DESCENT:FREESPACE by ... Maurice Fitzgerald | ||||
When I first heard of this title I paid it little mind. I am not a fan of the Descent series of games in the least, finding them a rather painful experience much akin to a visit to the Dentist. Yes, I’ve tried the games for as long as I could stomach them and I respect those who can hold their lunch down when playing them. I on the other hand don’t favor finding my McDonalds fries on the keyboard, and popping Advil to keep my head from hurting due to the constant motion sickness movement of the game. At E3 though I took a quick gander at this title just out of curiosity and found myself curious to know more. Hoping for a much better space sim than Interplays' last venture into this genre with Star Fleet Academy, I got myself a copy of this one.
A couple of weeks ago I grabbed a copy of Freespace and found myself both surprised and a bit let down at what I found. After playing the game in both single and multi-player (which at the moment is less than sterling) I came away with a good impression, but not a deep and lasting one. As long as Lucasarts and Origin continue to dominate this genre it will take a storyline as immersive as these can produce, teamed with either similar interactivity or some open ended options, for Freespace to truly compete. There is, however, one
addition to Freespace that will give the game some longevity and that is
FRED the mission editor. If Volition can get the bugs fixed with their
bug ridden multiplayer, Internet players might well have a decent sim here.
Starting in the Wing Commander style flight deck you can click on various areas and access all the information you’ll need. From here you can configure your options, check out ship specs, and start your campaigns very easily. Your briefings are very straightforward and concise but very dry. There is no interaction or that white knuckle feeling of urgency, something Origin and Lucasarts excel at bringing to the gamer. While they cover all the aspects of your upcoming mission, you can just as easily find your mission data on your in-flight HUD. So I found myself sometimes blowing right past the briefing and going straight into the missions. With
a less than sweet taste in my mouth from the rather dry briefing set up
I headed into my ship configuration screen and found a very nice drag and
drop interface. The interface allows you to choose your ships and loadout
rather easily, so getting prepped for a mission is a no brainer. It wasn’t
until I actually got into the flight that I really got interested, the
graphics are VERY sweet. Once again feeling that happy buzz that accompanies
nice eye candy, I headed through my first of 3 training missions. Training
missions have been very nicely woven into your mission tree and are actually
a nice way to handle those people like me who just wanna jump right in.
From your
HUD you can review your mission briefing and what objectives you have accomplished
so far, almost like a pilots kneepad. You can also follow all the ships
in your task force easily, especially those mission important ones you
may need to protect. Your HUD can be customized to your preference as can
just about everything in this game, which is very important to those hard
core flight simmers who have a fully decked out HOTAS. (Unlike me and my
rather simple keyboard and CH FS Pro :) )
Bringing in one of
the elements I enjoyed from the Lucasarts Star Wars titles, you can target
specific spots on an enemy vessel, sensors, shields, guns, engines etc.
These all play an important role when facing off against those big cap
ships later on, and can also help you disable a ship rather easily. Another
nice aspect of this targeting control is that you can also instruct your
wingmen to attack those same specific targets, that’s the way it’s supposed
to be! Add to this some very convincing and tough AI and you have
a lot of great combat on your hands.
![]() One of the big PR points of Freespace was the look and size of their cap ships. Claiming to be the biggest in any space sim on the market I was eager to see if the claim was true. Let me tell you this, I would HATE
to have to face off against these bad boys in real-life, they’re monstrosities
the likes of which we have yet to see in a space sim. The detail level
is nothing short of excellent as you traverse down the flank of one of
these babies and observe guns and missile tracking you, rotating radar
and just an overall feeling of reality.
While the graphics are some of the best out there my overall feel of the game is overshadowed by the lack of backstory and no interactivity in the game. I feel no urgency, no immersion that makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself. I just feel like I’m playing a space flight sim and go from mission to mission, leaving me with an arcade game feel. The missions themselves, while sometimes challenging, are nothing more than the standard space flight sim search and destroy and escort missions. A more involving storyline would have served this game better a and that is what the genre demands. Now to the biggest problem with Freespace: multiplayer. Volition has their own server from which you can play and it’s rather easy to access, they’ve even included a way to patch your game through their site. While this is a nice feature, it’s an omen of the state of multiplayer in this game. It just seems to me the game was pushed out the door before full multiplay testing was complete, a big no-no in todays game market. With internet
play at an all-time high and steadily increasing, there’s no excuse to
put out a multiplayer that is in an ongoing Beta stage. Volition has the
chance here to really be considered a player in the genre if it can give
some reliable internet play, something Origin has opted to leave out of
their WC series much to the chagrine of the fans of the WC series,
myself included.
played at 28.8 and at 56k and saw no real dramatic change in gameplay,
with lag a major issue. I’ve played co-op missions with other players and
have found myself in absurd twist and burn fights with AI opponents that
lasted in excess of 10 minutes! Now I know knife fights can last long if
you have some great piloting but 10 minutes?! The worst part about it is
I was seeing hits, but they were not registering. I asked my co-op partner
how many kills he had and I was told 41, while I had only 6 this is after
over 40 minutes of play! The obvious reason for this was lag as he was
playing over a cable modem and I was at 56k. There are further patches
coming out that are supposed to decrease lag but I have yet to test the
latest patch. To be honest part of me is so frustrated by my initial tests
I feel somewhat hesitant to spend more time being a tester.
For some really great action this one delivers. Overall it's a VERY fun game, it looks nice and play is very smooth. But with no depth to the story or feeling of urgency you may feel like you are playing a very sweet looking arcade title, that falls just short of being a really engrossing sim. With a lack of storyline this one will rely heavily on mutliplayer for longevity, and if the multiplayer aspects cannot be fixed this one may well find itself selling itself short. COMBATSIM RATING:
Core Rating : 50