Step 9Page 9
SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 2
by Scott Verge
First off, since you need to use the mission editor to change names, open up mission8.mis with the mission editor and save as simple9.mis. Then close the mission editor again.
Highlight simple9.mis and while holding the left shift button right click on it, choose Open with and scroll down to the bottom and pick WordPad. We use WordPad cause it keeps the formatting for us and makes everything easier to look at.
Now look at the layout of the information. It looks a little crazy but it all makes sense to the game. Look for a line like this under the JG5West squadron near the top of the page:
msnCoordinate ( 66328 -78388 ) msnVelocity 0 msnAltitude 0 msnHeading 60
So all we have to do is copy and paste that heading setting to a ground object. Paste it to the Flak Panzer ground object. Put msnHeading 60 two spaces after the coordinate numbers. Notice how there is no velocity or altitude for ground objects, and you dont need them.
msnUnit3 ( msnUnit "FlakPanzer" msnCount 1 msnCoordinate ( 16680 -27792 ) msnHeading 60
Save it as regular text and try it out.
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