Sim Community Observer
by Ed ReddyCombat Simulation Community Observer
Compiled by Ed Reddy
Article Type: Simulation Community
Article Date: September 21 to 27, 2002
Each week, COMBATSIM.COM visits the most active combat simulation community sites on the Internet. In this single report, published every Friday, we give you links to all the latest news, articles, forum discussions, links, downloads, events and contests.
Since these are just the early days of this report, we realize we have yet to include many fine fan sites. If you would like to see your (or someone else's) site on this list, please contact our News Editor.
Please keep in mind that the main criteria for inclusion on this page is that you have regularly updated material in the form of original articles, news, files (e.g., skins, maps, mods), or message boards. If your site is selected, we will visit it each week and find out what's new—you will not need to send us any info.
Media Sites:
Game- and Hardware-Specific Sites:
- Aces High
- America's Army
- Combat Flight Simulator 2 & 3
- CFS Pilots
- Day of Defeat
- F4 Unified Team
- Falcon IV / V
- Fighter Ace
- Flanker
- Flight-sim Usenet
- Fighter Squadron: SDOE
- IL-2 Sturmovik
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
- Operation Flashpoint
- WarBirds
- WWII Online
- Flightsim Usenet
- Hardware
- URL:
- News:
- Game News:
- New Screens: Real War: Rogue States
- Join Warbirds Korea Development Corps
- New Screens: DF:Black Hawk Down
- AMD Delivers Hammer Technology Resources
- Matrox Apptimizer
- New Screens: IGI2 Covert Strike
- Ghost Recon Patch v 1.3 Now Available
- Ghost Recon: Island Thunder Ships
- Enigma: Rising Tide Offline Version Has Gone Gold
- Creative Announces Audigy 2
- New Screens: Real War: Rogue States
- Military News:
- Raytheon Awarded AMRAAM Production
- B-1B Crash Cause Remains Unknown
- U.S. Marines Conduct Field Training on HIMARS
- British Intel Details Scope of Saddam's Weapons
- Quiet Supersonic Aircraft Unveiled
- Raytheon Awarded AMRAAM Production
- Articles:
- Game News:
- Forums:
Frugals World of Simulations
- URL:
- Forums:
- Falcon 4
- Rowan's BoB
- Falcon 4
- URL:
- Articles:
- URL:
- News:
- Fighter Pilot Academy for Warbirds III
- Fix for Battlefront install problems
- A new Bf-109 campaign called "Pik As" for IL2
- Release-date for GERMAN IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles is Nov 28
- Fighter Pilot Academy for Warbirds III
- Forums:
- Flight Simulation
- IL-2
- Confirmed FW190 visibility crippled in IL-2
- Moderators , what are u doing ? wake up.
- Another stupid Trim Cheat.
- FW190 improved visibility in Forgotten Battles?
- Confirmed FW190 visibility crippled in IL-2
- Janes F/A-18
- European Air War
- Battle of Britain
- Flight Simulation
- URL:
- News:
- Articles:
- Forums:
- Silent Hunter II
- Sub Command
- General
- Silent Hunter II
- URL:
- Contests:
- News:
- Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year Edition
- This Day in Napoleonic History
- New Runesword II Patch
- Warlords IV Website Live
- Age of Wonders II v1.2 Patch Released
- Soldier of Fortune II Patch v1.02 Released
- Age of Mythology Sneak Preview Contest
- This Day in Napoleonic History
- Brian Reynolds Interview: Pt. 3 on Apolyton
- This Day in Napoleonic History
- Articles:
- PC Game Review: Elite Forces: Navy SEALs
- PC Game Preview: Iron Storm
- Board Game Review: Soldier Kings: The Seven Years' War
- PC Game Review: Diggles: The Myth of Fenris
- Book Review: Second Manassas Expedition Guide
- After Action Review: Napoleon in Europe
- Screenshots Feature: Midway: Naval Battles
- PC Game Preview: Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin
- Contest: Sudden Strike 2: Fall Wardrobe Enhancement
- PC Game Review: Dragon Throne: Battle of the Red Cliffs
- Forums:
Game-Specific Sites
Combat Flight Simulator 2 & 3
- URL: CFS2:
- URL: CFS3:
- News:
- CFS2 Forum:
CFS Pilots
- URL:
- News:
- Articles:
- Gazette Issue 165 WTC Tribute - Screenshots from FS2002, CFS and IL2 Sturmovik
- Gazette Issue 166 ** The Lost P-36 ** Superb Shots ** Horsey Tales
- Downloads:
- CFS 1: HE-111 for TG2 Multiplay
- CFS 2: A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" from WebinBlue
- CFS2: Blades Visual Effects collection V2.0
- CFS 3: Unofficial Promotional Movie by Christian Noetzli
- IL-2: UPDATED Berlin 1944-45 Campaign
- IL-2: New Training Tracks by Viking1
- IL-2: Screenshots from Pegeka
- IL-2: New Generic skin by Ulivieri Marco
- Tracks for IL-2 1.2 by Ralf Rothe
- IL-2: Poland 1939 Campaign by Viking1
- New IL2 Skins from JerseyD
- Links
Day of Defeat
- URL:
- Forums:
- General:
- DoD Overlooks The Little Guys?
- New Death screams
- Dod's funniest screenshots Part2
- Why not raise the gun when aiming at enemy, not on trigger pull
- Blood Petiton
- Mapping:
- dod_deju (formerly dod_paris) new shots
- DoD_Stuka, modest repimp
- Anyone interested in a mapping model and prefab collection for DoD?
- Suggestions/Ideas
- General:
F4 Unified Team
- URL:
- News:
Falcon IV / V
- Community Sites:
- URL:
- Forums:
FS:SDOE Information Center
- URL:
- Downloads:
IL-2 Sturmovik
- URL:
- News:
- Forums:
- General
- Oh no, I'm fubar!!!
- Confirmed FW190 visibility crippled in IL-2
- YAK-3 vs P51
- Do-335........ P-51H MEDICINE!!!
- Cockpit, are you kidding me?
- Are you ready for some football?
- Oleg's Ready Room
- Oleg, Please Review FW190 Cockpit One Last Time
- Oleg, will the P-51`s wings shred at high speeds?
- Focke-Wulf 190
- Development update 20.09
- Pilot's Lounge
- Word Assocation Game
- Discovery Wings selects the best Ground Attack Fighter of all time - surprise winner
- General
- Downloads:
- URL:
- News:
- Forums:
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
- Forums:
- General:
- General:
Operation Flashpoint
- URL:
- Forums:
- General:
- Addons & Mods:
- Mission Editing
- Off Topic
- General:
Massively Multiplayer
Aces High
- URL:
- Events:
- Forums:
- News
- General:
- Gameplay/Feedback:
- Aircraft/Vehicles:
- The O' Club
- News
America's Army
- URL:
- Forums:
- General:
- Strategies and Tactics
- R&R
- The Official and Authentic Guide to Running
- We are girl gamers online
- Space Monkey
- General:
Fighter Ace
- URL:
- Events:
- 9/27/2002 - Fox Hunt!!
- 9/28/2002 - Kings Of The Sky
- 9/29/2002 - Jet Races!!
- 9/30/2002 - Battle Of The Hosts
- URL:
- WB III Events:
WWII Online
- URL: Playnet Site 1
- URL: Playnet Site 2
- News:
- Forums:
- The Barracks:
- The Harbour:
- The Hangar:
- The Motor Pool:
- We want our 25 pounder , and we want it now.....( please )
- CRS: Vehicle Damage Value (fishing for yellow)
- So CRS, when are we going to fight against the real brit army?
- The Barracks:
Flight-sim Usenet
- URL: Click Here
- Discussions:
Cougar World
- URL:
- Forums:
- Very Bad news for the Cougar...
- Poll: How satisfied are you with your Cougar?
- Covers For your Cougars!!!
- Cougar Hardware / Firmware Issues:
- Frugals World: System Mods and Tweaks