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First Look: Rowan’s Battle of Britain
by Bob "Groucho" Marks

As this year draws to a close, it’s becoming evident that the next few months will truly be the Land of Smack 'n' Plenty for the poor, withdrawing WWII flight sim junkie. You know those people I'm talking about: those poor bastards you'd see from time-to-time, shaking violently and mumbling incoherently about slipstream vortex modeling and gyro-stabilized gun sight settings. You don’t see them out much any more since news of The Coming Downpour of Prop-Head Sims has panned-out to actually have a bit more credibility than your average Hasbro Interactive press release. Most of these pitiful souls are now glued to their monitors, trying just one more time to actually land a Hellcat on the carrier in Microsoft’s CFS2. Good luck, boys. You’ll have better luck making your girlfriend’s cat order a pizza---and pay for it too.

CFS2 was only the first band of showers. Soon, more sims than you can hit with that same feline (after it has returned to room temperature, of course) will be available for purchase or outright shoplifting [Editor's note: All complaints (and legal action) regarding the preceding statement may be made to Bob "Groucho" Marks at his email address above. Thank you.]

Hole-ly Hawker, Wingman!

One of the squalls in this incoming storm of WWII sims is Rowan’s Battle of Britain (BoB), an early alpha copy of which yours truly was fortunate enough to get his laser toner-stained hands on. From what I’ve been able to gather from this over-the-horizon, pre-release radar contact from one of the UK’s most talented developers, BoB looks to be one of the sims that will stick around on the serious flight simmer’s hard-drive for some time. Strategy geeks may want to also take note: BoB offers enough fish & chips with a side of kidney pie for both to feast on. This sim, after all, is entirely focused on a bloody, yet decisive, conflict that lasted a mere two months; that being said, however, the attention to detail in this sim is incredible considering the relatively short duration of this storied battle.


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