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Falcon 4: 800x600 Cockpit Downloads


SnQQpy.Dog has been busy editing the side views of the 800x600 cockpits, and these are now ready for download. In addition, he has allowed a customizable name tag area on the kneeboard...


Hey, can't beat that! You can now download the additional art or download the entire package including the side views from the links at the end of this article.

F4 Down Right Cockpit

Here is a look at the revised cockpit graphics in the download. ..

F4 Full Cockpit

Notice that this cockpit not only sharpens some of the graphics but also adds light indicators to the Master Mode and ICP display.

F4 Fixed Up View

This latter image is the cockpit revision that will give the frame rate gain noted. This revision also adds light indictors to the Master Mode display.

F4 Fixed Up View

This cockpit is a frame rate compromise compared to the one above, and will actually reduce your frame rate. However, it adds additional SA in the fixed UP view with the addition of ICP and TWS, and some of us prefer to use this view over the full display 2d cockpit. As a result, we have access to instruments compared to the cockpit at top and a frame rate increase compared to the full cockpit: nice compromise!

Of course, there is another option. This cockpit is by Jung-Hoon Kim, and more closely represents the actual F16 layout. If you prefer this one click on the link below the image to download it (instructions included in the zip).

F16 Cockpit

8x6 Cockpit Art.

Recently we have had a modification of Kim's cockpit (above) submitted to us. This one is by Rufus Parson and includes some color corrections as well as ICP buttons that light up when selected. Download Parson's modified cockpit by clicking HERE. And this version is modified slightly by GTT with two bug fixes: F4 Cockpit II.

Following is David's entire read me included with the download. Read this summary carefully and you will find out the goals of the graphic artist who submitted these revisions and you'll get an idea whether the download is for you or not.

An F-16 Cockpit for use in Falcon 4.0.
Tested in all day & night time modes.

The gfx are based on the original and since I don't have access to good photographs, I have used what is available on the WWW. If anyone has any high-res ones? (please!) then I could certainly improve on these!

There are eight files(plus this) included in this zip and a little explanation of them may be useful. The following concerns 800*600 screen displays.

Click to continue


Falcon 4.0 uses data tables to construct the cockpit views and set parameters for switches, lights and displays etc.. The three main front views are 'Hud view, 50-50 view and Down View'.

These gfx files are known respectively as 8_12.gif; 8_12_c.gif; 8_12_d.gif. The file used to select switch and light modes as well as items like the ADI, is 8_tmplt.gif. The most useful changes I have made concern 8_12.gif (Hud View). This is because the use of cockpit gfx in Falcon 4.0 directly affects frame rates.

I suspect this is because -rather than only updating changes when they occur- the whole display area is rescanned with each frame. Certainly this appears to be the only reasonable explanation.

SMM_8_12.gif - 40% faster

Since FR is a major issue I have produced a reduced size Hud View cockpit but still with access to the Master Mode Buttons. While a lot depends on your own settings cpu and gfx card, I have discovered an increase of 25-40% in fps. Which I hope will be of benefit to people that are looking for more speed. This Hud View is SMM_8_12.gif and has another rather pleasing effect. In order to achieve the proper perspective the view seen required adjusting and this brings more cockpit reflections into view. Some may not like this but personally I feel it adds more to the realism.

SICP_8_12.gif - ICP+Master Mode

This Hud View goes the other way from the original view, allowing access to the ICP controls as well as displaying the TWS. This reduces the frame rate a little but may be worth it for those with more power.

LMM_8_12.gif - Mod of the Original

This is a slightly modified version from the original and only really concerns the gfx on the top of the Hud screen which I don't like very much. This is a bit of a compromise as I'm limited to the index palette. May be I'll find a way around this in the future!

8_12_c.gif; 8_12_d.gif; 8_tmplt.gif

These are enhanced versions of the originals and offers improved gfx which are listed below.

Enhancements: The original makes good use of gfx but in some ways over does things in certain areas IMHO. I have removed a some of the scratches/dents that I believe didn't look too realistic.

All changes are for front viewing 800*600 2D screens.

Increased display area in highest Hud View 8_12v2.gif;

  • Improved all front view text
  • Sharpened appearance of knobs & buttons
  • Enhanced ICP dials
  • ICP switches now illuminate
  • TWS display sharpened
  • ADI gfx enhanced
  • Airspeed indicator gfx updated
  • Altimeter gfx updated
  • ADI/Alt/AirSpd housing gfx enhanced
  • ICP Buttons show wear marks
  • Master Mode Buttons now illuminate
  • Fuzzy labels cleaned-up
  • Larger Air Indicator Needle
  • Improved on Light reflections

Metal work generally sharpened or smoothed where appropriate. I accept that a lot of this is down to purely personal choice but should you like the work drop me an email.

Thanks to : Gilman 'Chopstick' Louie and his team at Microprose for a great flight sim - Falcon 4.0


This method applies to a Normal Falcon Install.

The way Falcon 4.0 reads the data for the zipped gfx is to first search the folder 'Falcon4\art\ckptart'. If requested files are located there they are bypassed from the rest of the, which is in the Falcon4\Zips folder. This makes our lives a little easier because we only need to install our changed files into the 'Falcon4\art\ckptart' folder and that's it.

First you need to place these files; 8_12_c.gif; 8_12_d.gif; 8_tmplt.gif into 'Falcon4\art\ckptart'. These files are generic in the sense that they are required for all the setups and accompany your chosen Hud View files.

Next you need to decide which Hud View you want and copy this together with its required dat file.

For example, if you choose SMM_8_12.gif then you will need the SMM_8_ckpit.dat also.

When the Hud View and dat are copied over to the folder 'Falcon4\art\ckptart' they just need renaming by removing the prefix. So SMM_8_12.gif simply becomes 8_12.gif and SMM_8_ckpit.dat would be named 8_ckpit.dat.

The only Hud that doesn't require a dat is LMM_8_12.gif but of course this still requires renaming to 8_12.gif.


All these files; 8_12_c.gif; 8_12_d.gif; 8_tmplt.gif need to be in 'Falcon4\art\ckptart' folder together with any of these sets:

Set1 SMM_8_ckpit.dat; SMM_8_12.gif;

Set2 SICP_8_ckpit.dat; SICP_8_12.gif

Set3 LMM_8_12.gif;

Which you will then rename 8_12.gif; 8_ckpit.dat Remember set3 does'nt require a dat.

Download: 800x600 New Cockpits. by SnQQpy.Dog. 1.3 meg includes side views.

800x600 Side Views Only. Note: SnQQpy.Dog is looking at the issue of the small size of HUD text and if he finds a fix he'll let us know. He is also exploring the issue of 1024x768 cockpit.


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Last Updated March 9th, 1999

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