Sim Community Observer
by Ed ReddyArticle Type: Simulation Community
Article Date: December 08 to December 13, 2002
Headlines: |
Media Sites:
Game and Hardware-Specific Sites:
- Aces High
- America's Army
- Combat Flight Simulator 2 & 3
- CFS Pilots
- Day of Defeat
- F4 Unified Team
- Fighter Ace
- Flanker
- Fighter Squadron: SDOE
- IL-2 Sturmovik
- GI Combat
- Operation Flashpoint
- WarBirds
- WWII Online
- Flight-sim Usenet
- Hardware
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- URL:
- News:
- Game News:
- Delta Force: Land Warrior Patch v1.00.42
- Ultimate Gamers Expo Announced
- Codemasters Offers Career Guides
- European Computer Flight Simulation Show Videos
- MoH:AA Spearhead Patch V2.11
- G.I. Combat Patch v1.02d
- Strategic Command V1.06 Patch
- New Screens: Lock On
- New Screens: Blitzkrieg
- Delta Force: Land Warrior Patch v1.00.42
- Military News:
- USS Paul Hamilton Collides with Vessel in Arabian Gulf
- Air Force boss to Grill F/A-22 execs
- UAV Provide Warfighters A View
- Missile Defense Test Conducted
- Northrop Grumman Conducts Supersonic Flight Test of MALI
- BAE Attacks UK MoD Over Typhoon Delay
- Global Hawk Accident Report Released
- F-16 Upgrade Version Completed on Schedule
- USS Paul Hamilton Collides with Vessel in Arabian Gulf
- Articles:
- Game News:
Frugals World of Simulations
- URL:
- Forums:
- Falcon 4
- US - Iraq conflict about oil?
- Hi...Why are the grapichs so outdated?
- Poll: How Many of you here are actually military pilots pilots
- US - Iraq conflict about oil?
- Falcon V
- Pilots Bar
- Falcon 4
- URL:
- Contests:
- Articles:
- URL:
- News:
- Forums:
- Every time a topic I start scrolls...
- Evolution Versus Creation
- You yanks are living in the twilight zone!
- Here's what happened (Continued)
- MP game on.
- Oleg!!!...More crap planes please!
Note: SIMHQ Forums are experiencing technical difficulties.
- Every time a topic I start scrolls...
- URL:
- Forums:
- Silent Hunter II
- Silent Hunter II
- URL:
- Note: is currently down due to their site being hacked.
- URL:
- Articles:
- Review - Combat Mission II - Barbarossa To Berlin
- Hearts Of Iron - Jim Cobb Reviews This Massive WWII Strategy Game
- Hearts Of Iron AAR - The Official History of the UK in the Second World War - Pt III
- Ostpak - Guides To Modding - Panzer Elite - Part I By Bob R
- Review - Combat Mission II - Barbarossa To Berlin
- MGO's latest news (updated daily)
Game-Specific Sites
Combat Flight Simulator 2 & 3
- URL: CFS2:
- URL: CFS3:
- URL: CFS Insider:
- New downloads from
- FS2002/CFS2/CFS3 SCM-API Macros
- CFS2 VF2 A6M5 Agressor 2 Zero
- CFS2 Grumman F6F3 Hellcat Texture
- CFS2 P39D Air Cobra
- FS2002/CFS2 PZL P37 LOS Pack
- CFS Scenery--Zac Ark Base
- FS2002/CFS2/CFS3 SCM-API Macros
CFS Pilots
- URL:
- Nothing new to report this week.
Day of Defeat
- URL:
- Forums:
- Accurize the MG42!!!!!!!
- Hi Mugsy, Billy, Waldo
- Mer Svenskar tack!
- Were German troops really better?
- The unscoped sniping argument
- Overlord and future beach maps to come: NO ALLIE SNIPER CLASS!!!!
- Day of Defeat Beta 4.0 Information
- You guys were right about Kar98
- Blood Petiton
- Accurize the MG42!!!!!!!
F4 Unified Team
- URL:
- Articles:
Falcon IV / V
- Community Sites:
- Site no longer followed due to inactivity.
- URL:
- Flanker 2 discussions has moved to the Lock-On: Modern Air Combat Forums.
FS:SDOE Information Center
- URL:
- News:
- Downloads:
IL-2 Sturmovik
- URL:
- News:
- New Pilot's Lounge_12.12.02
- Shoot Down the Community Manager!_12.11.02
- European Computer Flight Simulation Show Videos_12.10.02
- New Pilot's Lounge_12.12.02
- Forums:
- Why were cannons so rare on US fighters?
- Greatest Battle Ship in the world ever?
- Are you ready for some football?
- Something to add...
- Why were cannons so rare on US fighters?
- Downloads:
GI Combat
- URL:
- News:
- Forums:
Operation Flashpoint
- URL:
- Forums:
- News Discussion:
- Addons & Mods Complete:
- German ww2 landser addon
- Beta mi-26
- Leopard 2a4
- Strider pack released!
- Operation northstar tank pack
- F-15e (strike eagle) released.
- Seb nam pack 2 out!
- Browning hi-power released!
- Complete Addons & Mods listing. Updates and mods added daily!
- German ww2 landser addon
- Off Topic:
- Mid east
- Military Stupidity (reprise)
- What is to be expected after the war on iraq?
- The Forgotten Battles
- Mid east
- News Discussion:
Massively Multiplayer
Aces High
- URL:
- News:
- Events:
- Forums:
- anonymous moderators
- To the guys that have been here awhile
- Bring the Ki.84-I Hayate "Frank" to Aces High
- Petition to change the name of the Hein on AH
- Question to religious "pro-lifers" (only, plz).
- anonymous moderators
America's Army
- URL:
- Forums:
- General:
- Teammates say the craziest things!
- Where's Devil-Man?
- Positive Karma: Outstanding Players
- Player and server stats available
- Teammates say the craziest things!
- R&R
- Gunship Guncam footage
- Combatative FEMALES...NO I dont think so!
- Delta Force, Rangers, Marines, Navy Seals, Army, Navy, Airforce, WTF???? which is the most badass :)
- The Official and Authentic Guide to Running
- Let's put a name with a face!
- Gunship Guncam footage
- General:
Fighter Ace
- URL:
- News:
- Events:
- URL:
- All Warbirds (II & III) Events:
WWII Online
- URL: Playnet Site 1
- URL: Playnet Site 2
- News:
- Forums:
- Off-Topic
- UPDATE! [12/12/02] The outcome.......
- DubyaDubyaDubya
- OFFICIAL HOT CHIX THREAD™ - Version 4.0 released!!!!
- UPDATE! [12/12/02] The outcome.......
- The Barracks:
- Join TOT today
- Really bad idea CRS
- "THE PLAN" CH 11 Axis, CH 32 Allied - Lone Wolves, Mercs, Small Squads
- *******Axis 35th Recuitment**********
- Join TOT today
- The Harbour:
- DOC, GOPHUR, Rats - Naval Gameplay Improves with these CPs. (New Pics Pg5)
- It is Naval Tradition to keep this YELLOW folder on page 1.....
- DOC, GOPHUR, Rats - Naval Gameplay Improves with these CPs. (New Pics Pg5)
- The Hangar:
- JG2 "Richthofen" Is Expanding!!!! JOIN TODAY!!!
- List of things we like to see addressed/fixed NOW WITH UBER LIST
- JG53 is seeking dedicated new recruits to fly the Bf 110, He 111 and the Ju 87
- KG(J) 54 (ToT) looking for dedicated pilots in the south.
- JG2 "Richthofen" Is Expanding!!!! JOIN TODAY!!!
- The Motor Pool:
- CRS: Increase 88 loadout.
- Panzerjager I: A little less conversation a little more action.
- CRS: What are these guys doing to their Flak36's???
- BKB a large active 24/7 squad is looking for active Tankers
- CRS: Increase 88 loadout.
- Off-Topic
Flight-sim Usenet
- URL: Click Here
- Discussions:
Cougar World
- URL:
- News:
- Forums:
- *Mods and Tweaks*
- Upgrade to Cougar HS kit available
- EvenStrain Gimbals Production
- Any of you guys interested in this?
- *Mods and Tweaks*
Past Updates
About This Page
Each week, COMBATSIM.COM visits the most active combat simulation community sites on the Internet. In this single report, published every Friday, we give you links to all the latest news, articles, forum discussions, links, downloads, events and contests.
Since these are just the early days of this report, we realize we have yet to include many fine fan sites. If you would like to see your (or someone else's) site on this list, please contact our News Editor.
Please keep in mind that the main criteria for inclusion on this page is that you have regularly updated material in the form of original articles, news, files (e.g., skins, maps, mods), or message boards. If your site is selected, we will visit it each week and find out what's new—you will not need to send us any info.