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Simulated Future
by Nigel Doyle

The System

What I propose it a system like the D3D API where instead of Hardware standards there is a Software Standard that all developers can write to, for the sake of this article lets call it DS (Dock-Able Software). This will take care of the necessary development time taken to produce new graphic and AI engines. It will be constantly developed and upgraded, but all developed products will be backward compatible and future proofed.

There would be an association of software developers whose job it would be to make decisions and update the main graphics, weapon and vehicle fidelity databases. Any software developer however can then design their own Geographical Theatre, Plane, Tank, Submarine, Ship, Helicopter, Combat Unit (soldier) etc, based on these standards ensuring each companies software is dockable with everybody elses.

Just think of all the different makes and versions of aircraft alone that could be developed, Fighter, Cargo, Bomber etc. This should leave enough makes and models available for any software developer out there, indeed two companies could even develop the same aircraft, but with maybe a different "Block" model. It would however have to remain "Dockable" and fly in the agreed standards. It would then come down to personnel choice in the end, but what a choice we would have.

To see if a system like this can work then you only have to take look at Razorworks "Enemy Engaged" series. The latest offering Comanche Hokum, allows you to fly in the aircraft, scenery and campaigns from the previous product. I have thus known people buy the previous release just for this compatibility.

For different Theatres of Operations, I can see development similiar to the Microsoft Flight Simulator sets of scenery where you can pick and choose what type and make of complexity is shown as you progress through the simulated world. It would again come down to a matter of personnel choice.

This would however be the only area where I can see possible problems. If you were going to join a particular server to play in a particular game, then a certain terrain type or make would have to be adhered to in order that everybody is seeing the same thing at the same time. If you were playing offline then of course this would not be a problem.


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