Twin Hornets at High Noon by Tim "Flyboy" Henderson with Leonard "Viking1" Hjalmarson |
Padlock, Cockpit and Views Padlock in both sims is configurable, allowing a cheat where one can bypass realistic restraints. DI has used their traditional "head-lock" system, similar to the enhanced mode available in Falcon 4. Both Tim and I agree that this is an excellent system. JFA uses the traditional slewed cockpit view with no other aids except the ability to turn on lift-lines.
![]() DI's full 2d cockpit can be seen at the top right on the previous page. It's a glorious cockpit, really, fully clickable. And for those who don't want to, many of the switches are available via the keyboard. Unfortunately, not all controls can be accessed this way. DI has also included a virtual cockpit, however. JFA on the other hand, models ONLY the virtual cockpit. Other than frame rate, this is probably the single largest complaint in the forums. It seems one either likes the cockpit, or one does not. Tim and I agree that it's a compromise, but it is one that has grown on us. Note also that cockpit detail in JFA is configurable, and choosing a lower detail mode will boost frame rate around 30%. Frame Rate and Drivers A final note on frame rate between these two simulations. They are very close overall, averaging 15 fps at 1024x768 on a PII 500 with TNT2 and 128 MB. Frame rate around the carrier is lowest for both, dropping below 10 fps at times on this system. Those running the latest 3dfx drivers on V3 boards have had many problems with JFA, and you can obtain earlier driver versions in order to correct those issues until 3dfx releases updated drivers. |
![]() SUMMARY Simulations, like people, have their own personalities. In the end DISH will be the preference for some, JFA for others. The learning curve will be slightly higher in DISH, since it lacks narrated training missions. Limited COMMS and limited gameplay (without a mission builder) are going to cause some to bypass DISH. On the other hand, those looking for carrier ops that include more deck interaction will be snapping this up in a hurry. Others will say that there is more to carrier ops than sitting on the deck and setting up your systems. Tim: If DISH had co-op multiplayer and a mission builder, it would get my vote. I like the cockpit better than JFA, and I'm not bothered much by the terrain graphics. Sense of speed down low is better in DISH. Limited wingman control is a bigger issue for me. As is, I have to give the nod to JFA. When DI's GOLD version arrives the picture may be different. Meantime I can enjoy them both. Len: I was bugged by the key mapping in DISH, and there is no way to change it. I really like the wingman control in JFA, the virtual cockpit is growing on me, and the campaign mode is excellent. I could wish for larger print in the HUD at high res., and ditto for the manual. The icing on the cake is the co-op multiplayer. Not perfect, but it's in there. If I had to choose one, it would be JFA. For more on these simulations see our Air Combat Previews and our F/A 18 Index. For info on the Command version of DI's sim see Super Hornet Update. Join a discussion forum on this article by clicking HERE.
Copyright © 1997 - 2000 COMBATSIM.COM, INC. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated January 12th, 2000 |