panzer-corps-2-frontlines-cyrenaicaPanzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Cyrenaica is finally available. This expansion immerses players in the North African Campaign, focusing on the strategic battles for Cyrenaica during Operation E and Operation Compass.

To celebrate the launch, the DLC is available at a 10% discount for two weeks.

Watch the new Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Cyrenaica Gameplay Trailer HERE.

Players can experience two distinct campaigns, leading both Italian and British forces through historically significant scenarios. Each mission is playable from both perspectives, offering diverse strategic opportunities.

The DLC introduces new units, including the Italian Moto Guzzi TriAlce motorcycle and British Gloster Gladiator biplane, enhancing tactical gameplay. Players must navigate harsh desert conditions, manage supplies, and adapt to dynamic weather challenges like sandstorms.

Innovative mechanics, such as diminishing core slots and hero-based gameplay featuring historical generals, add depth to the strategic experience. Decisions made in one scenario influence subsequent missions, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning.

broken-arrowSlated to launch in June 2025 and currently the most wishlisted RTS game on Steam, already boasting half a million players who’ve passionately participated in previous multiplayer open betas, Broken Arrow is set to make waves in the real-time strategy genre. Promising to deliver a unique army-building system and deep unit customization tools allowing for endless replayability, each battle will be truly unique and immersive.

Joining the roster is The Stryker Cavalry Regiment. Its mobile units allow for unparalleled pace and lethality, striking opponents with precision, while its armored infantry units bring the firepower deadliness.

Comprising Stryker vehicles, M10 Bookers, truck-based units, plus additional infantry and air support, this specialization deck offers a more transportable force to strike a balance between heavy sheathing and foot soldiers.

In Broken Arrow, the Stryker Cavalry Regiment truly embodies the balance between speed and density. The speed of the Strykers is inferior to the lighter transports of the airborne specialization, but it makes up for this with sheer vigor. Combined with the light-footed ground units, this regiment is frankly a force to be reckoned with.

A deeper dive into The Stryker Cavalry Regiment can be found in this developer deep dive on Steam.

For more game information please visit the games website or its official Steam page.

Wargaming, the developer and publisher of the leading cross-platform naval multiplayer game World of Warships, is sailing into March with a new update. The 14.2 update has players looking forward to new Experimental ships, the return of the Operations with Flagships battle type, and Soviet Submarines plunging into Early Access.

Starting March 5th, players eager to take the helm of new vessels will be able to get hands-on with three new Experimental Ships, including Tier VIII French heavy cruiser Metz, Tier IX Soviet cruiser Vyazma, and Tier X American battleship Oregon. Designed for veteran players, each ship begins battles with a fraction of its hit point pool that slowly recovers during combat. Those brave enough to command these vessels can take on a special mission chain to earn Coal for their hard-earned efforts.

This update also sees the return of Operations with Flagships. To keep things fresh, players will see new changes to the formula, as Flagships set a course for destruction on the high seas. With increased health and the ability to buff the ships they are leading into battle, each fight will become more diverse as randomized Flagships, each with various effects and vulnerabilities, seek out players to destroy. This time around, players will be able to increase their odds of survival by using Classified Documents to boost their ship’s battle capabilities.

Finally, underwater ships are on the radar, with new Soviet Submarines joining Early Access. Tier VI Soviet submarine S-1, Tier VIII Soviet submarine L-20, and Tier X Soviet submarine K-1 are all available and ready to dive deep into combat, each equipped with powerful and fast torpedoes, long-ranged Submarine Surveillance, and Fast Damage Control Team. They may lack the speed of other underwater vessels, but on the surface, they’ll pack a punch.

You can find patch notes HERE.

Watch the 14.2 Update Trailer HERE.

Visit the official World of Warships website now for more game info and to sign up to play World of Warships for free!

MMORPGs World of Warships | Donster | |

Dozens of new vehicles and visual improvements for the maps are a part of the new update

Gaijin Entertainment announces that the “Hornet’s Sting” major content update for the military online shooter War Thunder will be released in mid-March. Three iconic maps will receive massive visual updates, and dozens of new military vehicles will join the fight. Some of the most interesting additions are the F/A-18 fighter jet, Hopkins Mk.I light tank, and HMS Warspite battleship.

The F/A-18 Hornet carrier-based fighter jet that has been used in most military conflicts where the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have been involved in, including Libya, the Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm, the Balkans and Afghanistan. In addition to the United States, other countries have operated the F/A-18 Hornet, including Canada, Finland, Australia, Kuwait and some more. It was also widely featured in popular culture, including blockbuster movies.

The Hornet’s Sting update will bring American F/A-18A and F/A-18C variants, as well as Finnish F/A-18C, all of them featuring a bit different set of available weapons and combat systems. One of those is the Walleye II ER/DL guided bomb equipped with a thermal imaging homing head.

The Mk VIII Light Tank, the Harry Hopkins, was designed in late 1941 in order to replace the Mk VII Tetrarch, with the primary goal of increasing the overall armor protection. It features 38 mm of armor on the turret and hull, with the latter having some decent sloping, enough to stop hits from some of the weaker shells, which is more than most light tanks can boast. AP shells of its fast-firing 40 mm cannon can get through a max of 89 mm of armor, and the APHE can be similarly destructive.

Advance to the Rhine, Sinai and Jungle have all undergone major visual overhauls. Artists have replaced the models with better looking and more authentic ones, updated the textures, added more vegetation and decorative elements, while preserving the overall layout and design. For example, a railway and telegraph line have been added between the main combat areas and the water channel in Sinai. The Jungle map also received gameplay improvements, offering more balanced terrain traversal options.

Watch the ‘Hornet’s Sting’ Update Trailer HERE.

More information on Hornet’s Sting update is available on the official website of the game.

MMORPGs War Thunder | Donster | |

hearts-of-iron-4-graveyard-of-empiresRewrite the history of a new front in history’s most destructive conflict in Graveyard of Empires, a new country pack for Hearts of Iron IV. This new add-on to Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy wargame about World War II focuses on the nations of central and south Asia, each fighting for survival or independence amidst the fires of a global war.

New National Focus trees for four countries add new color and flavor to an alternate history sandbox, where the future is determined by your decisions in a region historically dominated by distant larger powers.

Watch the Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Official Release Trailer HERE.

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires is available now for the suggested retail price of $14.99/ £12.79/ €14.99 and is also available as a part of the Hearts of Iron IV Expansion Pass.

For more game information please visit the official Hearts of Iron IV website, or via the games Steam page.

campaign-series-middle-east-1948-1985Matrix Games announced today the release of Update 3.00.01 for Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985. It brings a host of new features, enhancements, and fixes, ensuring an even deeper and more immersive tactical wargaming experience.

What is new?

  • Revamped 3D Map Graphics: the game’s visuals have been improved for better readability and an overall enhanced look, making it easier to analyze the battlefield at a glance.
  • A completely new Main Menu Interface: the front-end UI has been redesigned to streamline navigation, making it easier than ever to jump into your favorite scenarios.
  • Expanded Order of Battle: Iran and Iraq is now fully integrated into the Order of Battle editor.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This version requires uninstalling the previous version before installing the current one. Be sure to complete your ongoing games. Going forward, before installing any new updates, please ensure that all game modifications are disabled using the JSGME tool, if you had previously enabled any of them.

    You can download the Remastered Update from the store page or by navigating to the File Downloads section under My Page and downloading it from there

    View the changelog HERE.

    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 is a turn-based tactical wargame covering conflicts in the Middle East from 1948 to 1985. It portrays battles across a wide range of historical and hypothetical conflicts, from the First Arab-Israeli War to the Invasion of Lebanon in 1982, as well as border clashes, civil wars, and Cold War-era proxy battles.

    Each scenario is played on historically accurate maps, created using period topographic data, set on a 250-meter hex-grid with seven view modes. Scenarios include meeting engagements, trench defenses, armored breakthroughs, battles of attrition, and mobile defenses. The game features platoon-level formations, with select squad-level units for detailed tactical engagements.

    company-of-heroes-3Independent game studio Relic Entertainment today announced the launch of Fire & Steel, a major Battlegroup DLC pack for Company of Heroes 3, available now for US $24.99. Alongside the DLC, the studio is also celebrating the release of the massive 2.0 Anniversary Update, marking a significant milestone for the acclaimed real-time strategy game.

    Fire & Steel Battlegroup DLC:

    Fire & Steel introduces four new Battlegroups, one for each army in Company of Heroes 3, designed to enhance multiplayer and co-op/skirmish vs AI gameplay. These Battlegroups offer powerful new units and abilities, allowing players to diversify their tactics and strategies.

  • US Forces – Heavy Weapons Battlegroup: Dominate the battlefield with superior team weapons and halftracks, culminating in the arrival of the legendary M26 Pershing super-heavy tank.
  • Wehrmacht – Terror Battlegroup: Shatter enemy morale with devastating airstrikes, suppression tactics, and the formidable King Tiger super-heavy tank.
  • British Forces – Canadian Shock Battlegroup: Seize territory and unleash powerful incendiary weapons, supported by the iconic Churchill Crocodile super-heavy tank.
  • Afrikakorps – Panzerjäger Kommand Battlegroup: Cripple enemy advances with defensive obstacles and unleash the devastating Elefant Tank Destroyer.
  • These Battlegroups represent an evolution of the Commanders and Doctrines from previous Company of Heroes titles, delivering highly requested super-heavy tanks and fresh gameplay experiences.

    2.0 Anniversary Update:

    Coinciding with the Fire & Steel launch, the 2.0 Anniversary Update significantly enhances Company of Heroes 3. This update, marking the game’s second anniversary, builds upon a year of continuous improvements and player feedback.

    Watch the 2.0 Anniversary Update Overview Video HERE.

    Key features of the 2.0 update include:

  • Single Player Campaign Updates
  • Audio, UI, and Immersion improvements
  • Balance Updates
  • New Maps, including returning franchise classics
  • In addition to the new changes in 2.0, here are some of the key features added over the last year.

  • Mission selection
  • Vote-to-surrender
  • FX improvements
  • Player profile match history
  • Automatch cooldowns
  • Time to kill overhaul
  • Profile customization
  • In-game leaderboards
  • Live observer mode
  • Veterancy overhaul
  • And many other improvements.
  • Over the past year, Relic Entertainment has also added 13 new maps, numerous balance updates, AI improvements, and UI enhancements.

    Company of Heroes 3 has come a long way since launch. I’m incredibly proud of what the team has accomplished in improving the game through a number of great updates. I’m also excited about our plans to make the game even better going forward, and giving our loyal players even more to look forward to.” Said Justin Dowdeswell, CEO of Relic Entertainment.

    Company of Heroes 3: Fire & Steel and the 2.0 Anniversary Update are available now on Steam.
    Visit the game page on Steam:

    And the Fire & Steel DLC:

    command-modern-operations-fail-safeFail Safe is the newest DLC for Command: Modern Operations. Set in 1965 – one of most fraught periods of the Cold War – Fail Safe features period accurate weapons and vehicles that will guarantee an authentic wargaming experience.

    Guided missiles, early supersonic fighters like the F-104 Starfighter and MiG-19 Farmer, and naval vessels like the Soviet Sverdlov-class cruiser are just a small sample of the military platforms available in Fail Safe.

    A 10% launch discount is up now on Steam and the Matrix store.

    Watch the Command: Modern Operations – Fail Safe launch trailer HERE.

    From an opening scramble to recover a downed aircraft, ASW activities off the coast of Newfoundland, and the final battles of World War 3 where atomic weapons are finally unleashed – 12 missions will run you through the gamut.

    Fail Safe is the pinnacle of 1960′s Cold War air and sea wargaming. The closest you can get to seeing what would have happened if Western and Soviet naval and airpower had fought the war that truly would have ended all wars.

    task-force-admiral-vol-1-american-carrier-battlesMicroProse is thrilled to announce its early participation in the upcoming Steam Next Fest commencing February 24th, where players will get hands-on demo experience with the highly anticipated title coming soon: Task Force Admiral – Vol.1: American Carrier Battles!

    Task Force Admiral – Vol.1: American Carrier Battles

    Task Force Admiral Vol.1: American Carrier Battles is a single-player experience centered on the command of an early Pacific War US Navy carrier task force. As the overall commander, you are in charge of seeking the destruction of the enemy naval forces and preventing your opponent, the Japanese Navy, from accomplishing its objectives. To achieve your aims, you have at your disposal the most fearsome sea projection weapon known to Man in 1942: your carrier air groups and the task forces that support them.

    As a carrier task force admiral in this pioneering age of air/naval warfare, assume the mantle of retribution in this innovative interpretation of a classic topic, as the first title in a new series that will further explore and develop the genre. Forget about the limitations of the past, and let the best of wargaming and simulation blend and blossom together in this new take on command at sea! Re-live the great battles of the first year of the Pacific War as if you were there yourself. In here there is no dice roll, no artificial skill-tree, no arbitrary stats, selective fog of war or supernatural crystal-clear communications. It is real-time crisis management for you, realism and historicity without concession, as little abstraction as can be, and loads of action, suspense and refreshing gameplay packed in the same single computer software.

    Watch the Limited Physical Edition Kickstarter & Demo Trailer HERE.

    Play the demo now via Steam!

    Armored Warfare, the tactical free-to-play MMO with over 12 million downloads from developer Wishlist Games, is excited to announce the upcoming Battle Path: Shadow Protocol, launching in April 2025. This event takes you deep into the world of mercenaries and modern warfare, delivering exclusive vehicles, overhauled missions and customization rewards – all set against gritty battlefields spanning urban, desert and jungle environments. Pre-order now and claim exclusive rewards, available only in the Web Shop.


  • Borsuk (Tier 10 Premium AFV) – A brand-new Polish Infantry Fighting Vehicle designed to replace the outdated BMP-1. Equipped with a 40mm autocannon, Spike ATGMs, and Mechanized Infantry deployment, the Borsuk excels in mobility and fire support. Its unique Repair Zone ability deploys a temporary field that restores allied vehicles, making it a crucial support asset on the battlefield.
  • T-64BV Mod.2022 (Tier 8 Premium MBT) – A modernized Ukrainian main battle tank, featuring upgraded rear protection with cage armor and additional plating over its fuel tanks. Armed with a 125mm cannon and a new Laska K-2 machine gun mount, this tank offers solid protection and firepower in close combat.
  • KNIFV (Tier 10 Premium TD) – A futuristic South Korean tank destroyer developed by Hanwha. It features a long-range anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launcher in the back and a remote-controlled weapons station with a 30mm automatic cannon for additional defense. Built for precision strikes, it dominates long-range engagements.

  • 50 levels of progression, each packed with rewards including exclusive camouflages, decals, in-game currency, and loot crates.
  • Mission System Overhaul – More challenging, but also more rewarding.
  • Exclusive skins not available by any other means.
  • Mercenary Loot Crates featuring Premium vehicles and commanders like Ophelia Kitescu & Alexander Cortez, gold compensation for duplicate drops.
  • Expanded Battle Path Shop – Additional vehicles and items will be available at standardized prices.

  • Standard Access Bundle – Includes Shadow Protocol access, the Mists of Winter camouflage, the Winter Mercenary player avatar, and the Cold-Hearted player title.
  • Battle Coin Boost Bundle – Includes Shadow Protocol access, 50,000 Battle Coins, the Mists of Winter camouflage, the Winter Mercenary player avatar, and the Cold-Hearted player title.
  • Mission Boost Bundle – Includes Shadow Protocol access, 10 Battle Coin boosters, the Mists of Winter camouflage, the Winter Mercenary player avatar, and the Cold-Hearted player title.
  • To find out more about Armored Warfare and download the game for free, visit the games official website, or visit the games Steam page.

    Armor Combat News Armored Warfare | Donster | |