Daily News
by Gail Helmer
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Oleg Maddox has posted 12 new screenshots from IL-2 Sturmovik. Click here to view.
Click here for last Friday's development update. Oleg has posted screenshots of the La-5FN and Me-262 cockpit.

Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 260,000 veterans from all the nation's wars, from the American Revolution through the Persian Gulf War and Somalia. White House officials are encouraging all Americans to remember the importance of Memorial Day, May 28, to honor service members who gave their lives in defense of freedom. The importance of this day is being noted with a "National Moment of Remembrance," scheduled for 3 p.m. (local times. (Photo by Bob Jensen)
Bush Signs Bill For WWII Memorial
President Bush signed a bill this morning authorizing the controversial World War II Memorial on the National Mall, kicking off a day of Memorial Day ceremonies honoring America's war dead.

Related Links: War Letters dedicated to collecting, preserving, and publicizing letters to and from America's wars.
Memorial Day Links A complete list of related links.
[ Send Us News | Archives ]
by Gail Helmer
Monday, May 28, 2001
PC News
IL-2 Sturmovik ScreenshotsOleg Maddox has posted 12 new screenshots from IL-2 Sturmovik. Click here to view.
Click here for last Friday's development update. Oleg has posted screenshots of the La-5FN and Me-262 cockpit.
Military News
In Honor of Memorial Day
Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 260,000 veterans from all the nation's wars, from the American Revolution through the Persian Gulf War and Somalia. White House officials are encouraging all Americans to remember the importance of Memorial Day, May 28, to honor service members who gave their lives in defense of freedom. The importance of this day is being noted with a "National Moment of Remembrance," scheduled for 3 p.m. (local times. (Photo by Bob Jensen)
Bush Signs Bill For WWII Memorial
President Bush signed a bill this morning authorizing the controversial World War II Memorial on the National Mall, kicking off a day of Memorial Day ceremonies honoring America's war dead.

Related Links: War Letters dedicated to collecting, preserving, and publicizing letters to and from America's wars.
Memorial Day Links A complete list of related links.