Daily News
by Gail Helmer
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Battlefield 1942 1.2 Patch Released
DICE and EA have released the North American version of the Battlefield 1942 1.2 patch. Patch 1.2's features include a new file structure for mods and expansion packs, improved AI response, and better support for NVIDIA cards. Download
Platoon Patch v1.12
New patches for Platoon have been released, upgrading the US edition of Digital Reality's recent 3D tactical strategy game to version 1.12. This release addresses a display resolution problem, multiplayer desync issues, and a gameplay problem with the APC vehicle Download
Military News
Lockheed Martin delivers last DIOT&E Raptor
The Lockheed Martin -led F/A-22 Raptor industry team has delivered the air dominance fighter program's last Dedicated Initial Operational Test & Evaluation (DIOT&E) aircraft -- Raptor 4011 -- with yesterday's signing of formal acceptance documents here by U.S. Government officials.

"The delivery of Raptor 11 completes the five-ship Raptor fleet required by the Air Force for DIOT&E," said Ralph Heath, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company executive vice president and F/A-22 program general manager. "Raptor 4011 will now be flown to Lockheed Martin's facility in Palmdale, California, where it will be prepared to support the timely start of DIOT&E pilot training, scheduled to begin in February up the road at Edwards Air Force Base."
Once at Edwards, Raptor 11 will be assigned to the Air Force Operational Test & Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) detachment there, and be used to demonstrate the F/A-22 lethality, survivability and reliability. AFOTEC's overall mission is to determine whether F/A-22 is capable of, and suitable for, operational use.
HAVE LITE Missile Demonstrates Long-Range Strike Capability
Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the first flight test of the HAVE LITE missile, demonstrating the ability of a U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot to launch and control the weapon while also flying the aircraft.
In the test, conducted at the Utah Test Range in Ogden, Utah, the missile struck a stationary target, proving it could follow a planned mission route.

"We're extremely pleased with the results of this test," said Randy Bigum, vice president of Strike Weapons at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. "HAVE LITE will enable our international customers to strike high-value ground and sea targets from long range. Since HAVE LITE is designed to work from fighter aircraft, it opens up a heavy strike capability without the need for heavy aircraft."
In this test, the missile was launched from a single seat U.S. Air Force F-16, flying 0.7 mach at an altitude of 8,700 feet. After weapon release, the missile flew a straight path using Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance to locate the target area.
The aircraft then turned away from the target while maintaining data link with the missile. When in range, the F-16 pilot maneuvered the missile into the target using man-in-the-loop controls with the missile's terminal guidance TV seeker. As planned, the missile struck the target with an inert warhead.
A product of PGSUS, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Rafael, HAVE LITE is an advanced, air-to-ground, precision-guided missile designed for use on fighter aircraft. The missile, a smaller sized and reduced weight version of the AGM-142 HAVE NAP missile, provides the same lethal accuracy as the larger missile.
Effective against bunkers, missile sites and other high-value targets, HAVE LITE uses multiple guidance modes, either imaging infrared or TV, in the terminal mode, to provide lethal accuracy. The missile carries either penetration or blast fragmentation warheads for target destruction. With its flexible mission planning and significant standoff range, HAVE LITE minimizes fighter aircraft exposure.
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by Gail Helmer
Friday November 29, 2002
- Battlefield 1942 1.2 Patch Released
- Platoon Patch v1.12
- Lockheed Martin delivers last DIOT&E Raptor
- HAVE LITE Missile Demonstrates Long-Range Strike Capability
Battlefield 1942 1.2 Patch Released
DICE and EA have released the North American version of the Battlefield 1942 1.2 patch. Patch 1.2's features include a new file structure for mods and expansion packs, improved AI response, and better support for NVIDIA cards. Download
Platoon Patch v1.12
New patches for Platoon have been released, upgrading the US edition of Digital Reality's recent 3D tactical strategy game to version 1.12. This release addresses a display resolution problem, multiplayer desync issues, and a gameplay problem with the APC vehicle Download
Military News
Lockheed Martin delivers last DIOT&E Raptor
The Lockheed Martin -led F/A-22 Raptor industry team has delivered the air dominance fighter program's last Dedicated Initial Operational Test & Evaluation (DIOT&E) aircraft -- Raptor 4011 -- with yesterday's signing of formal acceptance documents here by U.S. Government officials.

"The delivery of Raptor 11 completes the five-ship Raptor fleet required by the Air Force for DIOT&E," said Ralph Heath, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company executive vice president and F/A-22 program general manager. "Raptor 4011 will now be flown to Lockheed Martin's facility in Palmdale, California, where it will be prepared to support the timely start of DIOT&E pilot training, scheduled to begin in February up the road at Edwards Air Force Base."
Once at Edwards, Raptor 11 will be assigned to the Air Force Operational Test & Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) detachment there, and be used to demonstrate the F/A-22 lethality, survivability and reliability. AFOTEC's overall mission is to determine whether F/A-22 is capable of, and suitable for, operational use.
HAVE LITE Missile Demonstrates Long-Range Strike Capability
Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the first flight test of the HAVE LITE missile, demonstrating the ability of a U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot to launch and control the weapon while also flying the aircraft.
In the test, conducted at the Utah Test Range in Ogden, Utah, the missile struck a stationary target, proving it could follow a planned mission route.

"We're extremely pleased with the results of this test," said Randy Bigum, vice president of Strike Weapons at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. "HAVE LITE will enable our international customers to strike high-value ground and sea targets from long range. Since HAVE LITE is designed to work from fighter aircraft, it opens up a heavy strike capability without the need for heavy aircraft."
In this test, the missile was launched from a single seat U.S. Air Force F-16, flying 0.7 mach at an altitude of 8,700 feet. After weapon release, the missile flew a straight path using Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance to locate the target area.
The aircraft then turned away from the target while maintaining data link with the missile. When in range, the F-16 pilot maneuvered the missile into the target using man-in-the-loop controls with the missile's terminal guidance TV seeker. As planned, the missile struck the target with an inert warhead.
A product of PGSUS, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Rafael, HAVE LITE is an advanced, air-to-ground, precision-guided missile designed for use on fighter aircraft. The missile, a smaller sized and reduced weight version of the AGM-142 HAVE NAP missile, provides the same lethal accuracy as the larger missile.
Effective against bunkers, missile sites and other high-value targets, HAVE LITE uses multiple guidance modes, either imaging infrared or TV, in the terminal mode, to provide lethal accuracy. The missile carries either penetration or blast fragmentation warheads for target destruction. With its flexible mission planning and significant standoff range, HAVE LITE minimizes fighter aircraft exposure.