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Sudden Strike
by Steve MacGregor


Multiplayer mode in Sudden Strike allows up to 12 players to compete in up to four teams. Game type is selected by clicking on one of three buttons at the selection screen (“Internet” (TCP/IP), “LAN” (IPX), or “Modem”). CDV claim to have an IP Database on their website, to make it simple to find games on-line.

In multiplayer mode, the object is to destroy all the units belonging to the opposing teams. Reinforcements can be had by capturing Zeppelin groups (Zeppelins! In World War Two? Hmm). As I mentioned earlier, I wasn’t able to test multiplayer mode for this review, but I guess that it would be as engaging as the single player game, for all the same reasons.


If you are looking for a simulation that accurately portrays squad level combat in World War 2, keep looking. Sudden Strike is a game that happens to use a World War 2 theme. It just so happens that it is a fine game, and that personally I prefer my RTS to include recognisable military units rather than orcs, futuristic robots or aliens. It isn’t perfect (there are occasional, minor bugs, the graphics are OK rather than brilliant, changes in terrain elevation could have been done better, and I would like to have seen a “sneak” command to tell my troops to move while making maximum use of available cover), and it doesn’t do anything we haven’t seen before, but it does provide a complete and very satisfying gameplay experience. Although I wasn’t able to test it (stand by for a review on this soon), I would be very surprised if the multiplayer aspect of the game isn't as good as the single player game.

Overall, I would heartily recommend this game to anybody for whom the terms “wargame” and “fun” are not mutually exclusive. With an add-on pack including a mission editor and new theatres and units only a few months away, the future looks good for Sudden Strike.

In summary, if you only but two strategy games in 2001, buy two copies of Sudden Strike. That way, you’ll have a spare when the first CD wears out. Just remember to cancel all social engagements well in advance. It’ll save lots of apologies later.

Test System

Compaq 7477
533MHz AMD-K2 processor
64 Mb RAM
NVIDIA TNT2 Video card with 32Mb RAM

Sudden Strike

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