Flanker 2 Interview
by Dan "Crash" Crenshaw |
Q. Will the buildings just "pop up" like 1.5 did at only very close ranges? CN - The "pop-up" has been a problem that we have been working on for some time. While we have the situation optimized, there is still a "pop-up" effect that is particularly noticeable with buildings. Q· Is this range dependant upon graphics settings? E.g. Will power users be ale to set this so the buildings appear farther out? CN - Yes. Q. Let's expand on our conversation on the campaign. The campaign is "semi-dynamic". This is a phrase being used lately to mean a scripted, branched campaign. You explained that the previous missions performance will have some impact on the follow up missions. While the way the term "semi-dynamic" is being abused lately, your concept actual does have some very interesting "semi-dynamic" qualities. Can you explain what you mean and how this will work? CN - Our campaign system works in a series of Phases. The results from the initial Phase dictate the selection of the next Phase. The results of the previous Phase are carried over to the next scenario (i.e. a destroyed bridge will remain destroyed). Additional Mission Conditions can be set that provide for variations in unit presence, size, placement, and locations depending upon parameters either met or missed in a previous phase. The conditions can utilize Boolean logic parameters (or, and, and/or). When a user ends a mission they will see a dialog box that asks if they wish to proceed to the next Phase. If they choose yes, the next Phase will be a scenario that is selected based upon the Phase Completion Conditions of the previous Phase. Individual variations will also be present in the next Phase based upon the Mission Conditions established by the designer. These can be simple "if - then" conditions or they can be more complicated conditions that require a series of conditional parameters. It is up to the imagination of the designer. Q. Will its destruction dis-allow a scripted movement of troops? (eg: if a unit was slated to "move" or be repositioned over a bridge from one mission to the next, will this destruction prevent that movement?) CN - That's up to the campaign designer. They can make that a mission condition to be present for the next Phase. Q· This sounds pretty complicated, trying to keep track of all possible results between phases. How does the interface and design module assist the designer in keeping track of all of the variables? How many and what type of variables are available? CN - The interface for the Campaign Editor is presented in the form of a branching list that allows the user to see all the Phase Completion and Mission Conditions in a list format that is presented in sequence. |
![]() Su33 sev It looks more daunting than it really is; once you understand how the campaign system works, the editor makes sense. A well organized series of Phases with logical and creative conditional factors will make for an outstanding campaign. I'm sure we'll see a wide variety of very creative and innovative campaigns being created by Flanker users. Q· If you destroy an airfield, will flights scripted to take off from that field be deleted and no long be able to attack? CN - At present, we have a time limit on damaged runways until they are repaired.
![]() Q· Does this flow down to all types of units? Ships, carrier based flights, etc. ? CN - The designer can create conditions with all types of units. Q· How is the OOB managed? (at the start, resupply, etc.?) CN - The OOB is established by the scenario designer. There is presently no logistics model present other than what the scenario has allocated in the OOB. Q· Are there any options for resource management included? CN - No resource management at the scenario level. Campaigns can simulate resource being made available in later Phases that are dependant upon conditions. Q· How is attrition handled? CN - The same as resource management. Go to Part V
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