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The Royal NetherLands Virtual AirForce are hosting Lanmeet 2000 and BIGBEAR III in Apeldoorn, Holland. Lanmeet occurs from the 18th to the 20th of August. Bigbear is being held from the 26th to the 29th of October.

This regular lanmeet is in preparation of the BIG BEAR III meet. They will be flying new Flanker2.0 missions including briefings and debriefs, to test new concepts from the last May lanmeet. Click HERE to view.

During this event they will:

  • use realistic flight procedures
  • use real CB-sets with flights on different audio channels
  • have a dedicated AWACS controller controlling all missions
  • have a beamer for showing briefings, AWACS screens, debriefs and action shots

The following facilities are available:

  • a big room for all computer equipment (including tables etc.)
  • coffee & tea etc. available in the big room
  • breakfast, lunch and dinner in separate eating room
  • sleeping rooms during the whole lanmeet (who's talkin about sleeping)
  • a bar open till the small hours

After and between the "official" parts there is always time for:

  • flying with F L A N K E R 2.5 beta
  • flying with other simulators like Falcon4 and EECH
  • having lot's of fun and beers
  • playing Rogue Spear Urban Operations
  • fast action shooting on a dedicated UNREAL Tournament server


  • if 16 pilots are present the costs will be around Hfl. 200,= for the whole duration of the lanmeet (3 days).
  • these costs include sleepingroom, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bigroom rent and coffee&tea.

Already assigned are 11 pilots:
Baco, Dawnrazor, Falcon, Flap45, Ghost, Hobbybob, LawnDart, Legend, Medved, Napalmski, Professor.

If you want to be present at the August 2000 lanmeet please fill in the form below and reply by email, before all chairs are gone:

I will be present at the regular lanmeet AUGUST 2000


ETA (arrival)............: day and time
Dinner on Friday.........: yes/no
Sleepingroom on Friday...: yes/no
(sleepingroom includes breakfest)
Lunch on Saturday........: yes/no
Dinner on Saturday.......: yes/no
Sleepingroom on Saturday : yes/no
Lunch on Sunday..........: yes/no
Dinner on Sunday.........: yes/no
Sleepingroom on Sunday...: yes/no
ETD (departure)..........: day and time

(by replying I am aware of the fact that if I do NOT show up without announcement, I still have to pay for sleepingroom and lanroom rent)

You will receive a confirmation message and updates about the meet.

Greetings from,

John "Baco" Menkema
RNLVAF pilot of 398th Squadron "Unit13"


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