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Team Alligator
by Leonard "Viking1" Hjalmarson

Comms and Control

This is such a key area, I'd like to share a little more detail with you. Here are some of the command options in Team Alligator:

Cockpit View of Airbase
Slewed view of airbase in Belarus.

Orders - this defines your team orders when you reach a waypoint. These orders are fixed and can't be changed. The most common orders are:

  • Transit: fly to the next waypoint.
  • Land: land at a base.
  • Deploy: Transport helicopters to drop off their load.
  • Pick Up: Transport helicopters pick up a load.
  • SEAD: Engage all enemy air defence units.
  • Engage Primary: Engage all primary targets.
  • Engage Secondary: Engage all secondary targets.
  • Engage AFV: Engage all armoured vehicles.
  • Engage All: Engage all targets.

Ka 52
Ka52 team returning to base.

Actions on Contact - this is the standing order that determines how the flight reacts to the presence of an enemy. Enemies are defined either as threats to the aircraft or non-threats, depending on type and whether the helicopters are in the target's engagement envelope. For either threats or non-threats, you can cycle through the orders, which include:

  • Engage: engage and suppress/eliminate the enemy.
  • Bypass: bypass the enemy and fly to the next waypoint.

Radio Channels- you may issue orders to flights using your radio. You set your radio channel by pressing keys:

  • 1 Sets channel to Flight 1
  • Sets channel to Flight 2
  • 3 Sets channel to Flight 3
  • 4 Sets channel to Flight 4
  • 5 Sets channel to Flight 5
  • 0 Sets channel to All Flights

You will communicate orders only to those aircraft on the appropriate channel.

Click to continue


Ka 52
Another shot of the returning team.

Navigation Orders

You may issue navigation orders to flights as follows:

  • Ctrl + 1 Flight to go to next waypoint
  • Ctrl + 2 Flight to go to previous waypoint
  • Ctrl + 3 Return to base
  • Ctrl + 4 Flight go to ARSP
  • Ctrl + 5 Flight go to Rally Point
  • W Wait in place
  • E Formate on me and follow my lead
  • Z Go to Nap of Earth flight
  • X Bob-up from Nap of Earth flight

Combat Orders:

You may issue combat orders to flights as follows:

  • 1 Disengage from combat area
  • 2 Follow briefed orders
  • 3 Attack my target
  • 4 Attack designated target with laser weapons
  • 5 Suppress enemy air defences
  • 6 Engage primary targets
  • 7 Engage secondary targets
  • 8 Engage armoured vehicle targets
  • 9 Engage all targets
  • Q Request status of flight(s)

Rally Points and ARSPs

Each flight in the game has a Rally Point, a special waypoint representing a safe fallback area. If you need to pull a flight out of combat in a hurry, you may order that they fall back to the Rally Point using the Ctrl + 5 command. In some missions helicopters in the flight may have standing orders to fall back to the Rally Point on their own if damaged or low on ammunition or fuel.

Arming and Refuelling Supply Points (or ARSPs), are forward resupply points which may be specified in the mission. They are usually located at Rally Points. You may order that a flight fly to an ARSP and rearm and refuel by using the Ctrl + 4 command. If you fly your own helicopter to the ARSP and land, you will automatically be rearmed and refuelled.

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Last Updated July 27th, 1999

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