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Article Type: Military History
Article Date: December 12, 2001
By 1932 Adolph Hitler gained enough control of German society to put scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the "implosion vortex technology" of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo, von Braun and Miethe, the Germans made extraordinary progress.
Operation "Canned Meat" began in 1939, when the Germans staged an incident at the Polish border as a prelude to the invasion. They were in the Eastern European countries creating facilities unmolested for many years. As a result of newly acquired technology, the German scientific effort was pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and was developed at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest pilotless aircraft designs (V-1 & V-2 plus others) were produced beginning in 1934, and had some moderate degree of success owing to the German's unrestricted rocketry development not outlined in the Versailles Treaty at the end of WWI.
In 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested, it was a situation where the war was going on faster than the Germans could technically develop their advanced designs. We can see this from the captured design documents reflecting aircraft that rival today's. Hampered by sabotage and deliberate technical misguidance, as well as delays in metallurgical research which didn't result in an acceptable alloy of magnesium and aluminumide until 1944, the Germans could only continue to harass Allied pilots with the 'fireballs', pilotless craft developed and used since 1943 which emitted electrical fields that interfered with the operation of aviation engines. This is at least the claim by certain German scientists. It seems doubtful that the Germans controlled these "foo fighters" before sophisticated radar guidance was developed later in the war. If German pilots saw them too it was probably so top secret that they were unaware of their existence.
A German scientist named Manfred Schauberger stated in correspondence of the 1950's that he worked at the Matthausen concentration camp directing technically oriented prisoners and German scientists in the successful construction of a saucer-shaped aircraft:
Curiously, Schauberger and his son lived in the United States for a short time after the war, where he was reported to be working on a top-secret project in Texas for the US Government.
On February 23, the newest "anti-gravitational" engines of the Kugelblitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The airframe of the Kugelblitz, minus the engines, was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists. Plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained a rumored underground facility active since 1941. German expeditions to the Polar Regions are well-documented including photographic evidence. Two days later, on February 25, the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed.
In hindsight, it seem very unlikely that the Americans were all that afraid of Soviet Communism. After all we had just flexed our nuclear muscle, something the Soviets would not do for several more years, also thanks to captured German scientists. So why were scientists of the ilk of Werner von Braun and many other dubious Nazis allowed entrance into the US where their backgrounds were doctored to appear normal? Surly not to pop off old V-2s in the New Mexico dessert! Hell, we already had THE ultimate weapon and could deliver it with the B-36also invented in collaboration with many German scientists like Einstein. Was there a greater goal on the horizon, an ultimate flying machine?
If it is to be believed, Allen Dulles, under the cover of covert plans called Operation Sunrise, Overcast, and Paperclip, actually brought SS intelligence officers to the US as early as 1943 for the purpose of collaboration on the advanced technology and to bolster US intel ops.
Look at the OSS that became the CIA. It was infused by many SS and Gestapo agents with "clean" records. Their history of interfering in world politics is legendary in their efforts to install fascist leaders in many countries. And the real power, banking institutions like Chase, had sympathetic dealings with Germany throughout the war in financial assistance. Recent suits brought by Holocaust survivors seem valid. And the German-American Rockefellers, had helped financed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions to a great degree. If there is money in it follow the trail.
Was Goebbels alluding to something or was it just more Nazi B.S. when he wrote in mid-1944 "The V-1 and V-2 flying bombs have upset the entire enemy defense system and even more terrible new weapons will soon be at hand and thus the war will be given a new aspect…" What the heck else is worse than a rocket falling out of the sky that you cannot stop?
Threads from old publications point to the year 1947 as the time that UFO sightings began. It has been speculated that the Kugelblitz flying from clandestine Antarctic bases was the source of many of these sightings. At the same time were ex-Nazi scientists working on similar projects that would later go into the black hole of Groom Lake, Nevada where every secret weapon America ever developed was tested?
The disc, with a circular cockpit of four meters diameter and a total diameter of nineteen meters, supported eight ducted fans of four blades each powered by Argus As 8A radial air-cooled engines each of 80 hp. A main rotor on the axis of the disc had two blades with a diameter of twenty-two meters powered by Pabst pulsejets at their tips.
Once lifted by the fans, the main rotor pulsejets engaged at 220-rpm. The main rotor was located outside and on top of the hull and was the same diameter as the disc itself. Pitch was engaged and liftoff thrust was attained. The rotor was not articulated like a helicopter rotor but more of that of an autogyro. A "ground effect" was created at low heights like that of a hovercraft today with the fans. The use of alternating speed of the ducted fan engines would give directional guidance. The eight fan engines were mounted on the underside of the disc at slight angles dictated by the hull shape. Four prototypes were completed but details of flight tests are not known.
U.S. manufacturers built several small helicopters after the war with ramjets on the rotor tips proving the concept again.
Both the US and Canada built craft using this technology after the war and the system was patented in Germany in 1956. Final post war model were successfully scaled up to carry ten men. But this was no super weapon as we define it.
When the SR-71's existence was made public by President Johnson it was a surprise to the covert community. For whatever reason he did it the project would have lasted as a secret for many years otherwise. The F-117 and B-2 emerged from the black hole only after many years of secret development at Groom Lake. The probability that the Aurora is flying is highly probable given past history. Why does author Rene Francillion in his 1982 book Lockheed Aircraft Since 1913 quote that the company had already flown research aircraft at Mach 6? Remember the X-15 is from North American Aviation.
The so-called "drone" in the arrowhead shape that rode the backs of SR-71s was probably a test platform for the Aurora. Models of the general shape have been seen to test at Mach 10 in Lockheed wind tunnel facilities. This form has been borne out in test of various lifting body vehicles like the X-24B occasionally seen and labeled as test bed craft that can return from extra atmospheric activities. Who has seen the intro to the old Six Million Dollar Man episodes where he crashes such a vehicle?
It's been pieced together that the Aurora is carried aloft by a C-5 (good idea- less visual exposure) to 35,000 feet where its huge clam-shell doors open and the ship is extended via a hoist arm as it powers up. Wing tips unfold and lock as the plane is dropped to then fly under its own power. It climbs to well over 100,000 feet by using a tuboramjet engine ingesting exotic methane or hydrogen fuel as it travels at 3,800 mph to survey its designated target. Once the mission is complete the Son of Blackbird would meet up with another C-5 where the boom would extend, capture would occur, the wing tips folded, and it would be swallowed up inside the massive mother ship.
If it sounds too fantastic, I can vividly remember 1964's announcement of some of the SR-71's feats that were almost sci-fi then. Mach 3! Holy cow! The Aurora is a logical progression given aviation technology's progression since the SR-71 and has probably been flying since about 1980. And there have been some interesting aircraft designs revealed that show shapes similar to the Aurora's from WWII Germany.
The Nazis that did not get their records cleaned by the US assumed false identities in Germany where their subversion continues. Argentine was and is a hotbed of Nazi sympathy. Mengele, Eichmann and others disappeared into South America. It is probably more than coincidental that as early as 1958 a strong Nazi group was principle in Medillin, Colombian crime. Were they the founders behind today's drug cartel?
The bizarre insinuation proposed by some is that Nazis were contactees of extraterrestrial aliens who injected the German scientific research with their knowledge seems preposterous. An awful lot of stories have surfaced about VERY advanced aircraft beyond even the Aurora though.
But the possibility exists that from those trillions of stars other civilizations have traveled here in the past. When we have hieroglyphs in ancient Egyptian tombs illustrating attack helicopters and modern aircraft plus aerodynamic scale models of delta-wing aircraft from pre-historic South America.
Of course, some of the information presented here seems outlandish though I am certain the authors of the volumes referenced were representing the material they had with the best intentions. Given the advanced state of German aero engineering in WWII we can rule out nothing. V-2s seemed impossible at the time yet they fell on Allied countries nonetheless. Advanced jet aircraft existed and the next generation was on the drawing boards. Many of these designs were built in modified form after the war and proved to be the real deal. Many conclusions can be drawnmystic or hard evidence. The Germans had a base in Antarctica. Did it exist after the war? Perhaps. Certainly when they went there is was not to measure temperature for scientific research. Could they have developed hyper-advanced flying craft? Yes. Did they? That's speculation. A lot of super secret stuff goes on today and always has. Who knows what exists and what doesn't?
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Hitler's Flying Saucer
by Jim "Twitch" TittleArticle Type: Military History
Article Date: December 12, 2001
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Possible? You Decide |
By 1932 Adolph Hitler gained enough control of German society to put scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the "implosion vortex technology" of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo, von Braun and Miethe, the Germans made extraordinary progress.
Operation "Canned Meat" began in 1939, when the Germans staged an incident at the Polish border as a prelude to the invasion. They were in the Eastern European countries creating facilities unmolested for many years. As a result of newly acquired technology, the German scientific effort was pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and was developed at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest pilotless aircraft designs (V-1 & V-2 plus others) were produced beginning in 1934, and had some moderate degree of success owing to the German's unrestricted rocketry development not outlined in the Versailles Treaty at the end of WWI.
Mystic Hitler Foo Fighters
Hitler had become a member of the mystical Thule Society beginning in 1919. It was semi-Satanist and was the root for Nazi theory. Full of occultism, it embraced the concepts of German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail. This Nazi occultism was a mixture of influences and a host of interrelated secret societies, including the Bavarian Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Vehm, the Golden Dawn, and early the Rosy-Cross. Later he and the Nazi staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 1930's, in order to gather esoteric evidence. Perhaps it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information. India has ancient texts describing flying machines in detail. Every school kid there knows the stories. An Indian friend of the author states that these stories were retold as ancient history and not myth. Perhaps the Indiana Jones sagas were not that far removed from reality.In 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested, it was a situation where the war was going on faster than the Germans could technically develop their advanced designs. We can see this from the captured design documents reflecting aircraft that rival today's. Hampered by sabotage and deliberate technical misguidance, as well as delays in metallurgical research which didn't result in an acceptable alloy of magnesium and aluminumide until 1944, the Germans could only continue to harass Allied pilots with the 'fireballs', pilotless craft developed and used since 1943 which emitted electrical fields that interfered with the operation of aviation engines. This is at least the claim by certain German scientists. It seems doubtful that the Germans controlled these "foo fighters" before sophisticated radar guidance was developed later in the war. If German pilots saw them too it was probably so top secret that they were unaware of their existence.
Lightning Bullet
It is certain that learned Germans realized the war was lost early on. The assassination attempt on Hitler and the underground movement was fact. Allegedly the fireballs or foo fighters seen in the European skies culminated in a manned vehicle that flew from the underground facilities in Thuringia in mid-February 1945. The craft, called the "Kugelblitz" (lightning bullet), reportedly had a top speed of over 1,200 mph! Given what we know that seems impossible. The technology of heat friction dissipation materials was not seen in common use until the Soviet and American space programs evolved in the late 1950's. But where did these space programs come from? They were built on the research and persons of German scientists that pioneered the work on rockets in the 1930's!A German scientist named Manfred Schauberger stated in correspondence of the 1950's that he worked at the Matthausen concentration camp directing technically oriented prisoners and German scientists in the successful construction of a saucer-shaped aircraft:
The "flying saucer" which was flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 near Prague and which attained a height of 15,000 metres (15,000 fpm!?) in 3 minutes and a horizontal speed of 2,200 km/hours (1,366mph!), was constructed according to a Model 1 built at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the first-class stress-analyst and propulsion engineers assigned to me there. It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear, through one of the workers under my direction, a Czech, that further, intensive development was in progress: From what I understand, just before the end of the war, the machine was supposed to have been destroyed on Keitel's orders. That's the last I heard of it." In this affair, several armament specialists were also involved who appeared at the works in Prague, shortly before my return to Vienna, and asked that I demonstrate the fundamental basis of it: The creation of an atomic low-pressure zone, which develops in seconds when either air or water is caused to move radially and axially under conditions of a falling temperature gradient. (Any physicists out there please fill the author in on this sentence fragment!) |
Curiously, Schauberger and his son lived in the United States for a short time after the war, where he was reported to be working on a top-secret project in Texas for the US Government.
On February 23, the newest "anti-gravitational" engines of the Kugelblitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The airframe of the Kugelblitz, minus the engines, was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists. Plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained a rumored underground facility active since 1941. German expeditions to the Polar Regions are well-documented including photographic evidence. Two days later, on February 25, the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed.
Where Are They?
By April 1945 many of the Aryan elite Lebensborn children disappeared along with General Hans Kammler and General Nebe who are still on Nazi hunters' lists. Did they escape to the Polar stronghold called Thule to continue the Forth Reich?In hindsight, it seem very unlikely that the Americans were all that afraid of Soviet Communism. After all we had just flexed our nuclear muscle, something the Soviets would not do for several more years, also thanks to captured German scientists. So why were scientists of the ilk of Werner von Braun and many other dubious Nazis allowed entrance into the US where their backgrounds were doctored to appear normal? Surly not to pop off old V-2s in the New Mexico dessert! Hell, we already had THE ultimate weapon and could deliver it with the B-36also invented in collaboration with many German scientists like Einstein. Was there a greater goal on the horizon, an ultimate flying machine?
If it is to be believed, Allen Dulles, under the cover of covert plans called Operation Sunrise, Overcast, and Paperclip, actually brought SS intelligence officers to the US as early as 1943 for the purpose of collaboration on the advanced technology and to bolster US intel ops.
Look at the OSS that became the CIA. It was infused by many SS and Gestapo agents with "clean" records. Their history of interfering in world politics is legendary in their efforts to install fascist leaders in many countries. And the real power, banking institutions like Chase, had sympathetic dealings with Germany throughout the war in financial assistance. Recent suits brought by Holocaust survivors seem valid. And the German-American Rockefellers, had helped financed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions to a great degree. If there is money in it follow the trail.
Was Goebbels alluding to something or was it just more Nazi B.S. when he wrote in mid-1944 "The V-1 and V-2 flying bombs have upset the entire enemy defense system and even more terrible new weapons will soon be at hand and thus the war will be given a new aspect…" What the heck else is worse than a rocket falling out of the sky that you cannot stop?
Threads from old publications point to the year 1947 as the time that UFO sightings began. It has been speculated that the Kugelblitz flying from clandestine Antarctic bases was the source of many of these sightings. At the same time were ex-Nazi scientists working on similar projects that would later go into the black hole of Groom Lake, Nevada where every secret weapon America ever developed was tested?
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Omega Layout ![]() |
The Omega Disc
A very plausible vehicle did exist in Germany. Whether it was for deception or whether it was the source of the rumors, is unknown. It was call the Omega Disc Project headed by Dipl. Andreas Epp. It used the ducted fan technology of BMW along with pulsejets of the Focke Wulf Triebflügel to increase lift.The disc, with a circular cockpit of four meters diameter and a total diameter of nineteen meters, supported eight ducted fans of four blades each powered by Argus As 8A radial air-cooled engines each of 80 hp. A main rotor on the axis of the disc had two blades with a diameter of twenty-two meters powered by Pabst pulsejets at their tips.
Once lifted by the fans, the main rotor pulsejets engaged at 220-rpm. The main rotor was located outside and on top of the hull and was the same diameter as the disc itself. Pitch was engaged and liftoff thrust was attained. The rotor was not articulated like a helicopter rotor but more of that of an autogyro. A "ground effect" was created at low heights like that of a hovercraft today with the fans. The use of alternating speed of the ducted fan engines would give directional guidance. The eight fan engines were mounted on the underside of the disc at slight angles dictated by the hull shape. Four prototypes were completed but details of flight tests are not known.
U.S. manufacturers built several small helicopters after the war with ramjets on the rotor tips proving the concept again.
Both the US and Canada built craft using this technology after the war and the system was patented in Germany in 1956. Final post war model were successfully scaled up to carry ten men. But this was no super weapon as we define it.
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Satellite Photo- Groom Lake/Aurora Conception |
Enter Aurora
But from that fervent research came the likes of the SR-71, the B-2 and F-117. Whether flying discs were ever developed in Area 51 is speculation at best, but the much-rumored Aurora project is more tangible. Shapes have been circulated about for some twenty years all being roughly arrowhead in form. Strange sonic booms have occurred when and where they should not have. Long range photos have been snapped of arrowhead shaped craft in the sky near there.When the SR-71's existence was made public by President Johnson it was a surprise to the covert community. For whatever reason he did it the project would have lasted as a secret for many years otherwise. The F-117 and B-2 emerged from the black hole only after many years of secret development at Groom Lake. The probability that the Aurora is flying is highly probable given past history. Why does author Rene Francillion in his 1982 book Lockheed Aircraft Since 1913 quote that the company had already flown research aircraft at Mach 6? Remember the X-15 is from North American Aviation.
The so-called "drone" in the arrowhead shape that rode the backs of SR-71s was probably a test platform for the Aurora. Models of the general shape have been seen to test at Mach 10 in Lockheed wind tunnel facilities. This form has been borne out in test of various lifting body vehicles like the X-24B occasionally seen and labeled as test bed craft that can return from extra atmospheric activities. Who has seen the intro to the old Six Million Dollar Man episodes where he crashes such a vehicle?
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X-24B- Real Live Mini Aurora |
It's been pieced together that the Aurora is carried aloft by a C-5 (good idea- less visual exposure) to 35,000 feet where its huge clam-shell doors open and the ship is extended via a hoist arm as it powers up. Wing tips unfold and lock as the plane is dropped to then fly under its own power. It climbs to well over 100,000 feet by using a tuboramjet engine ingesting exotic methane or hydrogen fuel as it travels at 3,800 mph to survey its designated target. Once the mission is complete the Son of Blackbird would meet up with another C-5 where the boom would extend, capture would occur, the wing tips folded, and it would be swallowed up inside the massive mother ship.
If it sounds too fantastic, I can vividly remember 1964's announcement of some of the SR-71's feats that were almost sci-fi then. Mach 3! Holy cow! The Aurora is a logical progression given aviation technology's progression since the SR-71 and has probably been flying since about 1980. And there have been some interesting aircraft designs revealed that show shapes similar to the Aurora's from WWII Germany.
The Fourth Reich
Whether there are or were high-performance Nazi flying discs is open for speculation. The modest Omega Disc existed. But the Forth Reich existed before the fall of the Third Reich. Careful planes and elaborate webs were organized to keep the new Bundt going. Hidden gold and jewels have been turned up since 1946 when Baron Helmut von Hummel, aide to Martin Bormann, was found with seven million dollars worth of gold coins in a suitcase. Hell of a retirement plan! Other Nazis have been caught with huge amounts of gold since and ingots have been found in Austria, the Nazi jumping-off point to Switzerland, where they went to Egypt, on to South America and "points beyond," it is said. Spinna and Odessa are real enough.The Nazis that did not get their records cleaned by the US assumed false identities in Germany where their subversion continues. Argentine was and is a hotbed of Nazi sympathy. Mengele, Eichmann and others disappeared into South America. It is probably more than coincidental that as early as 1958 a strong Nazi group was principle in Medillin, Colombian crime. Were they the founders behind today's drug cartel?
The bizarre insinuation proposed by some is that Nazis were contactees of extraterrestrial aliens who injected the German scientific research with their knowledge seems preposterous. An awful lot of stories have surfaced about VERY advanced aircraft beyond even the Aurora though.
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Apache Clone From Egyptian Tomb ![]() |
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Pre-historic F-102 is Aerodynamically Accurate ![]() |
But the possibility exists that from those trillions of stars other civilizations have traveled here in the past. When we have hieroglyphs in ancient Egyptian tombs illustrating attack helicopters and modern aircraft plus aerodynamic scale models of delta-wing aircraft from pre-historic South America.
Of course, some of the information presented here seems outlandish though I am certain the authors of the volumes referenced were representing the material they had with the best intentions. Given the advanced state of German aero engineering in WWII we can rule out nothing. V-2s seemed impossible at the time yet they fell on Allied countries nonetheless. Advanced jet aircraft existed and the next generation was on the drawing boards. Many of these designs were built in modified form after the war and proved to be the real deal. Many conclusions can be drawnmystic or hard evidence. The Germans had a base in Antarctica. Did it exist after the war? Perhaps. Certainly when they went there is was not to measure temperature for scientific research. Could they have developed hyper-advanced flying craft? Yes. Did they? That's speculation. A lot of super secret stuff goes on today and always has. Who knows what exists and what doesn't?
- Bergaust, Erich
Hitler's Secrets Revealed
Bantam Books, NY, 1956
- Emenegger, Robert
UFOs Past Present & Future
Ballantine Books, NY, 1974
- Francillion, Rene
Lockheed Aircraft Since 1913
Aero Publishers Fallbrook, CA, 1982
- Gillon, Frank
The Rise of the Fourth Reich
Conquest Magazine December 1961
- Heppenheimer, T.A.
"Revealed! Mach 5 Spy Plane"
Polular Science November 1988
- Lochner, Louis, P.
The Goebbels Diaries
Award Books, NY, 1948
- Myhra, David
Secret Aircraft Designs of the Third Reich
Schiffer Publishing, 1998
- Tomas, Andrew
We Are Not The First
Bantam Books, NY, 1971
- "The Omega File: Nazi History Part II