The Russians Are Coming: Flanker 2.0 in Review | ||||
![]() The Su27 and Su33 are all purpose fighter bombers. This means the beginner has the challenge of learning not only how to fly it, but to dogfight, mud move, carrier ops, SAM avoidance, BVR radar intercept, helmet mounted targeting system (SHLEM) and other Soviet weapon systems. For the beginner this can be a very daunting barrier. Throw in the Cyrillic symbology and its enough to scare novices away. What SSI has done to make this learning curve more manageable is to provide training missions with narrated instructions. Then to make it even more extensible, this GUI can have users make their own recorded mission with voice narrations (See STINGER's padlock training add-on in links provided). Next throw in the capability to choose between English or Cyrillic symbology, and user add-on cockpit labels and reflection lift lines, and what you get is a very user friendly flying environment.
![]() Flanker Encyclopedia Some say that a good measure of the quality of a product is in its breadth and depth in documentation. I tend to agree - to a point. Having a 600 page manual for Falcon4.0 pleased a techno-geek like myself to no end. But it probably scared a lot of others away from even buying or firing up the sim because the average weekend warrior has enough to do already. |
Flanker2.0 has several means by which to educate everyone from novice to the hardest of hardcore simmer. The 257 page manual teaches you the avionics suite, the basics of flight, the weapons and their targeting systems, BFM tactics, SAM killing and avoidance, the mission editor and multiplayer. And when you're flying and in the thick of a mission, SSI supplies you with a single ringed set of quick key and system usage laminated reference cards. Great for your kneeboard, if you use one!
![]() Flanker Docs Manual and quick reference cards are great for learning the sim. But having an interactive method of learning the specifications, identification, and capabilities of the objects you will encounter in your missions is a great way to conduct ground schooling. This is implemented in F2 with computer based training in a system they call the Encyclopedia. From here you can learn the skill of visual ID, which is critical in obtaining mission objectives, before it's too late. If you are into designing custom made camo skins, you can also use this tool for zooming and panning around to view your artwork. The combination of manual, reference cards and encyclopedia gives the pilot a comprehensive set of documentation. Add to this the narrated training, the training track missions, and instant action; the virtual pilot has everything he/she needs to get up to speed on Flanker.
MULTIPLAYER: The last major aspect to Flanker2.0 that we will examine is also my personal favorite aspect to flight sims: online game play or multiplayer. For me, if a sim doesn't support MP, then it's not complete. MP is what brings a sim to life, literally. Go to Page Six
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