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by Douglas Helmer
Article Date: September 11, 2001
America Attacked
The world stood witness to the most horrific acts of terrorism ever perpetrated against innocent civilians today as hijacked commercial airliners were flown into both of the 105 story World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. At this time, several commercial airliners are reported as missing and US fighter jets have been scrambled in an attempt, we suspect, to intercept any commercial jets that may appear to be a threat.
All US federal buildings have been evacuated across the US and all airports are closed. Flights in-bound for New York and Washington have been diverted to Canadian airports. Israel has shutdown all of its embassies around the world and the Russian government has been placed on alert.
The following images, were taken from newscasts on CNN, CNBC, and CBC Newsworld.
Hijacked 767 jetliner impacts WTC tower  |
Eye witness recounts his escape from WTC tower. Building ablaze in background  |
WTC building collapses  |
The New York skyline changed forever  |
The Pentagon ablaze  |
Arafat expresses his shock and disbelief. Condemns terrorists' acts.  |
50,000 people worked in the WTC on an average day. We pray for the victims and their famlies there, at the Pentagon, and in the hijacked airliners.
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