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Combat Flight Simulator 2 - Part II
by Jim TittleCSIM: Please discuss what you have so laid out so far in multiplayer.
Tucker: What you've heard is true. Mostly what we are doing is plugging the cheats. Multiplayer will be largely unchanged from CFS1. We are putting in an option to rearm and refuel, but not much else.
Enough has been said about this that it deserves a comment. We would have loved to do cooperative campaigns, all sorts of new features, AI squadrons in multiplayer - all of these options were discussed. However, we realized that our multiplayer engine needed major architectural changes to really be able to support these sorts of changes.
Restructuring a multiplayer system is a big and risky task, and we realized that we couldn't make all of the changes we wanted to the single player game and also to the multiplayer game and have a development cycle of a sensible length, so we decided to attack one task at a time. CFS2 isn't going to be the last CFS you see, and significant changes to multiplayer are in our future plans.
CSIM: The big question is will CFS II lend itself to the importing of user and professional modifications? This includes making non-fly-able planes flyable, importing terrain or aircraft from CFS I and such.
Tucker: In short, yes. We're doing our best to make CFS2 even more modifiable than CFS1.
CSIM: What is a realistic, projected release date?
Tucker: Well, I can't really quote dates, but it will be out in the fall. You should be well into the game before Halloween.
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