Daily News
by Gail Helmer
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Real War Enhancement Kit Update
Earlier this month Rival Interactive announced plans to release a Real War Enhancement Kit. The Real War development team is working on several issues for the enhancement kit that will be released in early November. They are concentrating on sea unit pathing and AI issues. Infantry responsiveness and overall game balance issues are being addressed. The "anti-air chasing enemy units" and the "unit loading/unloading" issues are also being addressed. The team is also creating new maps. Click here for previous coverage.
Military News
Boeing Makes Statement On Lost JSF Contract
Yesterday, Department of Defense officials debriefed Boeing on our Joint Strike Fighter proposal. I went to Washington, D.C., to find out why we lost. I came away with the understanding that we didn't lose. But Lockheed Martin clearly won. There's a difference.
Our "A" was not as good as Lockheed Martin's "A-plus." I think Major General Mike Hough, the government's program manager for JSF, summed it up best: "Boeing rated a 9 and Lockheed rated a 10." That's testament to the fantastic team who worked on our program. They did everything they were asked to do – and more. Our design not only met but exceeded the requirements…but the Lockheed Martin design exceeded them even more – and in key areas.

Boeing's JSF Entry X-32
Both companies were graded at many levels that funneled into a few broad categories. Boeing scored higher than Lockheed in overall management and in past performance. And we generally tied in terms of affordability, although Boeing was assessed to have more risk factors in that area. Lockheed Martin consistently scored higher in air vehicle design. In almost every area it was close; but also in almost every area, they had the edge.
If I had to point to one factor that made the biggest difference, it would be the two companies' approaches to propulsion for the short-take-off-and-vertical-landing, or STOVL, variant. While our design met the requirement, Lockheed Martin's lift-fan approach was judged to have better performance potential than our direct-lift system.
Now we know why we didn't win. We also know what we, as a company, have gained. Ultimately, our JSF One Team has made Boeing more competitive across the board. Many existing Boeing programs, such as the Super Hornet, already are reaping the benefits of some of the revolutionary advances that our JSF team drove. And Boeing will continue to apply these advances – in areas like materials, manufacturing and how we manage programs – to future systems, including unmanned vehicles and the Sonic Cruiser.
One of the great things I took away from the debrief was an affirmation of just how strong our team really is. Nothing I heard yesterday even begins to dent my confidence in our potential for the future. Our strengths in design, manufacturing and support are top notch, and we're going to be in this business for many years to come.
American Technology Proposes Acoustic Non-Lethal Weapons
In response to the US Department of Defense's call issued last week for help in fighting terrorism American Technology, an innovator of new sound technologies, has proposed a state-of-the-art non-lethal weapon technology, the Directed Stick Radiator (DSR) in answering.
The Directed Stick Radiator is a portable, battery-operated non-lethal weapon technology that uses a high intensity acoustic pressure wave to disorient and disable targeted individuals up to 100 yards away. The DSR discharge causes no lasting effects on the targeted individuals and could be safely used in aircraft without fear of puncturing the fuselage. The company has been asked by the US Army and a major defense contractor to submit the DSR technology to the Pentagon for funding consideration.
Elwood Norris, CEO and chairman of American Technology, stated, "Our Directed Stick Radiator technology is a breakthrough in portable, non-lethal weaponry for military personnel and law enforcement officers. Instead of using noxious chemicals, high voltage sparks or other close-quarters means of disabling a suspect, DSR could allow authorised users to safely and remotely incapacitate a specific individual or small group temporarily. DSR could also be used for animal control without harmful effects. We believe our DSR technology has the potential to become the non-lethal weapon of choice for military and law enforcement use."
The company has also been requested to submit specific configurations of its HSS (HyperSonic Sound) and NeoPlanar loudspeaker technologies for non-weapon-related military audio applications. Presentations of the technologies to government and military officials have been ongoing with several more scheduled through November.
Norway Negotiates Participation In Eurofighter Programme
The Norwegian Ministry of Defence has decided to begin negotiations about participation in the further development of the Eurofighter, with a view to replace Norway's F-16 aircraft after 2010. The negotiations will start with NETMA, the NATO EF 2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency.
Norway is already participating in a preliminary phase in the American Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, and is also negotiating with American authorities about participation in the further development of this programme.
During the discussion of the long-term proposition for the Armed Forces in June, Parliament decided to prepare an acquisition of new fighters. A modern and effective Air Force is absolutely essential for a credible defence.
With an eye to the next generation of fighters, the Ministry of Defence believes it is important for Norway to participate in a multinational co-operation. This includes development and acquisition, operative co-operation, logistics, education and training.
The result of the negotiations, and especially which programme that will present the best opportunity to have a broad co-operation, will be important when making the choice about participation in the programmes. The decision will most likely be made during the first half of 2002.
Lockheed Martin Minehunting System Passes Testing Milestone
Lockheed Martin today announced the successful completion of the second Critical Item Test (CIT) required for development and production of the AN/WLD-1(V)1 Remote Minehunting System.
During the CIT-2b offshore testing phase completed in early September, the Remote Minehunting Vehicle (RMV) successfully accomplished 147 different tests with more than 85 hours at-sea. The testing phase validated the RMV's new control surface designs and algorithms over a full range of transit and minehunting speeds and maneuvers. It also demonstrated a capability for the RMV to be operated from a shore-based command and control center using line-of-sight radio control, a capability that is desirable for potential coastal surveillance as well as port and harbor security missions.
"Although not part of the test objectives, CIT-2b showed how this reconnaissance system can be operated from shore, not just off a Navy ship," explained Brad Hines, manager, business development for Undersea Systems. "This means that countries that don't have large surface combatants from which to host the AN/WLD-1(V)1 Remote Minehunting System may still be able to operate an RMV from a barge, pier or ship of opportunity, controlled from a portable command and control unit."
Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems-Undersea Systems (NE&SS-Undersea Systems) is developing AN/WLD-1(V)1 in Syracuse, N.Y., and Riviera Beach, Fla., under a contract awarded in December 1999 by the U.S. Navy. It will provide Arleigh Burke-Class DDG-51 Flight IIA ships with their first-ever mine reconnaissance capability through the use of an unmanned remote vehicle. Key elements of AN/WLD-1(V)1 include a diesel-powered, semi-submersible Remote Minehunting Vehicle (RMV) with a deployable Variable Depth Sensor (VDS), line of sight and over-the-horizon real-time data links, a shipboard launch and recovery subsystem, and a software segment, which integrates AN/WLD-1(V)1 into the ship's AN/SQQ-89(V)15 Undersea Warfare System.
The AN/WLD-1(V)1 currently is undergoing the third phase of CIT, which will focus on deployment, retrieval and towing the variable depth sensor (VDS) from the RMV, and will validate the RMV's speed and performance with the VDS deployed. The data will be used during the Critical Design Review (CDR) later this year.
"The third CIT is the last major at-sea risk mitigation test for the AN/WLD-1(V)1 before CDR," said Robert Manning, program manager. "We'll enter the total system CDR in December and will begin fabrication, assembly and test of the system next year."
Eurofighter, Fokker Aerospace Sign MoU
Eurofighter and Dutch company Fokker Aerospace B.V. have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with that will cover industrial collaboration and partnership ahead of the planned F-16 replacement for the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
The MoU is a key element in a package of industrial partnership agreements with Dutch industry that will potentially have a value in excess of Euro 7 billion across the four partners of the Eurofighter programme - Alenia Aerospazio, BAE SYSTEMS, EADS-Deutschland and EADS- CASA.
Industrial activity will cover a wide range of programmes including Eurofighter production and development, Airbus commercial and military aircraft and other defence and aerospace programmes.
Under the agreement Fokker have an opportunity to be in involved in current production of Eurofighter aircraft for the four launch customers in Germany, Italy Spain and the UK. Production of a first batch of Eurofighter aircraft for these nations is already well advanced with deliveries planned for June 2002. Initial Fokker participation could include manufacture of airframe structures and components for these aircraft and subsequent production aircraft to be delivered to all participating nations.
The major portion of future industrial co-operation will be realised through key development and production of an Enhanced Eurofighter to be delivered from 2010 plus any RNLAF or other export purchase. Collaboration in this phase of the programme will include Structure and Systems work for Eurofighter development and production as well as opportunities to enhance existing activities on other defence and aerospace programmes such as Airbus and A400M.
"This MoU is the strongest possible signal we can provide to Dutch industry of our support for the future decision of the Dutch Government in the F-16 Replacement Programme," said Cesare Gianni, President Eurofighter International. "Our programme for co-operation is based on a clear understanding of how to get work on major programmes in to partner factories and businesses. Dutch industry is being invited to join the largest European Defence Programme as a full partner. The implications
Hyshot Test A Valuable Failure
An attempt to achieve supersonic combustion in launch of the HyShot experiment at Woomera in the Australian outback has been unsuccessful. However, the team are confident they have retrieved information that will be valuable in working toward flight testing air breathing scramjets. The hypersonic, air-breathing rocket could pave the way for craft capable of three times the speed of Concorde.
The scramjet propulsion system uses different technology to jet engines and traditional rockets and has no moving parts Instead of carrying both fuel and oxygen, the scramjet carries only fuel and therefore has the potential to half the overall weight and efficiency of the rocket or aircraft. However, it relies on oxygen in the atmosphere. To get the oxygen to ignite the fuel, it needs to take in the oxygen at extremely high speeds in its combustion chamber.

The HyShot scramjet is designed to power-on at Mach 7.6, nearly eight times the speed of sound. The launch was designed to carry the scramjet to a height of 300 km. The 1.6 meter (5.3 foot) scramjet would then fall to earth, gaining speed as it fell. Instruments on the HyShot were transmitting data, which the scientists have been analyzing.
"Although we didn't achieve all that we set out to achieve, we succeeded in gathering valuable data, and we're encouraged by the fact the payload survived one hell of a wild ride," said Project Leader, Dr Allan Paull.
BAE SYSTEMS Avionics To Play A Major Part In JSF
BAE SYSTEMS' Avionics Group is to play a major part in the next System Design and Development (SDD) phase of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project following the selection of Lockheed Martin to act as the prime contractor for this multi-billion dollar programme for the next generation of strike aircraft.
Avionics will be providing a number of new developments to the programme, which will form a key part of future aircraft fleets of the US and United Kingdom - for the latter alongside the Eurofighter, to which the Group is also a major contributor.
These include major contributions to the JSF's electro-optical (EO) targeting system and the laser sub-system, with Avionics taking part in the EO system overall design. Its contribution is based on the Group's extensive targeting system expertise, covering all aspects from R&D through to volume manufacture.
Avionics expects to participate in aspects of the design, modelling, and simulation of the Electronic Warfare (EW) system and to supply a number of the associated modules. These will be based upon recent technology innovation programmes and will be supplied into the JSF project via BAE SYSTEMS North America, which will provide the overall EW system for the aircraft. The logistics system supporting the aircraft's avionics suite will benefit from BAE SYSTEMS' combined UK and US expertise, helping to reduce significantly aircraft through-life costs whilst maintaining enhanced levels of availability.
In addition, the Group will supply its Active Stick & Throttle technology into the project. This solution, already very successfully demonstrated during the recent Concept Demonstrator flight test programme, replaces traditional mechanical systems with advanced digitally controlled powered systems, offering greater design flexibility and reliability, supporting enhanced pilot and aircraft performance.
Group Managing Director, Chris Geoghegan, commented "Our partnership with Lockheed Martin in the development of the JSF was a key part of our strategy to inject the Avionics Group's benchmark technology into this world leading aircraft project. "
Rockwell Collins Anticipates $2 Billion From JSF Programme
Rockwell Collins anticipates more than $2 billion in contracts over the life of the Joint Strike Fighter program, with more than $130 million in contracts for the full scale development phase of the program. As a member of the Lockheed Martin team, Rockwell Collins major areas of concentration will be displays, both cockpit and helmet-mounted, and in communication navigation integration systems.
The Joint Strike Fighter will include Rockwell Collins components for TRW's communication navigation integration systems. The modern aircraft is designed to take off quickly and land vertically, both on carrier decks and unimproved/confined landing spaces, evade radar and provide pilots with advanced technology in the cockpit. The US DoD anticipates ordering up to 3,000 of these aircraft over the next 40 years.
Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics Corporation, a Rockwell Collins company, will supply large format projection display systems for the aircraft. The system's operational advantages to the pilot include a 20 x 8-inch full colour sunlight readable display and a touch screen graphical user interface. Projection display technology advances include increased performance under extreme environments and a flexible open architecture. This modular open system approach will allow the displays to adapt to the dynamic commercial market and be easily upgradable throughout the life of the JSF program, reducing acquisition and ownership costs.
In addition, Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics has primary responsibility for the design, manufacture, testing, production and support for the aircraft's 8x8-inch multifunction display system. Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics is a recognised leader in the development and production of colour Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMLCD)-based cockpit displays for tactical military aircraft.
The JSF will also incorporate helmet mounted display (HMD) technology. Vision Systems International, a joint venture between Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics and EFW/Elbit Systems L.L.W., will provide this HMD featuring precise navigation and targeting, day and night vision capability and 24-hour wide field of view enhancing the pilot's situational awareness.
"Our experience in providing aviation electronics and communications equipment to all branches of the US Department of Defense made Rockwell Collins a key player on Lockheed Martin's JSF team,'' said Clay Jones, president and CEO, Rockwell Collins.
Chief Of Staff Shares Views On Global Strike Task Force
"Kicking down the door" and ensuring access for persistent, follow-on forces is the entry fee for winning future conflicts. The Global Strike Task Force is the Air Force's concept of operations for how it is going to do that by defeating anti-access threats.
Gen. John Jumper, Air Force chief of staff, explained the concept, and its importance to the United States in an uncertain world, during an air staff call Oct. 24 in the Pentagon.
Successfully implementing GSTF will require the right mix of stealth, supercruise, precision and integrated information, Jumper said.

F-22s with maneuverable stealth will supercruise to their targets, destroying the most lethal surface-to-air missile threats and air-to-air threats, he said. Older, legacy-stealth B-2 Spirit will work in concert with F-22 Raptors to demolish the adversary's remaining anti-access capabilities. Together, with other ground, sea, air and special operation forces capabilities, they will clear the way for other joint forces to enter the fight. Ultimately, GSTF will prepare the battlefield for persistent follow-on forces and establish the conditions for future victory.
To illustrate his point, Jumper referred to lessons learned from several military operations conducted in the 1990s.
"In every case we weren't able to do the job with a shock attack; it took persistent 24-hour-a-day operations over the battlefield for a sustained period of time to get the job done," he said.
"You don't do persistent operations over the battlefield with forces coming from 3,000 miles away," Jumper said. "And that's the thing you have to remember -- if you're going to win the war, you have to persist over the battlefield 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You have to be there to do the job as the targets emerge."
Increasingly, the Air Force's future success will depend upon its ability to rapidly engage fleeting, or emerging, targets, Jumper said. Such time-critical targeting requires unprecedented coordination and interoperability among command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, known as C2ISR. They must be intimately linked with all air and space capabilities. It is less about platforms and more about effects and capabilities.
"When we talk about the horizontal integration of manned, unmanned and space assets, it rolls off the tongue but we don't mention one platform or one system -- it's one program -- one integrated capability that we need," Jumper said. "It makes sense."
Jumper said the challenge is making the elements of GSTF come together.
"The perfect example is space-based radar," he said. "I get a lot of grief over space-based radar because I don't want to make the subject of the sentence space or air. Tell me the best mix between the airborne and space-borne platforms to get the best, most reliable information to commanders on the ground. I can't do that if the fight is between do we put the technology in space' or 'do we put it in the air.'"
The important thing is that we identify and pursue the right mix of capabilities, he said. Horizontally integrating C2ISR assets and automating them so they can have machine-level conversations among themselves is crucial.
Jumper said he envisions this kind of highly integrated force in the future:
"The sum of the wisdom of these platforms is a cursor over the target," he said. "Once you do that, you put the sum of that wisdom down in front of the commander, who's making the decision."
In the end, the Air Force needs robust operational concepts to guide its planning, programming and budgeting process, Jumper said.
"I've been frustrated for a very long time over a lack of ability to find a greater cause than program budgets," Jumper said. "We tend to talk about what we're going to go buy to win a war before we talk about how we're going to win the war. What I'm trying to do is find a construct we can all use to get beyond that."
F-15 Strike Eagles Hit Afghan Targets
Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle aircraft hit targets in Afghanistan recently, marking the first action for the aircraft in Operation Enduring Freedom.
The attacks came in two waves. The first fighters launched early in the day and the second later in the evening after the return of the first wave.
Officials here said the aircraft -- from the "Bold Tigers" squadron -- hit their primary targets on the first attempt and returned to base despite anti-aircraft fire from the ground.

"There are a few pieces of (Taliban) stuff that don't exist anymore," said "T.J.," the pilot of the lead aircraft.
Prior to the launch, the maintenance crews and other flightline operations specialists gathered to watch the aircraft take off. As the crews boarded their fighters, "Chaz," the squadron operations officer, gave them a thumbs-up and said "Exit Trojan: Come home on your shield or carrying it."
The maintainers then lined the flightline as the aircraft taxied and cheered the aircrews.
The aircraft, crews and maintenance people arrived in Southwest Asia only days before the attacks. The unit was originally slated to participate in the ongoing Operation Southern Watch, the enforcement of a United Nations-mandated no-fly zone over southern Iraq.
The F-15s are part of one of the Air Force's air expeditionary wings, designed to respond in short notice to contingency situations. The unit received word that they would fly against targets in Afghanistan roughly 24 hours before the strikes.
"They're great people, great professionals," Chaz said. "They've been so far leaning forward to get this mission done, it's been an impressive sight."
[ Send Us News | Archives ]
by Gail Helmer
Wednesday October 31, 2001
- Real War Enhancement Kit Update
- Boeing Makes Statement On Lost JSF Contract
- American Technology Proposes Acoustic Non-Lethal Weapons
- Norway Negotiates Participation In Eurofighter Programme
- Lockheed Martin Minehunting System Passes Testing Milestone
- Eurofighter, Fokker Aerospace Sign MoU
- Hyshot Test A Valuable Failure
- BAE SYSTEMS Avionics To Play A Major Part In JSF
- Rockwell Collins Anticipates $2 Billion From JSF Programme
- Chief Of Staff Shares Views On Global Strike Task Force
- F-15 Strike Eagles Hit Afghan Targets
Real War Enhancement Kit Update
Earlier this month Rival Interactive announced plans to release a Real War Enhancement Kit. The Real War development team is working on several issues for the enhancement kit that will be released in early November. They are concentrating on sea unit pathing and AI issues. Infantry responsiveness and overall game balance issues are being addressed. The "anti-air chasing enemy units" and the "unit loading/unloading" issues are also being addressed. The team is also creating new maps. Click here for previous coverage.
Military News
Boeing Makes Statement On Lost JSF Contract
Yesterday, Department of Defense officials debriefed Boeing on our Joint Strike Fighter proposal. I went to Washington, D.C., to find out why we lost. I came away with the understanding that we didn't lose. But Lockheed Martin clearly won. There's a difference.
Our "A" was not as good as Lockheed Martin's "A-plus." I think Major General Mike Hough, the government's program manager for JSF, summed it up best: "Boeing rated a 9 and Lockheed rated a 10." That's testament to the fantastic team who worked on our program. They did everything they were asked to do – and more. Our design not only met but exceeded the requirements…but the Lockheed Martin design exceeded them even more – and in key areas.

Both companies were graded at many levels that funneled into a few broad categories. Boeing scored higher than Lockheed in overall management and in past performance. And we generally tied in terms of affordability, although Boeing was assessed to have more risk factors in that area. Lockheed Martin consistently scored higher in air vehicle design. In almost every area it was close; but also in almost every area, they had the edge.
If I had to point to one factor that made the biggest difference, it would be the two companies' approaches to propulsion for the short-take-off-and-vertical-landing, or STOVL, variant. While our design met the requirement, Lockheed Martin's lift-fan approach was judged to have better performance potential than our direct-lift system.
Now we know why we didn't win. We also know what we, as a company, have gained. Ultimately, our JSF One Team has made Boeing more competitive across the board. Many existing Boeing programs, such as the Super Hornet, already are reaping the benefits of some of the revolutionary advances that our JSF team drove. And Boeing will continue to apply these advances – in areas like materials, manufacturing and how we manage programs – to future systems, including unmanned vehicles and the Sonic Cruiser.
One of the great things I took away from the debrief was an affirmation of just how strong our team really is. Nothing I heard yesterday even begins to dent my confidence in our potential for the future. Our strengths in design, manufacturing and support are top notch, and we're going to be in this business for many years to come.
American Technology Proposes Acoustic Non-Lethal Weapons
In response to the US Department of Defense's call issued last week for help in fighting terrorism American Technology, an innovator of new sound technologies, has proposed a state-of-the-art non-lethal weapon technology, the Directed Stick Radiator (DSR) in answering.
The Directed Stick Radiator is a portable, battery-operated non-lethal weapon technology that uses a high intensity acoustic pressure wave to disorient and disable targeted individuals up to 100 yards away. The DSR discharge causes no lasting effects on the targeted individuals and could be safely used in aircraft without fear of puncturing the fuselage. The company has been asked by the US Army and a major defense contractor to submit the DSR technology to the Pentagon for funding consideration.
Elwood Norris, CEO and chairman of American Technology, stated, "Our Directed Stick Radiator technology is a breakthrough in portable, non-lethal weaponry for military personnel and law enforcement officers. Instead of using noxious chemicals, high voltage sparks or other close-quarters means of disabling a suspect, DSR could allow authorised users to safely and remotely incapacitate a specific individual or small group temporarily. DSR could also be used for animal control without harmful effects. We believe our DSR technology has the potential to become the non-lethal weapon of choice for military and law enforcement use."
The company has also been requested to submit specific configurations of its HSS (HyperSonic Sound) and NeoPlanar loudspeaker technologies for non-weapon-related military audio applications. Presentations of the technologies to government and military officials have been ongoing with several more scheduled through November.
Norway Negotiates Participation In Eurofighter Programme
The Norwegian Ministry of Defence has decided to begin negotiations about participation in the further development of the Eurofighter, with a view to replace Norway's F-16 aircraft after 2010. The negotiations will start with NETMA, the NATO EF 2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency.
Norway is already participating in a preliminary phase in the American Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, and is also negotiating with American authorities about participation in the further development of this programme.
During the discussion of the long-term proposition for the Armed Forces in June, Parliament decided to prepare an acquisition of new fighters. A modern and effective Air Force is absolutely essential for a credible defence.
With an eye to the next generation of fighters, the Ministry of Defence believes it is important for Norway to participate in a multinational co-operation. This includes development and acquisition, operative co-operation, logistics, education and training.
The result of the negotiations, and especially which programme that will present the best opportunity to have a broad co-operation, will be important when making the choice about participation in the programmes. The decision will most likely be made during the first half of 2002.
Lockheed Martin Minehunting System Passes Testing Milestone
Lockheed Martin today announced the successful completion of the second Critical Item Test (CIT) required for development and production of the AN/WLD-1(V)1 Remote Minehunting System.
During the CIT-2b offshore testing phase completed in early September, the Remote Minehunting Vehicle (RMV) successfully accomplished 147 different tests with more than 85 hours at-sea. The testing phase validated the RMV's new control surface designs and algorithms over a full range of transit and minehunting speeds and maneuvers. It also demonstrated a capability for the RMV to be operated from a shore-based command and control center using line-of-sight radio control, a capability that is desirable for potential coastal surveillance as well as port and harbor security missions.
"Although not part of the test objectives, CIT-2b showed how this reconnaissance system can be operated from shore, not just off a Navy ship," explained Brad Hines, manager, business development for Undersea Systems. "This means that countries that don't have large surface combatants from which to host the AN/WLD-1(V)1 Remote Minehunting System may still be able to operate an RMV from a barge, pier or ship of opportunity, controlled from a portable command and control unit."
Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems-Undersea Systems (NE&SS-Undersea Systems) is developing AN/WLD-1(V)1 in Syracuse, N.Y., and Riviera Beach, Fla., under a contract awarded in December 1999 by the U.S. Navy. It will provide Arleigh Burke-Class DDG-51 Flight IIA ships with their first-ever mine reconnaissance capability through the use of an unmanned remote vehicle. Key elements of AN/WLD-1(V)1 include a diesel-powered, semi-submersible Remote Minehunting Vehicle (RMV) with a deployable Variable Depth Sensor (VDS), line of sight and over-the-horizon real-time data links, a shipboard launch and recovery subsystem, and a software segment, which integrates AN/WLD-1(V)1 into the ship's AN/SQQ-89(V)15 Undersea Warfare System.
The AN/WLD-1(V)1 currently is undergoing the third phase of CIT, which will focus on deployment, retrieval and towing the variable depth sensor (VDS) from the RMV, and will validate the RMV's speed and performance with the VDS deployed. The data will be used during the Critical Design Review (CDR) later this year.
"The third CIT is the last major at-sea risk mitigation test for the AN/WLD-1(V)1 before CDR," said Robert Manning, program manager. "We'll enter the total system CDR in December and will begin fabrication, assembly and test of the system next year."
Eurofighter, Fokker Aerospace Sign MoU
Eurofighter and Dutch company Fokker Aerospace B.V. have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with that will cover industrial collaboration and partnership ahead of the planned F-16 replacement for the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
The MoU is a key element in a package of industrial partnership agreements with Dutch industry that will potentially have a value in excess of Euro 7 billion across the four partners of the Eurofighter programme - Alenia Aerospazio, BAE SYSTEMS, EADS-Deutschland and EADS- CASA.
Industrial activity will cover a wide range of programmes including Eurofighter production and development, Airbus commercial and military aircraft and other defence and aerospace programmes.
Under the agreement Fokker have an opportunity to be in involved in current production of Eurofighter aircraft for the four launch customers in Germany, Italy Spain and the UK. Production of a first batch of Eurofighter aircraft for these nations is already well advanced with deliveries planned for June 2002. Initial Fokker participation could include manufacture of airframe structures and components for these aircraft and subsequent production aircraft to be delivered to all participating nations.
The major portion of future industrial co-operation will be realised through key development and production of an Enhanced Eurofighter to be delivered from 2010 plus any RNLAF or other export purchase. Collaboration in this phase of the programme will include Structure and Systems work for Eurofighter development and production as well as opportunities to enhance existing activities on other defence and aerospace programmes such as Airbus and A400M.
"This MoU is the strongest possible signal we can provide to Dutch industry of our support for the future decision of the Dutch Government in the F-16 Replacement Programme," said Cesare Gianni, President Eurofighter International. "Our programme for co-operation is based on a clear understanding of how to get work on major programmes in to partner factories and businesses. Dutch industry is being invited to join the largest European Defence Programme as a full partner. The implications
Hyshot Test A Valuable Failure
An attempt to achieve supersonic combustion in launch of the HyShot experiment at Woomera in the Australian outback has been unsuccessful. However, the team are confident they have retrieved information that will be valuable in working toward flight testing air breathing scramjets. The hypersonic, air-breathing rocket could pave the way for craft capable of three times the speed of Concorde.
The scramjet propulsion system uses different technology to jet engines and traditional rockets and has no moving parts Instead of carrying both fuel and oxygen, the scramjet carries only fuel and therefore has the potential to half the overall weight and efficiency of the rocket or aircraft. However, it relies on oxygen in the atmosphere. To get the oxygen to ignite the fuel, it needs to take in the oxygen at extremely high speeds in its combustion chamber.

The HyShot scramjet is designed to power-on at Mach 7.6, nearly eight times the speed of sound. The launch was designed to carry the scramjet to a height of 300 km. The 1.6 meter (5.3 foot) scramjet would then fall to earth, gaining speed as it fell. Instruments on the HyShot were transmitting data, which the scientists have been analyzing.
"Although we didn't achieve all that we set out to achieve, we succeeded in gathering valuable data, and we're encouraged by the fact the payload survived one hell of a wild ride," said Project Leader, Dr Allan Paull.
BAE SYSTEMS Avionics To Play A Major Part In JSF
BAE SYSTEMS' Avionics Group is to play a major part in the next System Design and Development (SDD) phase of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project following the selection of Lockheed Martin to act as the prime contractor for this multi-billion dollar programme for the next generation of strike aircraft.
Avionics will be providing a number of new developments to the programme, which will form a key part of future aircraft fleets of the US and United Kingdom - for the latter alongside the Eurofighter, to which the Group is also a major contributor.
These include major contributions to the JSF's electro-optical (EO) targeting system and the laser sub-system, with Avionics taking part in the EO system overall design. Its contribution is based on the Group's extensive targeting system expertise, covering all aspects from R&D through to volume manufacture.
Avionics expects to participate in aspects of the design, modelling, and simulation of the Electronic Warfare (EW) system and to supply a number of the associated modules. These will be based upon recent technology innovation programmes and will be supplied into the JSF project via BAE SYSTEMS North America, which will provide the overall EW system for the aircraft. The logistics system supporting the aircraft's avionics suite will benefit from BAE SYSTEMS' combined UK and US expertise, helping to reduce significantly aircraft through-life costs whilst maintaining enhanced levels of availability.
In addition, the Group will supply its Active Stick & Throttle technology into the project. This solution, already very successfully demonstrated during the recent Concept Demonstrator flight test programme, replaces traditional mechanical systems with advanced digitally controlled powered systems, offering greater design flexibility and reliability, supporting enhanced pilot and aircraft performance.
Group Managing Director, Chris Geoghegan, commented "Our partnership with Lockheed Martin in the development of the JSF was a key part of our strategy to inject the Avionics Group's benchmark technology into this world leading aircraft project. "
Rockwell Collins Anticipates $2 Billion From JSF Programme
Rockwell Collins anticipates more than $2 billion in contracts over the life of the Joint Strike Fighter program, with more than $130 million in contracts for the full scale development phase of the program. As a member of the Lockheed Martin team, Rockwell Collins major areas of concentration will be displays, both cockpit and helmet-mounted, and in communication navigation integration systems.
The Joint Strike Fighter will include Rockwell Collins components for TRW's communication navigation integration systems. The modern aircraft is designed to take off quickly and land vertically, both on carrier decks and unimproved/confined landing spaces, evade radar and provide pilots with advanced technology in the cockpit. The US DoD anticipates ordering up to 3,000 of these aircraft over the next 40 years.
Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics Corporation, a Rockwell Collins company, will supply large format projection display systems for the aircraft. The system's operational advantages to the pilot include a 20 x 8-inch full colour sunlight readable display and a touch screen graphical user interface. Projection display technology advances include increased performance under extreme environments and a flexible open architecture. This modular open system approach will allow the displays to adapt to the dynamic commercial market and be easily upgradable throughout the life of the JSF program, reducing acquisition and ownership costs.
In addition, Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics has primary responsibility for the design, manufacture, testing, production and support for the aircraft's 8x8-inch multifunction display system. Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics is a recognised leader in the development and production of colour Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMLCD)-based cockpit displays for tactical military aircraft.
The JSF will also incorporate helmet mounted display (HMD) technology. Vision Systems International, a joint venture between Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics and EFW/Elbit Systems L.L.W., will provide this HMD featuring precise navigation and targeting, day and night vision capability and 24-hour wide field of view enhancing the pilot's situational awareness.
"Our experience in providing aviation electronics and communications equipment to all branches of the US Department of Defense made Rockwell Collins a key player on Lockheed Martin's JSF team,'' said Clay Jones, president and CEO, Rockwell Collins.
Chief Of Staff Shares Views On Global Strike Task Force
"Kicking down the door" and ensuring access for persistent, follow-on forces is the entry fee for winning future conflicts. The Global Strike Task Force is the Air Force's concept of operations for how it is going to do that by defeating anti-access threats.
Gen. John Jumper, Air Force chief of staff, explained the concept, and its importance to the United States in an uncertain world, during an air staff call Oct. 24 in the Pentagon.
Successfully implementing GSTF will require the right mix of stealth, supercruise, precision and integrated information, Jumper said.

F-22s with maneuverable stealth will supercruise to their targets, destroying the most lethal surface-to-air missile threats and air-to-air threats, he said. Older, legacy-stealth B-2 Spirit will work in concert with F-22 Raptors to demolish the adversary's remaining anti-access capabilities. Together, with other ground, sea, air and special operation forces capabilities, they will clear the way for other joint forces to enter the fight. Ultimately, GSTF will prepare the battlefield for persistent follow-on forces and establish the conditions for future victory.
To illustrate his point, Jumper referred to lessons learned from several military operations conducted in the 1990s.
"In every case we weren't able to do the job with a shock attack; it took persistent 24-hour-a-day operations over the battlefield for a sustained period of time to get the job done," he said.
"You don't do persistent operations over the battlefield with forces coming from 3,000 miles away," Jumper said. "And that's the thing you have to remember -- if you're going to win the war, you have to persist over the battlefield 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You have to be there to do the job as the targets emerge."
Increasingly, the Air Force's future success will depend upon its ability to rapidly engage fleeting, or emerging, targets, Jumper said. Such time-critical targeting requires unprecedented coordination and interoperability among command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, known as C2ISR. They must be intimately linked with all air and space capabilities. It is less about platforms and more about effects and capabilities.
"When we talk about the horizontal integration of manned, unmanned and space assets, it rolls off the tongue but we don't mention one platform or one system -- it's one program -- one integrated capability that we need," Jumper said. "It makes sense."
Jumper said the challenge is making the elements of GSTF come together.
"The perfect example is space-based radar," he said. "I get a lot of grief over space-based radar because I don't want to make the subject of the sentence space or air. Tell me the best mix between the airborne and space-borne platforms to get the best, most reliable information to commanders on the ground. I can't do that if the fight is between do we put the technology in space' or 'do we put it in the air.'"
The important thing is that we identify and pursue the right mix of capabilities, he said. Horizontally integrating C2ISR assets and automating them so they can have machine-level conversations among themselves is crucial.
Jumper said he envisions this kind of highly integrated force in the future:
"The sum of the wisdom of these platforms is a cursor over the target," he said. "Once you do that, you put the sum of that wisdom down in front of the commander, who's making the decision."
In the end, the Air Force needs robust operational concepts to guide its planning, programming and budgeting process, Jumper said.
"I've been frustrated for a very long time over a lack of ability to find a greater cause than program budgets," Jumper said. "We tend to talk about what we're going to go buy to win a war before we talk about how we're going to win the war. What I'm trying to do is find a construct we can all use to get beyond that."
F-15 Strike Eagles Hit Afghan Targets
Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle aircraft hit targets in Afghanistan recently, marking the first action for the aircraft in Operation Enduring Freedom.
The attacks came in two waves. The first fighters launched early in the day and the second later in the evening after the return of the first wave.
Officials here said the aircraft -- from the "Bold Tigers" squadron -- hit their primary targets on the first attempt and returned to base despite anti-aircraft fire from the ground.

"There are a few pieces of (Taliban) stuff that don't exist anymore," said "T.J.," the pilot of the lead aircraft.
Prior to the launch, the maintenance crews and other flightline operations specialists gathered to watch the aircraft take off. As the crews boarded their fighters, "Chaz," the squadron operations officer, gave them a thumbs-up and said "Exit Trojan: Come home on your shield or carrying it."
The maintainers then lined the flightline as the aircraft taxied and cheered the aircrews.
The aircraft, crews and maintenance people arrived in Southwest Asia only days before the attacks. The unit was originally slated to participate in the ongoing Operation Southern Watch, the enforcement of a United Nations-mandated no-fly zone over southern Iraq.
The F-15s are part of one of the Air Force's air expeditionary wings, designed to respond in short notice to contingency situations. The unit received word that they would fly against targets in Afghanistan roughly 24 hours before the strikes.
"They're great people, great professionals," Chaz said. "They've been so far leaning forward to get this mission done, it's been an impressive sight."