT, PADLOCK and viewing to give a realistic SA environment. Adding missile padlocking will only further aid survivability. Never fly straight and level for more than 30 seconds at a time. Why do you think fighter pilots wear silk scarves? To keep them from chaffing their necks with all the scanning they do. So check six, and 9, and 12, and 3 and high and low continuously. Go to Part III.
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