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Monday, September 11th, 2000
0355Z: News from 3Dfx
- SAN JOSE, Calif.- September 11, 2000 -3dfx Interactive® Inc. (NASDAQ:TDFX) today announced that worldwide volume shipments have begun for the company's new Voodoo4* 4500 AGP and Voodoo4 4500 PCI 3D graphics accelerators. The arrival of these products on retail shelves is imminent, with availability of new computer systems equipped with the 4500 products to follow shortly thereafter.
If you want to know what the investing world thinks of this news, check out Yahoo's investment forum on 3dfx
0355Z: Preview of Swat 3 Expansion Pack: Elite Edition
- 10-David.Com has completed an in-depth, six-page preview of Elite Edition, the SWAT 3 expansion pack, due out in under a month. The preview includes some unique information released through the official SWAT 3 forums
0355Z: US Feds Report on Violence in Gaming
- From CNN.com: "The entertainment industry aggressively markets violent movies, music and electronic games to underage youths even when they have been labeled as appropriate for adults only," federal regulators said Monday. According to the report, "the practice of pervasive and aggressive marketing of violent movies, music and electronic games to children undermines the credibility of the industries' ratings and labels," said the report. The FTC pointed to materials submitted by the industry, showing intentional plans to promote their products to underage audiences. For the full story, head over to CNN.com.
0355Z: Wilco Publishing: 767 Pilot in Command
- Wilco's new add-on to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 gives desktop pilots a series of nerve-wracking lessons in the art of managing predicaments ranging from tire blowouts, locked gears and windshear to electrical failure, cabin depressurization and engine trouble. No airliners go down in flames (Editor's note: Dang!), but according to the press material they have turned up the heat in the interest of showing simmers what real pilots face when they’re wrestling with more than 300,000 pounds of crippled metal. Further Details
0355Z: MadOnion: New LabPro Category
- MadOnion.com has announced a new section on their site that focuses on the needs of the business, manufacturing and IT professionals. According to their release, "LabPro affords you a comprehensive look at the BAPCo/MadOnion.com Line-up products that address the 4 cornerstones of professional performance testing, namely 3D, Video Streaming, Office and the Internet." The release goes onto say that "As a resource center for professional testers, LabPro will encourage discussion groups, relevant news items and opinion polls." Check it out.
Friday, September 8th, 2000
1928Z: More Flanker Attack Screenshots
1740Z: TANGO LAN Event
- The Texas Area Network Gamers Organization are accepting reservations for the tango LAN Event on Saturday, September 16th starting at 10:00am and running until midnight. Reservations are mandatory and seats are limited to around 80 people. Admission is $15 and covers your seat, table, power, network connection and drinks. Click HERE to register.
1720Z: VideoLogic Announces 2 Products
- VideoLogic has announced two new products, the DigiTheatre LC speaker system and the DigiTheatre PC home-cinema pack. DigiTheatre LC provides powerful satellite speakers for all channels, including dedicated centre and sub speakers. DigiTheatre PC home-cinema pack, which consists of VideoLogic's new SonicFury soundcard, DigiTheatre LC surround speaker system and the WinDVD 2000 software DVD player. Based on VideoLogic's DigiTheatre system, DigiTheatre PC's speakers are designed to complement VideoLogic's SonicFury six channel DSP soundcard.
Thursday, September 7th, 2000
1833Z: Sim Arena's Typhoon Video
- Sim Arena has posted a new video for Typhoon from their ECTS display. Click HERE for their update and the video (at bottom of page).
1800Z: ManOnion.Com Contest
- A couple months ago, MadOnion.com ran a contest where entrants submitted their 3DMark2000 score for the chance to win cool and groovy prizes. Among the prizes are, Video Adapters, New Games, Razor Boomslang Gaming Mice, MadOnion.com Ratzpads, and a virtual cornucopia of MadOnion.com software and gear. Click HERE for more info.
1752Z: Shogun Patch
- TotalWar.com has posted the long-awaited patch for Shogun. Click HERE to download.
1720Z: Plastic Monitors?
- Researchers at Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, have succeeded in making a 64-by-64-pixel display in which each pixel is turned on and off by a switch based on plastic electronics. This is a major step towards the realization of low-cost, flexible displays made in plastic. This kind of reloadable flexible display may even replace the daily newspaper one day.
Wednesday, September 6th, 2000
2201Z: Troff's Screenshot Gallery Update
- Troffmeister's Simulation Games Screen Shot Art Gallery special focus #6 is Jane's F/A-18. Click HERE to view.
1914Z: Flanker-Attack Screenshot
- A screenshot of an early alpha from Flanker-Attach has been posted on Flanker2.com. Click on the image above for the full picture.
1656Z: B-1B Fly-Any Patch for Falcon 4.0
- The F4 Alliance have released a patch that allows you to to fly any of the available aircraft in Multiplayer campaign with their B1 Realism mod. This fix is intended for Multiplayer game play in which multiple aircrafts will be flown by different players. You will no longer be restricted to just the B1. You can either host a campaign by first having this patch applied or by joining an existing campaign with some one that is already hosting it. Click HERE to download.
1650Z: Warship Database Project Preview #6
- Naval Warfare Simulations have announced the latest addition to the ongoing work to add more custom graphics to the Warship Database Project for Fleet Command. Preview #6 is now posted and includes 12 action packed screenshots of the Iowa class of battleships during various anti-surface and anti-air engagements. Click HERE to view.
1624Z: New IL-2 Screens
- Blue Byte has posted new screenshots from their World War 2 Combat Simulator, IL-2 Sturmovik. Click HERE to view and HERE for their press release.
1610Z: Raider Operations
- A new wargame in development called Raider Operations has opened a web site. Raider Operations is an Internet, multi-player, simultaneous movement, real-time game which re-creates strategic level naval gunnery operations and the tactical battles that derive directly from the results of those operations in the period from 1898 to 1944. Click HERE to visit.
1600Z: Maxi Sound Muse
- Guillemot have announced the Maxi Sound Muse, a new 4-channel PCI soundcard. The MUSE will be available in major retailers across the country beginning this week.
Tuesday, September 5th, 2000
1700Z: HAM's Flanker2 Cockpits
- HAM has updated all his Flanker 2.0 cockpit upgrades. Changes include compatiblity with TAR 2.0 and a fix for the right hand lower canopy frame on both the Su25 and Su39. Click HERE to download and scroll down for all files (Su-27, Su-33, Su-27 English, Su-27 Paris, Su-25, and Su-39 Cockpit updates).
1425Z: Beta Voodoo5 Drivers
- 3DFX has posted beta drivers for Voodoo5 Video Cards using Windows 9x. Click HERE to download.
1300Z: Wolrd War II Screens
- Six new screenshots and three new movies have been added to the World War II Online website. WWII Online is an Internet based simulation of WWII combat fought on land, air, and sea. Click HERE to view.
1200Z: Warship Database Project Update
- The NWS has informed us that they have delated the next release of the Warship Database Project Version 10 for a week to include a few more enhancements.
0500Z: CH Products Update
- CH's Flight Sim Yoke USB has started production. Circuit boards are now being assembled, and the first Flight Sim Yokes will be rolling off the production line soon. The current lists of supporting sims and game applications are listed on the USB Pro Pedals web page. Click HERE to view.
0120Z: CFS2 Website
- Microsoft has offically launched their website for Combat Flight Simulator II. Click HERE to visit.
Friday, September 1st, 2000
1745Z: No News Today
- No news today because Managing Editor and resident news hound, Ed Reddy, is getting hitched! Yes, married. The wedding is this Saturday and Ed and his lovely bride are making preparations for the big day. If you'd like to join with us in wishing Ed and Carol-Anne a happy wedding day and blessings for future bliss, click here.
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