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Weekend News, September 18 & 19
12:47PM MST Sunday - Mini Flanker2 Preview
  • For even more insight and amazing pictures from Flanker2, you can check out one of the beta testers web site here: Flanker2 Mini Preview
8:11AM MST Sunday - COMBATSIM.COM Theme Desktop Images
  • Martin Öberg has created a very nice desktop background with COMBATSIM.COM as the theme. Images includes a normal desktop background and Active Desktop html page. You can download them here: Theme Pack
12:30AM MST Saturday - Military News: PAC-3 TEST SUCCESFUL
  • The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Army today conducted a successful intercept test of the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. this morning at 7:26 a.m. Mountain Time. Test objectives included a body-to-body intercept of a threat representative of a tactical ballistic missile target; a demonstrated capability of the ground system and missile to detect, track, and engage the target, and to collect data to evaluate missile homing functions.

    The PAC-3 missile is a high-velocity, hit-to-kill missile and is the next-generation PATRIOT missile being developed to provide increased defense capability against advanced theater ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and hostile aircraft.

    The PAC-3 missile successfully completed three missions prior to today's flight test. The first two PAC-3 development test missions consisted of missiles with special instrumentation packages in place of the seeker. The missions were structured to verify critical systems and missile performance prior to conducting target intercept flight tests. A seeker characterization flight (SCF) mission was conducted March 15, 1999, to test a PAC-3 missile with a seeker. Although not a primary objective of the SCF, an intercept of the target was achieved. The remaining PAC-3 missions will consist of 15 PAC-3 missiles intercepting different classes of targets.

    Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Dallas, Texas, is the prime contractor responsible for missile development. The seeker is produced by Boeing in Huntsville, Ala. Raytheon Company is the system integrator for the PAC-3 missile.
12:00AM MST Saturday - COMBATSIM.COM Article: F-18 Screen Shots
  • Sporting enough carrier ops for the most demanding combat flight fan, F/A 18E is set to create a new standard for realism. Here are some exclusive screen shots, watch for a preview Monday! F/A 18E
Friday, September 17
New Articles @ Combatsim 6:30 A.M. MST - New Mod for Rogue Spear Demo
  • Rogue Spear NET has a brand new mod that allows the use of all multiplayer weapons in the single player game. You can download the file here: Weapon Mod
6:00 A.M. MST - RS Toolkit 1.0
  • Rogue Spear Retreat has announced that the the RS Toolkit 1.0 has been released! This version features a lot of new options for player config, server config, and general options. This version ONLY has support for the Rogue Spear Demo. You can download it here: Toolkit 1.0
5:50 A.M. MST - New Creative Unified Drivers
  • Creative Labs has posted version 1.20 beta of the unified drivers for their Graphics Blaster TNT and 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra video cards. This version features chroma key fixes, as well as optimizations for several games. You can download them here: Creative Drivers
4:33 A.M. MST - Tribes Demo
  • 3DFiles has posted the Tribes Demo. Starsiege TRIBES is a revolutionary first-person shooter set in the Starsiege Universe which pits different warring tribes against each other. This first-person 3D action shooter is designed from scratch to focus on cooperative multiplayer gaming. You can down load it here: Tribes Demo
Thursday, September 16
4:45 A.M. MST - New Resource Site for Thrustmaster
  • The Thrustmaster Resource Center is a new web site on Thrustmaster Flightsticks. It's main focus is information on how to fix/modify/enhance them.
    Thanks to "Sliver" for the news tip
Wednesday, September 15
New Articles @ COMBATSIM.COM Today 5:08 P.M. MST -Delta Force2 Site Updated 3:00 P.M. MST - V-22 Holds Promise for US Special Ops
  • WASHINGTON USA-- If the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey becomes part of the Air Force inventory, it's prowess will be a welcome addition, according to the commander of the Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, Fla.

    Given all its assets, the Osprey's added range and speed in areas of darkness -- a critical element in major theater wars -- enhances the mission and compliments the C-130, said Lt. Gen. Clay Bailey at the Pentagon during a recent demonstration of the V-22. The Air Force is expected to receive 50 V-22s for the special operations mission.

    "Every mission won't require advanced technology," the general said. "We will package to counter the threat."

    The V-22 can perform missions of fixed- and rotor-wing aircraft like the MC-130 Combat Talon and MH-53J Pave Low. The V-22 is scheduled to replace both the MH-53J and MH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters.

    The Osprey's weight of 11,497 pounds is much less than the MH-53J. According to Col. Scott Stephens, the command's director of plans, programs and operations, the nose of the aircraft will rise higher for better visibility because of the probes used inside to support the aircraft's capabilities. He said the multimode radar, extensive range fuel tanks and advance intelligence systems add to the aircraft's speed, range and flexibility.

    Testing of the Osprey starts in the spring of 2000. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps all plan to use the aircraft. The Air Force version, the CV-22A, should be operational in 2004 when the first six arrive at Hurlburt Field.

    The Air Force plans to provide CV-22 mission-specific qualifications training for aircrews at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. Maintenance training for selected Air Force specialties will be at Marine Corps Air Station New River, N.C.

    Although funding for the Osprey has not yet been approved by Congress, defense officials are optimistic.

    The complete article can be read here: Air Force News:V22
8:05 A.M. MST - New Add-on For Microsoft CFS
  • For our Italian fans: Greenmice Group has released a trial version of the REGIA COLLECTION # 1. It consists of the best italian aircraft during WWII and 2 Campaigns (Libia and The Battle of Britain). You can view the site here: GMG. Thanks Giampaolo!
7:02 A.M. MST - Janes USAF Fan Site
  • There is a new Janes USAF fan site called USAF Central. Thanks John!
6:50 A.M. MST - New 3DFX Web Site]
  • 3DFX has launched a new web site for the 3DFX gamer! You can view this resourceful site here: 3DFX Games
Tuesday, September 14
1:43 P.M. MST - New ProPilot 2000 Videos
  • A new .AVI has been posted on the PP2K web site in the Flight Lounge-Downloads area. It is called "Landing Practice.AVI"
1:44 P.M. MST - New Link to Flanker2 Preview
  • The URL I posted to last week on the Flanker2 Preview from the 89th Fighter Wing has moved. You can now view the article here F2 Preview (Thanks Scott!)
10:44 A.M. MST - 3Dfiles: Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.08
  • 3DFiles has the latest on BC3K: The final BC3K v2.08, complete with Tactical Operations Command, is now online! BC3K v2.08 gives new meaning to 'Electronic Battlefield' with simultaneous air, ground and space battles, waged in real-time, all the time, around the clock. No limits. No cheats. No hassle. Pure fun and with some extensive optimizations. You can download it here: BC3K
10:41 A.M. MST - Rainbow6 Mod for Halflife?
  • The Sherman Project is a realistic military based mod for Halflife. It basically would turn Halflife into Rainbow6 with all the same weapons and maps. You can visit the site by clicking here: The Sherman Project
Monday, September 13th
8:32PM MST - New Forum Boards on COMBATSIM.COM
  • Our fearless Publisher, Douglas Helmer, has installed a new, searchable forum system here at COMBATSIM.COM. He says we have ten days (or less!) to get moved over and settled into the new system. Why the move? "I got tired of telling everybody that the planned upgrade for our existing board was coming. I was told over six months ago by the developers of our current system that a new version was 'just around the corner,' but it never materialized. The new system is from Ultimate Bulletin Board which everyone should be familiar with." Here's hopin' the change-over goes smoothly. Click here to go there now. In addition---in case any of you were wondering---Douglas also says that all of the People Behind the Posts messages will be preserved in an HTML archive.
1:34PM MST - New Aureal Sound Cards
  • Aureal are releasing two sound cards based on their Vortex sound technology. The SQ2500 and the SW1500 PCI Sound cards will be available later this month. You can read more information from their web site here: Aureal
1:20PM MST - Colour 99
  • Colours 99 is a military hobbyist show with people playing all types of games over the 2 days. It's taking place this weekend (18th-19th September) at the hexagon Reading Berkshire UK. Here is the list of titles they plan to play this weekend:
    • Mig Alley
    • Aliens vs Predator
    • Flight Unlimited 3
    • Quake 3
    • B17 II with European Airwar
    • Panzer Elite
    • Mech warrior III

    For more information, you can email Steve Pritchard.
1:13PM MST - Masters of War
  • There is a new release in MoW, the fantasy strategic war-game game. You can now play without using your real name, using only a nickname of your choice. For more information on this product, you can read it here: MoW
1:10PM MST - Imeron Ships Intensor fx Gaming Seat
  • Imeron Inc today announced that the Intensor fx, has shipped to stores nationwide. For more information, check their web site here: Imeron
10:23AM MST - United States and Russia: Center for Y2K Strategic Stability
  • The United States and the Russian Federation have signed a joint statement indicating their intent to establish the Center for Year 2000 Strategic Stability (CY2KSS) during the Year 2000 (Y2K) transition period. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and Russian Federation Minister of Defense Igor Sergeyev formally signed the statement in Moscow today.

    In the CY2KSS, U.S. and Russian military personnel will sit side-by-side during the Y2K transition period, from late December 1999 to mid-January 2000, and continuously monitor U.S.-provided information on missile and space launches. These people will be in voice contact with command centers in the U.S. and Russia via a highly reliable, Y2K-tested communications link.

    In addition to missile and space launches, the center will serve as a means to communicate about other defense-related events that could be potentially de-stabilizing, such as an aircraft going off course due to a Y2K failure of a navigation or communication system.
9:47AM MST - Rogue Spear News
  • Rouge Spear Net has a link to the first mod for Rogue Spear. Its mod for Rogue Spear "demo" and allows the use of smoke grenades and c4 in single player games. You can download it from here. The Zone has set up Rogue Spear on the Zone. You can view the Zone site here.

  • Rogue Spear Retreat has news on several issues with Rainbow6 and Rogue Spear:
  • Lone Wolf & Tango Hunt fix for RS Demo - Most people are unable to access the Lone Wolf and Terrorist Hunt features after completing the RS demo in single player mode. Greg Stelmack, core engineer for RS, mentioned on the RSE forums that they are looking into this problem. However, there was a post yesterday by "SPO" on the RSE forums about a possible fix as follows: "All you have to do is first copy RM01.MIS to something like RM01SAV.MIS to keep it safe, then copy RM01.THT to RM01.MIS. This allows Terrorist Hunt! If you rename the RM01.LWF to RM01.MIS you can play Lone Wolf! These files are in the Rogue Spear Demo/Data/Mission directory"
  • R6 Utilities Website - The creator of some utlities for R6 has a webpage up where you can get his weapon editor and upcoming mission editor. Visit it here.
Saturday-Sunday, September 11-12
6:28PM MST Sunday - Huge Flanker2 Article at 89th (NZ) Fighter Wing 12:10PM MST Sunday - Cheating Concerns with Rogue Spear
  • RogueSpear.Net is reporting that there are several concerns about cheating with Rouge Spear, especially online. For more information, you can read the article here: RS-Cheats
12:01PM MST Sunday - Panzer Elite Web Site Up!
  • Wings Simulations has posted their Panzer Elite website. In the news portion they have announced that they hope to have PZEL out the last of September or early October!
12:00PM MST Sunday - New ProPilot2000 Video
  • Dynamix has released a new video for ProPilot2000. You can view it here: PP2K VID
11:12AM MST Sunday - New Matrox Drivers
  • Matrox has posted new Millennium G400 Series Drivers (version 5.25). You can download them here: G400 New Drivers
  • They have also just publicly released a Beta ICD patch that can be used in conjunction with these new drivers to give a slight performance boost in Open GL titles. This BETA ICD Patch is linked off of our Latest Drivers Page at OpenGL






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