JANES Fleet Command
by Eric "Snacko" Marlow |
Summary Did Fleet Command stack up as billed? I would have to say partly so. While there is much to be said for the realistic database and environment that is resident in Fleet Command, control of the available assets only goes so deep, and the sim as-shipped may not please the naval grognards who require more precise control. I believe that newer players will enjoy the sim to the point of the later missions where fleet defense becomes a physically limiting issue. I believe more experience players will continue to enjoy the sim because of its robust mission builder and multi-player features. I think both newbies and seadogs alike will be frustrated at the lack of informative manual and the ability to control from within the game loadouts and fleet defense options. Here are some of my parting thoughts: High Points: Mission Builder, Available Assets, Realistic Environment and Feel, and General Gameplay. Low Points: Manual, Lack of Control Over Certain AI Aspects, In-Game Videos, some bugs.
Overall Rating: 83% Test System
![]() **Additional Note: FC Mods While I generally try to make it a habit to only comment on the simulation as-delivered, I must let you know about the work that Ron Hunt and several others have undertaken. They have put together a list of "doctrine" file changes that in-effect modifies the AI to allow the ships and aircraft to engage the enemy on their own. You can learn more about what Ron has done by heading to Ron Hunt. For me, this has made the sim much more enjoyable, especially for the more advanced campaign scenarios. Following is a brief outline of the effects of his changes: 1. The AirtoAir file has been refined and you will notice that planes sent to ID a target will automatically engage that target if it is hostile. After the engagement the plane will default to Patrol status and then re-engage enemy planes that it later senses. 2. The CWIS file has been modified to allow automatic engagement of inbound missiles. I deliberately left out auto-engagement of aircraft from the ships. If you have a CAP up you won't need it since they'll do it for you! Turning on the ships air radar will greatly enhance your ability to defend against incoming targets. 3. Aircraft sent to ID a ship or land target will automatically engage that target if it turns out to be hostile and then default to Patrol status once the attack is complete. Also included are two alternate files which will allow the aircraft to ID ships and land targets and if they turn out to be hostile the aircraft will then turn and run giving you the opportunity to plan those attacks manually. Download Ron Hunts adjusted doctrine file by clicking HERE. Instructions included. Join a discussion forum on this article by clicking HERE.
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