Sim Community Observer
by Ed ReddyArticle Type: Simulation Community
Article Date: January 22, 2003
Nice Threads!
Since it's inception in September 2002, the Sim Community Observer has been tracking the hottestarticles, news, and forum threads in the online combat simulation and strategy gaming communities. The information presented each week in this report has presented a cross-section of what's important in the minds of gamers at that time. In this look back, our Ed Reddy sifts through the archives and gives us his list of the busiest forum threads of 2002. Ed also gives a tip o' the hat to what he believes were the top forum and forum thread of 2002.
Top Forum Threads of 2002
- Combatsim: Carl Norman leaves Ubi Soft.
Carl Norman's departure from Ubisoft left a lot of us wondering if the Combat simulation industry is coming to a close.
Oleg Maddox announced to his fans that he was going to take a break from the community to focus on Forgotten Battles. Most community members were shocked at his sudden departure.
- Does G2 Interactive exists?
With rumors flying around of Falcon V's demise, questions were asked if G2 Interactive even existed.
- Poll: How satisfied are you with your Cougar?
With lots of praises from owners, a surprising 15% wished they never bought the product.
- A Tribute to Greg 'Dominator' Myers
With the sudden loss of Greg, a lot of us asked why this happened and what can be done to avert this type of tragedy in the future.
- Wargamer Hacked! (near bottom)
This disturbing news made us ask "Why would anyone hack a fan site?"
- Silent Hunter II Multiplayer Patch
A community driven gem: the popular WWII submarine game Silent Hunter II was given a reprive by members creating a patch to fix the multiplayer problems. Bravo!
- OFFICIAL HOT CHIX THREAD™ - Version 4.0 released!!!!
Feeling down? Need an emotional lift? World War II Online's longest living discussion thread speaks for itself.
- SimHQ: Every time a topic I start scrolls...
Sometimes discussions happen about discussions.
- BOB: Here's what happened (Continued)
Started off as a forum added storyline, it's one of the longest forum discussion topics ever. Over 1 year old!
- Thrustmaster Cougar: *Mods and Tweaks*
Need help with your Cougar? This topic is the toolbox of improvements for your joystick and throttle.
- Falcon 5.0 cancelled?
With the problems at G2 Interactive, the truth behind the demise of Falcon V comes to life.
- Enemy Engaged: MP game on.
Lookiing for online buddies to fly with in Enemy Engaged? Look no further!
Part of the tradition of America's Army forums, when you visit the forum, you bump up the thread.
- America's Army: Positive Karma: Outstanding Players
This discussion highlights some of America's Army outstanding players.
- OFP: Winter nogojev addon v1.0
Operation Flashpoint's addon community has a development base some game companys dream of. This addon speaks of that dedication.
- Bring the Ki.84-I Hayate "Frank" to Aces High
Sometimes, you got to persist to get what you want. In Aces High, this thread is in support to add a plane into the game.
Top Discussion Forum
World War II Online
By far the busiest discussion forums on the net, Cornered Rat's World War II Online has
developed a strong community around a polished game. Recently awarded COMBATSIM.COM's Top Pick award, the interaction of developers with the community members has created a strong community-driven product.
Thread of the Year
Amazing AC-130H Spectre footage
This somewhat unorthodox video footage of an American C-130H Spectre guncamera has brought
us to the battlefield in a very personal way. Discussed in almost every active community forum,
this topic is still being discussed. Found on the WWIIOL discussion forums by member Ed301.
Past Updates
- Week Ending 2003/01/24
- Week Ending 2003/01/17
- Week Ending 2003/01/10
- Week Ending 2003/01/03
- Week Ending 2002/12/20
- Week Ending 2002/12/13
- Week Ending 2002/12/06
- Week Ending 2002/11/29
- Week Ending 2002/11/22
- Week Ending 2002/11/15
- Week Ending 2002/11/08
- Week Ending 2002/10/31
- Week Ending 2002/10/25
- Week Ending 2002/10/17
- Week Ending 2002/10/11
- Week Ending 2002/10/04
- Week Ending 2002/09/27
- Week Ending 2002/09/20
About This Page
Each week, COMBATSIM.COM visits the most active combat simulation community sites on the Internet. In this single report, published every Friday, we give you links to all the latest news, articles, forum discussions, links, downloads, events and contests.