(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/cihmmbp)

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Can I have my money back please?
By Steve MacGregor

The whole process has come to feel like trying to have a conversation with one of those dreadful telephone services that gives you a list of options to choose from (you know the one; “If you are feeling a little irritated, press 1, If you are feeling very angry, press 2, if you are feeling homicidal, press 3”, etc.). Ultimately, it seems that the only assistance they can offer is to suggest downloading drivers. This doesn’t work, so I guess I’m pretty much on my own.

It has taken almost a month-and-a-half to get this far, so I can no longer take the game back to Electronics Boutique and get my money back. I have bought a product in good faith, and from a large and reputable company. The product does not work as advertised, and I can’t do anything about it other than write it off to experience. I’m not sure what the answer is, but surely, I can’t be alone in feeling that this is unacceptable?

F/A-18 with the detail on. Looks nice, but my computer hides under the sofa when I crank the detail up to this level.

One of the questions that occurred as I exchanged e-mails with EA’s technical support was: “How do companies arrive at the minimum and recommended specs that we see on the box?” Do they work to a minimum acceptable frame rate, and select the minimum system that will support this framerate (presumably with all graphic options turned off)? On the other hand, does the marketing department choose a minimum specification that gives the widest possible potential customer base? We all would be interested in hearing from developer on how they undertake this process.

If we are going to be happy with our software, it seems to me that it is essential that we can trust the minimum and recommended specs printed on the box. As far as I can see, the only way to do this is to establish a universally accepted standard for establishing these specs that would be used by all software companies.

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(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/cihmmbp)