Reviewed by Daniel "Crash" Crenshaw
Many of you are aware of the Random Mission Generator created by Mark Hermonat of Hermonat Software. The RMG gave us the ability to whip up a quick mission instead of going through the time consuming process of creating new missions once we had completed all the missions that came with SU-27 (and later version 1.5), or just needed a quick "kill fix".
GAME TOOL TECHNOLOGIES has worked with Hermonat Software to bring us the "DYNAMIC MISSION GENERATOR", a "generational improvement" of the RMG written in 32 bit code for Win 95.
Just what do we get with the DMD? Here is GTT's list of improvements over the DOS version of RMG.
- All of the functionality of RMG v1.6 ported to a new Windows 95 user-friendly GUI.
- Added selectable weather option (weather is randomized within each option).
- Added five Mission Start Time options.
- To take advantage of Flanker v1.5 - added Camouflage selection option for player, friendly and enemy flights (for Flanker v1.5 missions).
- To take advantage of Flanker v1.5 - Added Mission Span option to generate missions between 10 minutes and 99 days in length (for Flanker v1.5 missions).
- Added ability to play for Russian or Ukrainian side.
- Added option for player to select their own mission type among 5 types of air-to-ground and 4 types of air-to-air missions, including escort (provided there is an active escort request filed when player's flight is assigned).
- Combined generation of "Configured" and "Surprise" mission options in one interface.
- Added "Randomize" option to quickly vary mission variables as a third way for users to generate missions.
- CAP Mission-type has been enhanced to include BaseCAP, ShipCAP and AssetCAP missions.
- Air-to-air mission waypoint generation has been modified to be either defensive near friendly bases or offensive near enemy bases; not just random around the Crimea map. Observation type is still random around the map.
- Ability to save missions in directory of own choice.
- Ability to name missions a name of own choice.
- Added Reset Defaults option to easily start from ground zero again.
- Several minor bug fixes from RMG v1.6 code.
- The database of fixed object ground targets has been increased around the vicinity of the airbases to include bridges, powerplants, railyards, trains, submarines, lighthouses, etc. Now there are 236 individual fixed ground targets from which DMD can choose for vector attacks to. This is separate from the placed ground unit targets (SAMS, AAA, RADAR, etc).
- Protective ground units are also assigned to these new fixed ground objects.
- Attack flight packages can be vectored to these new fixed ground objects including attack, escort and wild weasel.
- Asset CAP flights can also be assigned to these new fixed ground objects.
- Adjusted fuel loads to 70% for all aircraft.
- Enhanced the payload for SEAD missions to include 6 X Kh-31p's on Su-27's.
The DMD is easy and quick to use and generates missions immediately. The GUI is very easy to understand and logically laid out. There are options for virtually every parameter and aspect of mission building available. With so many options, my first thought was that these were just pre-generated missions that were being determined by the various parameters setting. A quick test disproved this .... generated 10 missions with identical settings, no two were the same. There were some that were very similar, but of the ten, none were exactly the same. It does seem to be truly dynamic. Missions are generated in a non-classified format, so if you want to tweak anything that doesn't quite meet your approval, you can.
The DMD is also helpful for the "dynamic" generation of a campaign. By adjusting various parameters based on mission success, you can simulate a dynamic campaign. I ran about 10 missions in a row. I generated 1 mission and flew it, based on my success, I adjusted these parameters and generated a second mission. This altered the layout and generated a new mission. After each mission I did this which actually gave me a simulated dynamic campaign. There are still some limitations because of the way Flanker and the utility must interface, but using this concept and a little judicious tweaking on your own, you can create a very believable scenario. (An example would be if you performed an Airfield Strike, but did not completely take it out, it will get a fully stocked force at this location the next mission generation. You would need to manually go in and alter the amount of forces that should be remaining from the last mission. Taking into account reinforcements etc.).
There are also the options of generating a surprise missions and random missions as well.
Each screen has specific areas to adjust.
Screen 1: Set Air Assets (Click for larger image)
- Adjust Minimum and Maximum number of flights
- Set minimum and maximum Skill level (You can set a range, or one overall setting)
- Enable AWACS and hide all flights but your own options.
- Adjust Minimum and Maximum number of ground units
- Set minimum and maximum number of ships
- Determine the percentage of forces per side (is it a 50/50 even split, or are you at an advantage or disadvantage)
- You can also choose if the ground and ship units are hidden at mission start.
Screen 3: Define Conflict (Click for larger image)
- Airbase assignment (Friendly, Enemy or Inactive)
- Pick player side
- Choose mission type ( Anti-ship, Anti-Runway, Bombing Run, CAP, Escort, Intercept, Rocket Attack, SEAD, Training)
- Choose Home Base
- Implementation of Random Failures (for that extra bit of realism)
- Weather Settings
- Time of day setting
Screen 5: Camouflage (Click for larger image)
- Set Player, Friendly and Enemy camouflage schemes.
- From 10 minutes to 98 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.
This next screen shot is an example of a generated mission using the defaults you see in the other screen shots. Obviously, this could be made MUCH more intense by altering the parameters. The DMD's ability to generate coherent and intelligent missions is very good. I did come across some Russian and Ukrainian F-15's in some missions which may detract a bit from the over all realism.
Just the options themselves speak enough for this utility. It's ease of use, the flexibility it provides, the dynamic generation capabilities, all of these features and abilities make this a definite winner! Writing your own mission is fun, but time consuming. You also know every single thing about the mission, something you would not really be able to know. This adds that elusive unknown factor in that you don't get in a created mission. It is obvious this gem was written by true lovers of Flanker, and there has been a very high level of attention to detail.
Due to the release a few new sims and test duties, I had not done much SU-27 flying lately. With this utility, I have been flying it quite a lot again. My favorite feature is the ability to generate on the fly, mission by mission, a dynamic campaign. I keep coming back and starting a new one and trying different settings to see the effect. So far, I have yet to have an exact duplicate mission, and the odds of a duplicate campaign are almost non-existent.

Flanker junkies ... GET IT!!!!! You may never build another mission again.
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